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Surge Story: Chapter 2- "GAOWS" [Completed IC Thread]


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Kenny noticed the Gems flying at Emma, and made a snap decision.

"Emma, Return!"

Emma was returned to her Capsule, but not before getting knocked out by a few of the Gems. Kenny then barked out some orders to his other two GAOs.

"Eve, take out the remaining Guard Bee! Ryu, hit the Queen Bee as hard as you can!"

Eve responded by shooting some stars at the Queen Bee, the Swarm, and the Guard bee all at once. Ryu got in close to the Queen Bee, his foot caught on fire, and he then let off a kick at the Queen Bee.



Eve: Swift

Ryu: Blaze Kick (Used via Egg Move)

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Eve's stars hit the guard bee squarely, knocking it to the ground but failing to finish it off. "Neffi, now! Bite that thing's head off!" Jory shouted. His GAO complied, rushing over to the bee and crushing its head in between her jaws. The queen turned to watch her hive member die and was caught off guard by Ryu's fiery foot, spiraling to the ground with a char mark on her side. She buzzed loudly, and the honeybees abandoned their attack and began to swarm around her once more. A bright green light enveloped the queen, causing Jory to shield his eyes. When he looked back at their foe, he was shocked to see that the queen had been returned to full fighting capacity.

"Oliver, use your acrobatic attacks to begin picking off the honeybees! Kenny, I recommend you get to work on that as well!" Jory commanded. Oliver immediately leapt toward the queen, divebombing a honeybee with a kick and bringing it down quickly.



Eve: Swift

Neffi: Bite

Ryu: Blaze Kick

Vespiquen: Heal Order

Oliver: Acrobatics

Edited by Jory
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Kenny heard Jory speak, and then answered him.

"I'm on it!"

He then turned to his GAOs.

"Ryu, Eve, let's take out the Horde of Honeybees! Hit as many of them as you can!"

Ryu sprinted at the Honeybees, a white trail forming behind him, prepared to ricochet from Honeybee to Honeybee, and Eve...

yawned at the Queen Bee. Kenny was quite surprised by this, and spoke out at Eve.

"Eve, what in the world did you just do!? You attacked the wrong target!"

Eve then winked at Kenny, seeming to say that she had a plan, and that the thing that she just did was part of it. that's when the Queen Bee started to move a bit drowsily. Kenny noticed this, and pointed it out to Jory.

"Jory, are you seeing what i'm seeing?"



Ryu: Quick Attack

Eve: Yawn (Used via Egg Move)

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Ace didn’t have the time to completely dodge Rocky’s attack. Instead the monkey was forced to brace itself and use his arms as a shield, but still rolled back on impact. “Ace, take Rocky down with more fire!” Logan cheered his GAO on. “Cover yourself in flames and hit back!” The monkey immediately responded by forming a ball while covering itself in flames; leaving burn marks in the grass as he made a way to his rival.

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Jory nodded to Kenny, barely believing what he saw. Ryu's attacks connected cleanly as Oliver slammed down on another queen bee using the same maneuver as before. "Neffi, take down the queen!" The GAO obeyed, beginning to run toward the queen bee. She launched herself at it, bringing both of them to the ground. They wrestled tooth, claw, mandible, and stinger, and eventually the queen ended up on top. Her huge stinger was poised just above Nefertiti's throat when the large insect suddenly slumped over, emitting a soft snoring noise. Jory reacted immediately, wasting no time. "Oliver, use an acrobatic attack on the queen! Finish her!" The lizardlike GAO nodded and leapt high into the air, then slammed down on the queen bee. She was clearly badly injured and would no longer be able to fight. Suddenly, she turned her stinger on herself, repeatedly stabbing at her own abdomen until she stopped moving.

Jory let out a huge breath, then smiled at Kenny. "Now that's teamwork."



Oliver: Acrobatics

Ryu: Quick Attack

Neffi: Take Down

Oliver: Acrobatics

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Rocky was nailed bacwardk as the Monferno hit him. Out of all of the attacks thrown out so far, this one was the hardest hitting. But, it wasn't just the force of the impact that hit the small fighter. After the Tyrogue landed the flames from Ace's attack covered Rocky. In response, the tiny fighter did the only thing he could to put out the flames. He jumped on his head and started spinning.

