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Surge Story: Chapter 2- "GAOWS" [Completed IC Thread]


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Jory smiled at Lars's apparent confidence. "Hey buddy, that's awesome! I'm glad you found someone good!" Then, his expression fell. "I'd offer you a battle, but my team's a little wiped. We... uh... ran into a little trouble in the forest.. Sampson's pretty hurt, but as long as I can get his capsule to the medical wing he should be fine." The cadet sat down, the impact of Sampson's injury setting in. "I just hope he's okay. He... He jumped in front of Eve..." he said quietly, his voice trembling.

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Lars looked over to Jory realizing what must have happened.

"Was it... really that bad?" he asked quietly. He was unsure of how to act in situations like these. He wasn't much good at consoling people, being a happy-go-lucky kind of guy himself. Still, he could sympathize with Jory. He couldn't imagine what kind of state he'd be in if one of his GAOs was severely injured. They were like pets, in a way, but more... vicious. They became a part of your family once you got to know them, and just like a dog or cat, they bonded with you.

"Maybe when Logan gets here..." he continued, dropping off the rest of the sentence into silence.

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Nathan, after getting his bird. . . healed? It was certainly alive, but how their healing methods worked on something with metallic flesh was beyond him . . . figured he would grab a few medical supplies for the GAOs in case anything went wrong in a training battle. The pilot headed back out to the yard, eager to show off his catch. It wasn't the most enormous thing around, but it was still fairly large and very impressive-looking. He noticed two of the other cadets in the yard, and broke into a jog to move up to them. "So, how did your hikes go?" He hadn't cleaned himself up yet; Nathan figured that his appearance would do the talking as to how his trek into the woods went.

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Lionel finally reached the gates. "Damn, did I really just get lost?" He looked at the capsules of Buddy and his unknown GAO. He was forced to recall Buddy while seeking the way out, because he was too slow to run if they would be attacked by something. It didn't happen, but Lionel still had to hide in the brush at some point when a swarm of Beedrill flew by. Strange enough, it looked like they were on the run for something. "Anyway, let's see if we can give you a name." Lionel said as he picked up the capsule and released the creature inside. Luckily he wasn't hurt too badly. The mole blinked with his eyes a few times, then looked at Lionel. "Hi there, little one. Look, I was wanting to give you a name. What do you think of...Clawzer?" 'Clawzer' faced away from Lionel, clearly offended. But...what did I do wrong? Oh. Oh wait. "Are you by any chance...female?" She didn't turn around, but Lionel saw her nod. "Then, what do you think of Clawzie?" Now she did turn back to Lionel, and gave him a smile. "Alright then, Clawzie it is. Let's go heal you up in the medical ward. There is also someone I want to introduce to you..."

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Logan chuckled. “I guess you’re right, Flora is pretty bad ass,” he said while scratching under the dinosaur’s chin. She really liked getting compliments, unlike a certain turtle, and Logan suspected that it was because she was a female. He just hoped she wouldn’t get angry once a month for no reason like every other female he knew. Not that he would say it out loud when Enyo was around. She would probably kick his ass for it.

"Look up that way, I think we're gettin' pretty close."

Logan looked up when he heard Clint talking again and as soon as he finished, Flora started sprinting towards the gates. “Damn, she’s really excited to go there, guess I better catch up.” Logan was ready to run after his GAO, when he turned back to Clint. “Thanks man, I think I would still be lost if I hadn’t run into you.”

With that said he ran off after Flora, who had already passed the main gates.
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Jory stood up as Nathan approached the other cadets. He'd begun to look to the pilot as a role model. After all, he had been in the military far longer than anyone else in his squad. Well, maybe except for Erick. He looked up at the man, a sullen frown still stained on his face. "Sampson got hurt badly... I just want to get him to the medical ward. Do you think that'd be okay with Surge and the General?" he asked quickly, his concern growing by the moment.

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Nathan's face rapidly changed to one of concern. "Definitely. They'd be pretty mad if you. . . damaged. . . one of the . . . weapons." He started. "Here, take these." The pilot handed over the supplies he had gathered in the medical ward.

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Jory looked down at the offered medical supplies and shook his head, running his hand through his hair nervously. "That's not gonna be enough, Nathan... He's hurt real bad. A bunch of giant bees came out of the woods and swarmed us. They had stingers and arms like spears, Nathan. It was like nothing I've ever seen before, not even in training..." he said, trailing off at the end. "I'm going to head toward the medical bay. Tell the officers that's where I went." With that resolute statement, Jory began walking toward the medical bay, determined to see Sampson through his injuries.

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Clint walked slowly behind Logan as he entered the main gates. He reached into his pocket and lit up another cigarette. He walked past the main group and tossed all the money he'd collected from the rest of the cadets on the ground. "All right, why don't ya'll figure out who won. I didn't catch nothin', so I can't say I really care." With that Clint walked over to the nearest wall, focusing more on his cigarette than the other cadets.

