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Surge Story: Chapter 2- "GAOWS" [Completed IC Thread]


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Kenny heard Lars speak up again, and replied.

"well, if the contest is going to continue, the first order of business would be to get all of the Participating Cadets in one place! if i remember correctly, there are Five Cadets other than you and me participating in the Contest: Nathan, Lionel, Sid, Logan, and Clint. I believe that some of them headed off towards the Med Wing. Shall we head off that way, too?"

Kenny then waited for an answer.

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Enyo ignored as Clint suddenly came up and interrupted Logan, waiting until he left to begin speaking.

"Just so you know," She said. "I provoked him into that. And I knew full well what I was doing... though, I didn't expect things to go as far as they did... I was hoping I could get him angry enough to make a challenge, and then beat him easily with this..." She held up the capsule for Logan to see.

"But I don't know...but he managed to defeat it. Things just escalated from that point. I'm not bothered by Anything he said, after all, I caused it in the first place... But there is one thing he said That I don't understand. When he said that the reason he won was because I barely issued any orders at all..." she stopped herself, glancing at Logan. "Why am I opening up to him?" She thought to herself. "Whatever... he's just the medic, not like it matters if he knows anything..."

"And what he said about me losing my... other partners... is right." She admitted, deciding to continue on. "It was after the snow, when I woke up in the medical ward. Both my Capsules were missing from my belt. When I was in the forest, a Group of Scavenger birds attacked me. Erick happened to be walking by and gave me this to defend myself with when He saw I didn't have anything on me..." She stopped and considered just what might have pushed Erick as far as he went... He had totally bailed her out of that situation, had given her this monstrous powerhouse when he could've just walked by and acted like he didn't see anything. Why had he done that? It obviously wasn't because he wanted anything from her, he made that clear... so why would he...? Kindness? no... Admitably, Erick was a nice enough person when he wasn't off his rocker like Slim Shady on the vodka... but that didn't seem to have been his motivation in this case. Then it hit her. He had helped her because they were allies, Comrades, members of the same Squadron. Because at the end of the day, they would all have to have each other's backs... Erick understood this better than probably anyone else on the team. That's why he had Given her this to use as her own.

And how did she repay his Comradery, his watching her back? She had repaid it by provoking him into a Rage that would probably prove to be very destructive to his career and standing in the squadron's trust, not to mention by attempting to humiliate him in-front of everyone on the team. He hadn't been trying to Brag when he spoke up and said that he had captured the thing and given it to her. he was speaking the simple truth. He didn't care whether or not it got him any higher standing on the team, he only cared that everyone of his team members knew that he had had her back when she needed it, and that He'd also try to have their backs too... She had completely misread everything about the situation. Of course Erick had gotten so pissed when she had egged him on like that. He had fucking helped her out, and she came right around and basically tried to humiliate him completely... It was like someone giving you Food when you haven't eaten in days, and you giving them the bird right to the face as you wolf it down. Erick had figured out then that she wouldn't his back or anyone else's on the team. He had been acting to get rid of what he felt at the time to be a threat to his Squad mates. He knew that she didn't give to flying damns about team work, and had regarded her as an outsider, someone who would probably just leave them all to die when Push came to shove. he hadn't been fighting to prove something about himself, he had fought her for the men that stood beside him, for the men who would someday become his brothers in arms on the battle field. she felt something strange at this realization...something she hadn't really felt before...

It was Shame. She was Ashamed of her actions. Ashamed that she hadn't really understood what being a part of a 'team' actually meant until now.

"God, I'm so stupid..." she muttered. She turned her attention to Logan.

"Erick was wrong..." she began. "When he said that He didn't deserve to serve on the same team as any of you... He was completely wrong. I'm the one who doesn't deserve to serve beside any of you." At that moment, a Voice rang out in both Her's and Logan's minds.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to finally realize all of this and admit it," Clemont said. though from what the two of them could tell, he was still physically outside the gates with the group. He must've been watching Enyo the whole time. "It's precisely why I stepped in and stopped Surge when I did. There's nothing but injustice in the world if someone like Erick were to ultimately get Killed via execution just because someone like you was too shallow and Introverted to understand the concepts of Team work and Loyalty and Selflessness." With that, Clemont had apparently said all that he had wanted to say, because he spoke no more int their minds after that.

Enyo didn't say anything after that, simply made her way to the front doors of Command Central and disappeared inside, leaving Logan standing where he was.

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Logan watched Enyo leave. The conversation didn’t go entirely as he hoped it would, but at least she opened up a bit. He looked at the capsules in his hand containing Clint’s GAO and decided to go heal them up first before getting new supplies. The conversation he just had replied in his mind over and over again. It was strange, he intended to make sure Enyo was alright, but in the end he was the one left with something to think about. He was more or less in the same situation as her when it came to Crush. Lately the turtle lost all his battles, but not because Logan didn’t give any orders. Crush refused to listen and did his own thing, just like her sea monster did his own thing and lost. In the end he reached the same conclusion as Enyo; teamwork was important.