Clint was livid. Not only was Rocky getting his ass handed to him, but now it was doing the only thing Clint had explicitly said not to do. "Cut that out Rocky!' he called to his partner. But, the orders of his master didn't stop Rocky from spinning. Instead, it seemed as though the Tyrogue only continued to spin harder as his master protested. Soon, the flames were dispersed, but that didn't stop the fighter. He continued to keep spinning, picking up more and more speed, until a white light engulfed him. Clint's expression changed instantly as he realized what was happening. His partner was finally experiencing the same change that many of the other GAOs had experienced. As Rocky continued to spin, it's new form became apparent. It grew larger. The spikes on it's head seemed to flatten in order to make a makeshift sort of hat. Large claws bust from his hands and feet. It grew a massive tail, along with a horn on it's head. Then as quickly as the white light had appeared it vanished. Taking Clint's Tyrogue, and leaving behind a newer, stronger, faster GAO.


The new lizard stopped skinning and turned back to face it's opponent. Clint was about to give a command, but the new GAO didn't waste any time, waiting for orders. It took it's fist and flashed forward at his opponent, copying the same attack it had launched the first time, a quick punch, but this time with a larger amount of power behind the blow.

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Romulus nodded it's head at Ray's latest order, tucking it's skull down low as it's eyes flash a bright teal and twin beams of light (Foresight) shot across the field towards DITS.

"Get out of the way!" Erick ordered, but the being simply glanced at him, that ominous grin still on it's ghostly face. Erick opened his mouth again, about to shout in a fury for it's disobedience, when the ray of light Romulus had fired collided with the Ghost in a flash of intense white. when the light faded.

Erick found himself surrounded by the apparitions of Native American Tribes Men. all of them had some strange type of white... tether around their neck, all connecting to the stone DITS lived in. the one closest to him glanced over, his eyes pleading.

"Help...us...please..." He uttered. and so did the apparition beside him, and the one beside that one, and so on and so forth until erick was completely lost in a sea of ghost men begging for mercy. he didn't respond, didn't know what the hell he could've possibly said in response to their pleas. I'm sorry? why, not he had done... whatever this was, to them. Sure, thing, I got your back, brah? he didn't even know what the hell was wrong with all of them, let alone how to solve the issue. and so he stood there, speechless. After a few moments, the apparitions all faded just as quickly as they had appeared. Erick looked at Ray.

"You saw that, right?"

"They were chanting something, weren't they?" Ray called out in response. good. So Erick wasn't going crazy. He pushed the thought from his mind for now, knowing he had to focus right now. he opened his mouth to issue out another order, only to be cut short by the sight of Ray's Heracross coming out of nowhere and takling DITS to the ground, beating it savagely it's fist. one blow after another, and they just kept coming. DITS let out an eerily human scream of pain as the assault continued. Erick ground his teeth... this like some fight scene out of fucking Dragon Ball Z or something, that show from fifty years ago that almost nobody even knows about now-adays. he soon got to the point where he couldn't take it anymore. DITS had stopped moving, it's form flickering, but Romulus just kept the beating coming, not letting up even a little. Ray was just sitting there and watching, like he had no responsibility if he allowed DITS to be beaten to death by HIS GAO

"You two," Erick said, anger beginning to rise in him. His gaze fell to Genisa and Beldum. "Confusion, followed by the strongest electric shock you can muster. Put that damn beetle down." both GAOs responded without hesitation, Genisa's eye's glowing as she picked up Romulus with telekinesis and sent him flying back across the field, making sure to drag the thing's face along the ground for extra damage. Beldum did it's usually axis rotation, building a stronger charge than it had ever gathered before. Genisa finished her telekinetic attack by tossing Romulus high into the air, making it the perfect Target for the massive burst of electricity that surged towards it after being released from Beldum. the familiar smell of burnt ozone and... something else, filled the air as the shock made it's mark and Romulus fell to the barren ground of the dirt road, convulsing and foaming at the mouth as the power of the sky itself ravaged it's body from the inside out. several minutes passed, and then Romulus fell completely still, it's beady yellow eyes rolled into the back of it's head.

Ray rushed out onto the field, checking for a pulse from Romulus and looking at Erick with a face full of contempt.