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Nathan viewed the departure and the arrivals with a bit of interest. "Well then," he started, responding to Clint. "Here's what I caught." He released the metal bird from the capsule, hoping it was a bit more docile than it had been earlier.


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Logan walked over to the rest of the group with an excited Flora behind him. All the dinosaur wanted to do was explore the base and she tried to see everything at once. They reached the other soldiers as Nathan released his new catch and Logan had to admit, it looked strong and impressive.

“Not bad, Nathan, this is my new partner.” He pointed with his thumb over his shoulder. “Her name is Flora and she’s a… friendly dinosaur, I think.”


Flora immediately came from behind Logan and rubbed her head against Nathan’s chest, as she had done to Clint before. Apparently it was her way of saying hi.

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When Lionel had entered the medical ward, he felt something landing on his shoulder. Something familiar. He looked and saw Shadow sitting there. "Shadow! You're better! Thank god! I don't know what I would have done if something happened to you... Oh yes, there is someone I want to introduce to you." He pointed at Clawzie. "Shadow, this is my new GAO, Clawzie. Clawzie, this is my Murkrow, Shadow." The two GAOs stared at each other for a brief moment, then they both smiled. Lionel sensed that there was no hostility between them. Then he released Buddy as well. "Let's go heal you two, alright?" Clawzie nodded, and Buddy cracked a lazy smile. On his shoulder, Shadow was still smiling. It felt good to have all three of them with him, together.

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Clint started paying attention after seeing Nathan's steel bird. "Yo, Nate that thing is bad ass as hell. Where'd you find that sucka, the only thing I could find was a..." Clint stopped himself quickly before revealing the fact that Diva existed, "bunch of rattata, bidoof, patrat, weedle, wurmple. You know the lame stuff. I didn't even both capturin' them. I guess Pimparella and Rocky is all I need, but that bird man. She is sweet, I'm considerin' goin' back out and trying to hunt one down before the Lieutenant gets back."

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Jory entered the medical ward in a hurry, breezing by Lionel as he approached a person who seemed to be in charge. "My GAO is badly injured. I need help, now!" The medic nodded and took Sampson's capsule when Jory offered it to him.

"Don't worry, cadet. We'll have him in fighting form in no time. For now, go join your squad. We'll have a runner bring him out to you when he's ready," the medic assured him. Jory nodded his thanks as the medic took off further into the bay, gathering a couple of nurses and machines on wheels as he went.

Jory then turned around and, noticing Lionel, smiled at the happy reunion. "I'm glad Shadow ended up okay. He was pretty banged up last I saw him."

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Surge broke through the brush underfoot and found himself finally back at the gates. It had been quite the little trek he'd gone off on, and it seemed he was the last to make it back despite being the first to head out. A small squeak on his shoulder reminded him of the passenger he had picked up along the way. He reached and scratched the yellow furred rodent under the chin, glancing over at it as he walked towards the others.

((Warning: The Following Image is freaking adorable))

"Pi-piiika" he could hear the electric mouse squeak. He had found this little guy while trekking through the brush in the denser parts of the woods, roasting berries and nuts in it's tiny palms. He had been about to leave it be at first, but the thing had started following him. It took him a while to notice it, a long while actually. about two hours or so. This thing had tracked him like it was it's job or something, through thorn thickets, across a large stream, even up into the more rocky regions of the forest. and all the while it had barely made any sound at all. eventually Surge had started noticing charred patches of grass where ever he went, and had started looking for what had caused it... at which point the creature took the opportunity to leap out of a tree and right onto his head. Surge didn't know for sure, but he had a hunch that it was attracted to his hair for some reason... it was the same shade of yellow, so perhaps the rodent had mistaken it as another member of it's species... specifically, it had apparently thought his hair to be a female of it's kind...

yeah... Surge really didn't want to remember that particular chain of events. But after he had managed to get a hold of it and toss it to the ground, it had seemed to realize it's mistake... though for some reason it still followed behind Surge after that instead of running off like a normal animal would've done. he had considered stomping it a few times... still a bit angry that it had tried to hump the back of his head. But the thing was pretty damn good a dodging whenever he tried to get close enough, so that put the kibosh on that idea. he figured he'd just leave it behind after that... but the damn thing was too good at tracking him wherever he went. so eventually he just got fed up and decided to take it with him since it wouldn't scram... on the condition that there would be no more... 'Mix-ups' like they had not long ago. Luckily for the little mouse, it seemed to be able to understand what he was saying perfectly... and maybe even be a bit apologetic and shameful for what had...happened. but he still took care to try to keep it away from the back of his skull. But all and all, it seemed to be behaving well enough.... well, except for the fact that the thing refused to stay inside it's capsule after Surge captured it, hence why it was hitching a ride on his shoulder.

He hadn't found anything else out there though... so that was a bit of a downer.

"Looks like almost everyone's back," he said to the creature as he approached the Squad members who had arrived back at the gates.