After healing Clint’s GAO and resupplying, Logan approached the rest of the squad. He noticed that the contest was either on a break, or they had yet to start. “Guys, I’m out of this competition. I don’t feel like doing it anymore,” he said before turning to Clint.

“I healed your partners,” he said, tossing the capsules back.

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Kenny heard Logan speak, and spoke up himself.

"Logan, if you're dropping out of the Competition, i believe it would only be fair to refund your Entry Fee."

He then turned to Clint.

"Well, Clint? if he's no longer participating, we may as well refund his Entry Fee."

Kenny then waited a few seconds, and spoke up again.

"You know what, i think that we should just do the Battle Contest and be done with it, Winner taking the whole Pool!"

He then turned to the Cadets.

"Those of you who are doing the Contest, come here. Those of you who aren't doing the Contest, continue what you're doing."

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“I don’t care about those 5 dollars. You can keep it in the pool, consider it my loss,” Logan said before walking off. He had something else to do that involved a very stubborn turtle.

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Kenny smiled when he heard Nathan speak up, as he was eager to start battling. Emma seemed eager to Battle as well.

"OK then, Nathan, the first Battle is you vs me!"

Emma jumped off of his shoulder and onto the Ground in front of him. Kenny then outlined the rules.

"Here's the Rules for the Battle: only your newest GAO can be used, and the Battle is over when your Opponent's GAO is KO'd!"

he then spoke to Ryu and Eve.

"You two may as well just wait on the sidelines. it's Emma's time to shine."

he then spoke to Nathan.

"Let's start this!"
he finally gave an order to Emma.

"Hit that Bird with some Electricity!"

Emma responded by letting off an Arc of electricity at the Steely Bird.

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And so began the Battling portion of the young Soldiers' friendly competition... everyone fought valiantly and bravely along side their partners, and all could at least be proud of the effort they put forth that day. But alas, twas Kenny and his rather overpowered Emolga that stood atop the mountain alone when the sun set. It was he and his beast that had triumphed over all opponents, and thus, the bet twas won. The cash was his now, and his alone.

That Evening...

The mess hall was rather lively tonight. Everyone was in generally high spirits after the battle to hold down the base. Several soldiers had gone out and purchased Champagne and wine and beer in order to celebrate, along with cigars and cigarettes. Even though Drinking was against Base Protocol, the Commanding Officers for the most part turned a blind eye to it, though did make sure to keep watch on their squadrons... didn't want anyone to get too tipsy now.

Surge's squad sat at a table near the rear of the mess, close to the doors. Not one of the young soldiers had a drink in front of them. Surge had come down from the Officers' mess hall and told them all that if even one of them got drunk, the consequences for everyone would be beyond severe. They all knew from the past six months that whenever Surge made a threat or ultimatum, he always followed through on it, unless he was given substantial reason to do otherwise. And so there was a simple solution to avoid the possibility of getting their asses chewed out big time: they all had simply refrained from partaking in the liquor making the rounds, it had been like an unspoken agreement between everyone at the table... though, it probably also helped that most of the Squad members were under the legal drinking age.

Erick looked around at the partying going on, a bored expression on his face. his capsules all sat in the magnetic slots on his belt; GAOs weren't allowed in the Mess, not because it was actually against protocol, but because the head chef was a bit of a hard-ass when it came to certain health regulations, and for the most part regarded having GAOs about in his domain as the same as having animals in the kitchen (Though this didn't prevent he himself from using his own GAOs to help him and his staff in the kitchen... though, in his defense, he washed all his partners at least twice a day and made sure to keep them from actually touching the food.).

"It's a bit ironic..." Erick said. "Even though we all are the ones who took out that damn bird, it doesn't look like any of us is in the mood to celebrate about it..."

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Clint sighed. Erick was right, this 'celebration' sucked. He turned to the table, "Alright guys this is just lame, if we ain't drinking or actually havin' any fun then we should at least be training or somethin'."

He looked down at his spheres, with somewhat mixed feelings. It was becoming apparent that Pimparella was starting to fall behind and after seeing Enya's sea-monster it was clear that she wasn't queen bee any more. To make matters worse his newest GAO, Diva, was just ... the worst. He saw a little fight in her, but ultimately it had been curb-stomped by Kenny's newest GAO.

However, there was a bright spot. With his newest form Rocky was definitely a dangerous GAO at this point. He wasn't sure of the new strength that Rocky had in him, but it was possible that it was his strongest fighter at this point.

Clint looked back to the table, "Can't we just get out of here? We should be battling and training. In case someone else attacks the base with a giant ass bird."

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Nathan stood up. "I'll take you up on that offer. Crusader needs to be whipped into shape. We can't do this in the barracks, though, so where did you have in mind?" He was simply glad to get out of there. There was only one thing worse about being kept from drinking; having to watch other people drink.