"You killed him... you bastard..." he examined the insect, finding multiple electric scorch marks on it's shell and exoskeleton. Erick examined his own GAO, finding the stone that it seemingly lived in to have a massive split down the middle. The beating from Romulus had been so intense that it had broken the rock nearly in two.

"Yeah..." Erick said "Well, you sent one of mine to the morg first." Ray just glared at him, his hand reaching for the pistol holstered on his back. Clemont had seen enough of this. it was time to intervene. He teleported himself in between the two men, looking at both of them disapointedly.

"enough of this, both of you!" he ordered in their minds. he then set his sights on ray, "The Heracross is not dead, you simply don't know to properly take it's pulse." then he turned to Erick "And you... honestly, it's better for the world that that thing is gone. all it did was cause pain and suffering to lost souls. even now, I can hear them rejoicing. they're thanking you for freeing them from their hellish prison."

Erick scoffed. right now, the only thing he cared about was that not even an hour after finding it, his newest GAO was dead... just like his first partner had been.

"yeah," he began "But that doesn't change the fact that I still got jack shit from all this effort out here."

Clemont simple looked at the young man, seeing that he did have a point about that. though, it was nothing that one as intelligent as himself couldn't fix. he closed his eyes for a moment, focusing... then he found something suitable.

"Check the capsule that's still empty" he told Erick after a few minutes. over across the field, Ray had recalled Romulus. he stepped over to them as Erick did as he was told, producing the empty capsule from his pocket... it seemed to be exactly the same as when he had obtained it. Ray knelt and examined the broken key stones on the ground. (they were broken in two now, hence the plurality of the word). DITS was nowhere to be found, all that remained was these shattered rocks.

"Damn it..." he said "Another specimen I accidentally killed during research" He looked up at Erick from where he knelt. "And... sorry about that, by the way... perhaps Romulus got a bit too eager."

Erick said nothing in response, merely glared at Clemont.

"Don't play games with me, Foxman..." he warned. "this thing looks exactly the same as before." clemont wasn't phased by the tone of the young soldier's voice.

"I meant for you to press the release trigger" he chided simply,

Erick again did as he was told, depressing the switch in the center of the ball. it hinged open in his palm, releasing a burst of white from it's center which within seconds took the form of a small creature with a large fin atop it's head. as the glow faded, Erick could make out more of it's features. it had a scarlet underbelly, a bipedal body covered in greyish-blue scales... but the biggest feature was the things freaking mouth... it was so big, It should've been charged with treason the day it was born... and those teeth... actually, now that Erick looked more at it...

"Since when could Sharks walk around on land?" he asked clemont

"Since foxman who were thousands of times smarter than humans started showing up." he answered sarcastically. "look, Don't ask me questions about it, just be glad I gave you it"

"wait...Gave me? where the hell did it come from?"

"From the forest. If I tried to explain it, you're puny minds would likely implode from the severity of your lack of comprehension." as he spoke, the capsule that used to contain DITS hovered up out of Erick's belt slot and shattered into shimmering shards in the air. "You won't be needing that anymore anyway." with that said, the Foxman known as Clemont went back to his work monitoring the rest of the group, leaving Erick to get acquainted with the new partner he'd been so kind as to find for the young soldier.

Edited by Stratos
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Kenny responded to Jory's statement.

"Jory, Don't thank me, thank Eve. She was the one who saved us by using that move. Now, how about we get back to Base? I'd say that we've had quite the Training Session along with our Testing the New Capsules by getting a new Member in our Teams."

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Logan and Ace let their guard down for a second after Rocky evolved, resulting in Ace receiving a high speed punch in the face. The monkey stumbled in front of Logan and he noticed the results of the head on battling style Ace used; the GAO was panting and his arms were bruised badly. Logan knew he had to end it soon. “Are you alright?” he asked concerned. Ace responded by nodding and taking a battle stance and for a moment Logan thought the monkey would throw a hit speed punch of his own, until he saw Ace grin and noticed the stance was a bit different.

The Monferno charged at his opponent, jumped in the air and started a kicking motion until its leg suddenly caught fire. (Blaze kick)
Logan could only watch speechless as Ace showed his new technique.

