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Best spots to EV train for Speed and Special attack as of now?


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For Sp. Att, the Citae d'arc astrae (sp?) is filled with Psychics, and have varying levels. I think the highest is Lv 81 with the Unowns, and 30+ for that Gen 5 alien psychic whose name escapes me.

Idk for speed, but Noibats give speed right? The underground railnet would work.

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Try looking here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7866&page=1

It's a topic dedicated to this and as such should answer your questions.

all we need is new rules to post a topic on the web. It's far too easy to start a new topic asking for every-little-thing than searching the web to get informations we need.

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Yeah too bad criminalizing drugs has worked well. <_<

Yep ^^

Normally what i expect is: New people always makes questions before looking everywhere. It's normal.

I just expect that people redirect this people to the topic that has the answer the person is looking for. And maybe in the future, the person is going to make a new topic, only if it's necessary.

Oh look, Murphy's Law

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Let them ask there question. It's not your job to whether they ask it or not. The best thing you can do is point them towards the answer.

More or less what we were both getting at. The fact is new members aren't going to understand how things work around here and this is going to happen either way.

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