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Lars looked up from his sketchpad. He was just finishing up the sketch he had started of Sleepy earlier, which was right behind that of Dominance. He considered himself to have a fair talent, though he wasn't really sure what was average to compare himself to.

"You guys wanna battle again?" He frowned. "I'd have thought you had your fill for the day, but whatever floats your boat, right?" He smiled and waved. "Have fun then!"

He turned back to the sketch as he finished the last segment. Grinning broadly, he raised his hands into a victory position.

"It's finally done! Now, on to Malice..."

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Jory stood up and walked over to Clint and Nathan. "Hey guys, mind if Kenny and I battle against you guys? It'll be good practice to fight with more than one trainer on each team." He looked over at Kenny and beckoned the other cadet over to the small group, anticipating a positive response.

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Logan wasn’t really in the mood to party. The last battle with Crush replayed in his mind over and over again. He tried to get through the turtle when the others held their contest, but to no avail.

“Battle fanatics,” he mumbled when he noticed a few of his fellow soldiers agree on a two on two battle. “Oh yeah, that reminds me; I haven’t seen your new catch yet Erick, what is it?”

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((He used his new Gible to Finish off Enyo's Gyarados... everyone saw that happen, so there's no real reason for Logan to have not seen it earlier with the rest of the squadron... I'm not saying you have to edit the question, but I'm just setting that straight.))

Erick stood up from the table since it seemed that pretty much everyone else was set on ditching dinner.

"It's some type of shark that walks around or something..." he said, answering Logan's question. "I'm honestly not too sure myself... and I didn't even catch that one... I had caught some weird Ghost thing bound to a rock, but Ray killed it while we were having a test battle to figure out what Affinity it had... After that, Clemont pretty much gave this to me with some magic trick..."

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"Seriously another battle?" Sid muttered. "I don't know why everyone is so competitive about.. " Sid said to Venom and hands him a piece of bread "we're just here to enjoy the party, ain't that right Venom? who knows, this maybe our last celebration in the army..." Sid leans on the wall and continues to feed the frog that was hiding behind his back. Sid puffs his cigarette and watches the other cadets in the room.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Kenny had just headed out of the Mess Hall when Ryu popped out of his Stasis Capsule on his own, and started running towards the outside of the base. Kenny started running after Ryu, yelling out a question that could easily be heard by the other Cadets in the Mess Hall.

"Ryu, what the heck has gotten into you!?"

Ryu kept on running, as if he was a bloodhound pursuing a fugitive.

((OOC: Who do you think it could be that Ryu's Pursuing? ;) ))

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Logan watched with interest at Ryu and Kenny’s weird behavior. Apparently the GAO had found something interesting. Logan, who was bored anyway, decided to follow the boy scout and his GAO to see what was going on.

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Nathan tossed out the capsule containing the metal bird as he dashed after the Riolu. "Crusader, follow him and scout out the area!" He replied with another screeching cry, presumably a war cry of some variety, and flew off in the direction of the other GAO. Nathan hoped the bird was doing what he said and not just hunting prey. The pilot kept the other two GAOs at his belt, because they were headstrong and he didn't think he could rely on them at the moment. Plus, it wouldn't do to have them get tired out if there was a real fight at the end of this.

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As soon as Crusader caught up to and passed Kenny and Ryu via the air, the metal bird found himself being pulled towards the ground with immense force. Left with no choice, he came in and prepared himself for a rough landing, his feet leaving a trail of sparks behind him as he skidded along the asphalt from the speed with which he had come in. The Bird scanned his surroundings after he finally came to a screeching halt... the area was darker, darker than it should've been, given the extensive lighting that usually adorned the Base's airfield.

The Bird tried to take off again, managing to get a few meters into the air before the same force from before slammed it back to the ground. There was no way it could take off from here. and so it was that left with little other choice, Crusader began to put up a screeching distress call to Nathan... only to be silenced as it noticed a swinging, teal light nearby, and promptly fell asleep


As Kenny and Ryu entered onto the Tarmac, a mysterious light seemed to emanate from the young soldier's periphery, swinging back and forth like a pendulum... then some strange force seemed to hit Ryu and the GAO fell flat on it's face, fast asleep. The same light from before appeared again, this time in front of Kenny... and as the soldier stared, he could feel his consciousness beginning to fade...


Erick followed behind Clint and Logan and Nathan as they all pursued Kenny and his strange acting GAO, heading right towards the Tarmac.

"Shit..." Erick cursed when he saw a tiny light flash in the distance and Kenny fall to the ground... he recognized that type of attack all too well from all the times he'd ordered Genisa to use it.

"We need to stop here and split up to approach in different directions!" he yelled so that the others could hear him, though they were still too far for the enemy to. "If we all go in like a group like this, then they'll put us all to sleep as we enter, just like Kenny... I'll take the north and cover you all!" with that said he tore Genisa's capsule from his belt and without having to even send her out, was teleported away from the others in a flash of white.

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