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Rocky turned quickly to notice his enemy's attack. The Monferno was now flying at him with a flaming kick, and Rocky wasn't quite sure how to responded. Clint yelled to dodge, and the lizard fighter responded. It had enough time to jump in the air. The fighter was somewhat lucky, if it had taken the attack full force he likely would have been down for the count. However, the fighter was also very unlucky. While, the attack missed most of the newly evolved GAO's body, it did hit his leg. The force of the attack was huge, and as a result, Rocky's leg began to bend. The wrong way.

Rocky fell to the ground after the attack, not screaming as his previous form might have done, but glaring at his opponent. His leg was completely broken and Clint was about to call him back, but the fighter's spirit wasn't broken. Rocky pushed himself on to his head and started spinning again. Clint raised an eyebrow he was shocked at Rocky's resolve, when he was a Tyrogue he was one of the toughest GAO's. But, now it seemed like the fighter didn't know the meaning of quit. And Clint loved every second of it.

"All right Rock, finish this ape!" Rocky grinned for the first time in its new form and began spinning toward his opponent. His speed was remarkable as he spun forward, nearing his opponent. The fighter slammed his hands on the ground and pushed himself off of his head, and forward at Ace. As the new GAO flew through the air, he extended his good leg. Preparing himself for one final high jump kick. If the attack landed, the new GAO would likely pull off the win, but if it didn't, well with a broken leg there'd be no way for him to dodge the next attack.

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“Are you seriously letting Rocky continue this battle with a broken leg?” Logan asked surprised. A part of him was impressed with the Lizard’s determination, but the reasonable part that was also his medic side considered it foolish; especially because this was supposed to be a practice match between rivals. He was about to call Ace back when the monkey jumped straight at his opponent with a shining fist. The Monferno must’ve realized this was the decisive move and tried to take Rocky out with his fastest punch. The two GAO collided in mid-air and Ace received the full power of Rocky’s kick and fell down, barely conscious. Logan sprinted forward and was able to catch his GAO before it smacked into the ground. He wasn’t able to see if Ace’s last attack was able to connect, but at his point he didn’t care all that much about it as he started to treat his partner.

Edited by Chimchain
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Rocky slowly pushed himself upward to take one last look at the knocked out Monferno. He smirked slyly at his unconscious rival, a feeling of victory rushed over him. Then he couldn't keep himself up anymore, the punch from his rival had done it's job. Rocky collapsed back onto the ground, unconscious. Clint took Rocky's sphere out and recalled his partner. A great wave of pride washed over Clint. Yes, technically the battle was a tie, but Rocky had stayed awake just a moment longer than his opponent. That type of fighting spirit meant a lot to Clint. He stared at Rocky's sphere and couldn't help but give off a smile, but he knew he'd have to explain himself to Logan.

"Sorry about that Logan, I just couldn't call him back, ya know?" Clint looked back over at the other trainer, doing his best not to gloat, "Rocky's been training so hard to beat Ace. I think Rocky thinks that your GAO is his rival or somethin'. Anyway, after he changed like that, I could see it in his eyes, he had to win." Clint started thinking back to Logan's partner Crush and how it had blatantly disobeyed him in battle. "Sometimes you just have to let your partners finish the match out, ya know? They may get hurt, but it's worth it. These GAOs, they're fighters, they live for a good battle and when you take it away from them ... Well, they don't forget that."

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“I agree to a certain point, but there is a difference between reckless and wanting to win,” Logan responded. He finished up Ace’s treatment and recalled the monkey into his sphere. “I know this battle was rather special since Ace feels the same way about Rocky, but what if I was an enemy and aimed for Rocky’s leg? He could’ve lost it and wouldn’t be able to battle anymore or die on the spot. Personally I think that’s much worse than taking away a win from them… And that’s something Crush needs to understand as well,” he said looking at Clint.

Logan knew it was going to be difficult to show the stubborn turtle his side of things. He sighed and called Flora, when he remembered something. “Pimparella is still poisoned right? Flora can heal her if you want. It’s sort of her last trick and one of the reasons I really wanted her.”

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Clint shrugged. He didn't want to argue with Logan, he had a lot of respect for him as both a GAO trainer and as a person. In fact he knew that Logan was technically right, but quitting wasn't really Clint's style. Still, though Logan didn't seem interested in giving Clint a lecture, so Clint decided to agree to disagree with his fellow cadet and focus on Logan's latter question. "Sure, man I'd appreciate that," he began reaching for his belt, then stopping, "But, let's head back to base first. I'm sure someone's going to be ready to take my five dollars, since I sure as hell didn't win the pot."

