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[Resolved] Lefties, no righties please.

Kaiser the great


9000 years after the fact of getting my Kecleon I finally sat down and decided maybe getting the Leftovers would be a good idea. Couldn't remember where exactly Munchlax was so I checked the location guide - listed as N/A

So was he removed or something? And if so, is there anyway to get lefties now?

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If he's listed as N/A, that means it was removed. And there's no Leftovers in the game unless Ame decided to hide them somewhere in episode 12 that i don't know about.

Someone could give you episode 10, and you'd be able to find Munchlax and therefore, Leftovers.

EDIT: Derp. Forgot Pickup. Thanks McMc.

Edited by Vinny
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Yes, Munchlax was removed, he WAS in the wasteland in headbuttable trees.

The only way to get it now is to get a pokemon with pick up to level (91-100), at which point said pokemon has a 10% chance of picking up an item, and 1% of the time (1 out of every 1000 battles) will pick up leftovers. Happy Hunting!

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  On 6/12/2014 at 7:48 PM, nevs said:

i thought munchlax was at charlotte's house if i remember correctly

Er, no. Before it was removed, it was at the Wasteland and you had to headbutt trees. Alot.

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Off Topic But...

  On 6/12/2014 at 3:56 PM, McMc said:

Yes, Munchlax was removed, he WAS in the wasteland in headbuttable trees.

The only way to get it now is to get a pokemon with pick up to level (91-100), at which point said pokemon has a 10% chance of picking up an item, and 1% of the time (1 out of every 1000 battles) will pick up leftovers. Happy Hunting!

Wait. What? You have to battle a pokemon for the pickup ability to be activated?


(Considering I daycared a bunnelby to 91... it was painful x.x)

Edited by Lynxiechan
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  On 6/14/2014 at 5:35 PM, McMc said:

Yup, it doesn't go by steps.

And, you're insane.

I know. I left my sanity at the front door when I walked in here, like everyone else. Remember? q-q

(I'm also extremely poor now...)

Edited by Lynxiechan
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  On 6/14/2014 at 10:15 PM, Vinny said:

Other pokes that can fill that space: Tauros, Bouffalant, Crustle, Unown, Noibat, Woobat, Goldeen, Seaking, among others ^^

I chooose.........


Cuz my sweepers are EV-Trained~

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  On 6/15/2014 at 8:25 AM, Lynxiechan said:

I chooose.........


Cuz my sweepers are EV-Trained~


Noibats are lower level, easier to find, and easier to take out.

Unless you take levels in consideration... but still...

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  On 6/16/2014 at 6:58 PM, Kaiser the great said:

Mistyped, I meant actually in the battle; or can I have it sit stationary in the party while someone else fights*

Oh that.

The poke just has to be in your party. It doesn't need to battle or something.

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