Enyo leaned against a tree, just out of sight of the other Team members at the gate. she rolled the capsule for the sea serpent in her palm, watching silently from the shadows as Surge arrived. Her trip through the woods after running into Erick had been interesting to say the least. not long after, she had found a weird little green lizard eating dirt. The thing had been pretty damn feisty, and that sealed it's fate. it was now in one of the capsules on her belt. later on she had come across a Yellow turtle-looking thing in a red shell. it had resisted every attack that the Sea Serpent could throw at it. another fate sealed. it was now in the other capsule on her belt. so just stood there for a while, curious to see what kind of GAOs the others might have found here...

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Kenny saw Surge approach the gates, and sent out Emma, who had recovered inside her Capsule. She immediately jumped onto Kenny's shoulder again. Ryu and Eve noticed Surge as well, and all four of them stood at attention, Emma doing so on Kenny's Shoulder. Kenny then spoke respectfully to Surge.

"Welcome back, sir. If I may ask, how did your journey go, sir?"

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"I'm glad Shadow ended up okay. He was pretty banged up last I saw him." Lionel nodded. "Yeah. He was in quite a...critical state." Lionel patted the head of his black crow, which still sat on his shoulder. "Say, is there something up with Neffi or Sampson? I saw you running into the medical ward...are they alright?"

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Kenny then remembered about the Contest that they'd arranged.

"Never mind, sir, it can wait."

Kenny and his GAOs then headed towards his fellow Cadets, Emma hitching a ride on Kenny's shoulder.

"Guys, i believe that we should start up that Contest that we arranged before heading into the Forest."

Kenny then stroked Emma's cheek with one finger, eliciting a small, happy-sounding squeak from her.


She then rubbed her head against his out of happiness. Kenny then spoke again.

"So, how about it?"

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Jory frowned and pressed the button on Neffi's capsule. She looked up at Jory worriedly and nuzzled his leg. The cadet smiled down at his GAO and scratched her on the head just behind her right ear. He then looked up at Lionel. "It's Sampson. He got cut up pretty badly by a swarm of those huge bee GAOs. Even after he went down, we were able to fend them off thanks to Oliver and Kenny's GAOs." Neffi looked up at Jory, eyeing him carefully. Her trainer was quick to retort. "I was getting to you. Bragging really doesn't become you, Neffi." The GAO snorted derisively and lightly butted his leg. Jory sighed and turned back to the other cadet. "Neffi also did a great job. She helped take down the queen." Nefertiti nodded proudly, confirming her trainer's tale. Now that Sampson's being taken care of, we should head back to the gate. I want to see who won the contest!" With that, Jory began moving toward the gate, beckoning the other cadet along.

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"So, how about it?"

Lars stood slowly from where he was, scooping up Sleepy in one arm and stretching with the other. He walked over to the others, Dominance following at his feet.

"Sure, I guess," he replied, before yawning. He was more tired than he had originally thought after the events of today. "But how are we going about this? Size? Looks? A battle?"

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Kenny responded to the Question Lars presented him.

"Like I said earlier, I had the idea that we do all three categories. Each victory earns you one-third of the Pool. How does that sound?"

Kenny then waited for a reply from any of the other Cadets.

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"All right then. Sounds good enough for me," he replied with a grin.

"Malice is pretty small, and he's not gonna win the looks category with that ghastly face. Looks like my only chance will be the battle..."

He pushed the thought aside, his optimistic side returning. Of course he couldn't expect to win every category, but Malice had proven himself to be competent in battle. He would just have to count on that and do his best.

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Kenny smiled in response, and then spoke to all of the other Cadets.

"So, let's start off this Three-part Contest with the Size Category. Bring out your Newest GAO, guys!"

Emma then jumped into the air, and then glided to the ground in front of Kenny in a spiraling pattern.

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"I might have this one." He waved at the man-sized metal bird. "Come on forward. How do you like the name Crusader?" Nathan thought the avian liked it, because it let out a ferocious cry and flew into the air, landing in a dramatic pose in front of the (slightly startled) pilot. "Right then."

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Lionel felt kind of bad for Jory. He knew what Jory would be going through right now, because he went through it as well with Shadow. Lionel followed Jory to the gates, because in all honesty, he was kind of eager to know who won as well. Clawzie was maybe not the biggest GAO, and certainly not the best looking, but he knew that she was quite capable in battle, so the battles would be his best shot at winning the bet. He whispered to Clawzie: "We all made a bet about who could catch the best GAO. Let's show them that you and I are the best combination, alright?" The mole scraped her claws against each other and nodded. She might even be as fired up as I am. Of course, she lost against Buddy, so she wants to prove that only the best could catch her as well. He exclaimed: "Ok then, Clawzie, come on forward." The small mole stepped slowly forward, a bit nervous because of Nathan's big bird. "I fear that we won't be able to win this round, though." he said as he looked at Nathan.

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