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Logan nodded. “Do you know the way? Since I was kinda lost before I found you and I’ve no idea which way to go,” he admitted. Navigation skills were wasted on him since he was a kid and when he first entered the forest, he relied on Ace in finding the way. That plan went flying out the window for the second time today as the monkey was unconscious. “And don’t worry about those five dollars. Someone might have caught something worse than your pink singer.”

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Clint chuckled. "Well only the best GAO gets the pot and we already know that your dinosaur is better than my puff ball. So there ain't no way in hell I'm gettin' that prize." Clint turned back and pointed. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure base is this way. I remember going down this path on the way here." With that Clint turned and started walking down the path, knowing that Logan would likely follow.

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Logan followed Clint with Flora behind him. “You know, I wonder what the rest caught. I think either Nathan or Erick will come back with something badass… Kenny might try to find something bigger than Pimparella though."

(Super, I’ll leave it up to you if they arrive at base or get lost)

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((I guess we'll just go back, since nobody else is really doing anything right now.))

Clint chuckled, "You're probably right about Nate, that dude's got good taste. Erick'll have somethin' cool, but it'll be kinda weird like the rest of his GAO's, he's into the brainy stuff. I'm not worried about Kenny gettin' a big thing. He's smart, but he's too nice. He's like a boy scout. He never gets the best stuff, but he makes it work. I'll tell ya man. I think you got a great shot of winnin' the thing. I mean your dinosaur kicks ass, and it's a god damn dinosaur. I mean what kid doesn't think dinosaurs are cool ya know?"

Clint looked back up and he could see the base off in the distance. "Look up that way, I think we're gettin' pretty close."

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Sid retrace his steps and makes it back to the forest, sighting the camp, Puzzled about that strange artifact (Dragon scale) Smoke just found? But at the same time thinking about wager, A poisonous frog that know MMA, try to top that. Sid though to himself, thinking he won the bet.

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Lars sighed as he reached the gate, plopping down on his back. It had been a long haul to get back here, and he was beat. Just when he remembered that he had teleportation at hi disposal, the gate had come into sight... Still, he wasn't very confident that Sleepy would take him to the right place anyway, at least not yet. For now, the little guy just seemed to work on instinct. He looked up at the sky as he lay on the ground, his thoughts finally drifting back to the bet. He certainly hadn't caught the biggest GAO, but he might have a chance if they actually battled it out. The thing had proved that it was a difficult target...

He moved to a sitting position, crossing his legs as he grabbed his capsules. He released Dominance and Sleepy, the former appearing at his side and the latter in his lap. He would have realeased his new GAO as well, but he wanted to keep it a surprise for when everyone else returned. Certainly, they'd be surprised by a ghost. Maybe even a little spooked. Speaking of which... he hadn't given the thing a name. He wanted it to be intimidating... it was a ghost after all -- an ethereal spirit. Maybe... Malice? It had a good ring to it, and it seemed fitting for a GAO with such a ghastly semblance. Malice, Sleepy, and Dominance. He had three now. He looked down at the two next to him and smiled. It appeared he was making progress in this place.

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Jory smiled wearily as he approached the gates of Fort Bexley. He had had a long day and had captured a pretty strong GAO, too. If only I'd gotten in on that bet, he pondered wistfully. I think Oliver could take any GAO except for Sampson and come out on top. The cadet turned to Kenny, who had accompanied him back to the fort after the battle with the swarm of bees. "Hey, Kenny, I never thanked you for saving my sorry ass back there. I owe you one. If you ever need anything, just let me know." He turned back toward the gate. "I didn't expect Logan to beat us back. I guess Sleepy must have teleported him here," he said to no one in particular. A couple of minutes later, he arrived at the gate.

"Lars, are you the lucky winner, or is my new friend going to show all of you gamblers up?"

Edited by Jory
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"Lars, are you the lucky winner, or is my new friend going to show all of you gamblers up?"

Lars shifted himself around to face the voice, still in a sitting position.

"Oh, hey Jory," he said, a grin coming onto his face. "Well... I doubt that I win the size category, but I may just have a shot in a battle. My new guy has a few tricks up his sleeve."

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