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team improvements

Nico Nico Nii~

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i was wondering if anyone would give me some ways to improve my team now or later on in reborn, right now i'm training some pokemon for noel up to level 51, also any tips for noel would also be helpful (i'm hoping to sweep with daimidaler)


Lv. 53 w/Overgrow


Earth Plate



-Giga Drain

-Leech Seed

woop woopquagsire-f.gif

Lv. 50 w/Unaware


Focus Band



-Sludge Wave



Lv. 48 w/Pickpocket


Mystical Water

-Razor Shell

-Night Slash

-Hone Claws

-Rock Smash


Lv. 54 w/Tinted Lens


Light Clay



-Air Slash



Lv. 49 w/Volt Absorb



-Confuse Ray



-Signal Beam


Lv. 54 w/Plus



-Gear Grind

-Shift Gear


-Rock Smash

In box rotation if needed

Pina Coladaforretress.gif

Lv. 39 w/Overcoat


Zoom Lens


-Mirror Shot


-Rock Smash

uguu desukawigglytuff.gif

Lv. 45 w/Competitive


Silk Scarf

-Play Rough


-Body Slam

-Shadow Ball

And in Daycare


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In general for later on in the game, if you want a dedicated dual screens pokemon then look into Reuniclus. With regenerator, light clay, psychic, shadow ball, reflect and light screen it looks pretty handy. Won't do you any favors against Luna though. Your current team is very weak to grass, and while I know Florinia's out of the way it's still something you may want to watch. I know I'm a little biased here but for covering the grass weakness you might want a Heracross. I've got one in my only run that's beaten episode 12 so far and it's been carrying my team. Super effective stab against Radomous, super effective dual stab against Luna, and close combat taking advantage of the big top field against Samson. It really has been a life saver.

Definitely get that Darumaka on your team asap. It'll help with the grass types. Also get that Barbaracle shell smash. Run it with that, razor shell, (or dive if you get it) stone edge and either night slash or cross chop and it'll do loads of work.

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Torterra, Quagsire, Lanturn and Foretress... Holy ****, i <3 u PWB.

Anyway, analysis time!


Lv. 53 w/Overgrow


Earth Plate



-Giga Drain

-Leech Seed

...So, no Wood Hammer? a.k.a Torterra's best/2nd best STAB move? I'd say drop Leech Seed for it, since you're running a Quiet nature, and Giga Drain gets the boost from the +SpAtk nature. So, Recoil from Wood Hammer and recovery with Giga Drain.

Of course, if you have some strategy with Leech Seed, then you might as well keep it. But remember that Wood Hammer is a very good STAB move, and you should consider it someday. Other than that, it looks good.

woop woopquagsire-f.gif

Lv. 50 w/Unaware


Focus Band



-Sludge Wave


Aah Quagsire. You're such an asshole. I love you.

Strength aside (Cuz HM lel), mixed Quagsire is the way to go. Unfortunately, you missed a chance for a breeding stuff (Breed Simipour with it and you could get Scald), but whatever. There's nothing that i can recommend for it really... Drop the Focus Band cuz Quagsire is defensive enough to handle the physical attacks? Just don't throw this thing in front of Cinccino and you'll be all right.


Lv. 48 w/Pickpocket


Mystical Water

-Razor Shell

-Night Slash

-Hone Claws

-Rock Smash

You can get Shell Smash if you use a Heart Scale, but maybe the defense drops are bad for you? I can see that Hone Claws could be better in some situations.

Barbaracle gets some good (But unrealiable) moves later, so you have that to think about. Since Night Slash is pretty much your "dark coverage" right now, i'd suggest you teach Rock Smash to something else in the future, so you can open a move for Barbaracle.

Other than that, nothing else really. Mystical Water is good right now. I'm pretty sure this thing can tear Noel's birds in 2 (After Staraptor uses a Close Comabt and gets the defense drop of course).


Lv. 54 w/Tinted Lens


Light Clay



-Air Slash


Lel Noctowl. Got a good enough move set for the game right now, and that epic Light Clay + Reflect combo.

All i can say is: Noctowl gets Shadow Ball, which has awesome coverage. Think about that (Maybe in place of Extrasensory since Air Slash covers fighting types? I don't know).


Lv. 49 w/Volt Absorb



-Confuse Ray



-Signal Beam

Para-Fusion. Yeah.

Anyway, that's the way to roll with Lanturn right now. Can't say anything else. Maybe change it's nature in the 7th street? But that's about it.


Lv. 54 w/Plus



-Gear Grind

-Shift Gear


-Rock Smash

2 pokes with Rock Smash? You're really hoping for that defense drop, aren't ya?

That Shift Gear thingy is the best. There's nothing that i can recommend really. Nature change when possible? :I

In box rotation if needed

Pina Coladaforretress.gif

Lv. 39 w/Overcoat


Zoom Lens


-Mirror Shot


-Rock Smash

Most of Noel's pokes are physical attackers. This thing can and will give Noel some headaches.

And Foretress's 100BP Payback (Assuming you're going last all the time) is going to damage most of Noel's pokes. I'd consider it.

This thing gets Toxic Spikes if you use a Heart Scale. That's going to help one of Noel's pokes, but Toxic racks more damage than Burn damage, so you can think about that.

And Foretress also gets STAB Gyro Ball. Do i need to point out that Foretress is slow as shit? i don't think i do.

No opinions of Wigglytuff since i never used one in a serious manner. But Wigglytuff was a boss in PMD.

As for Armaldo, i'd suggest something IF I COULD FIND THE FREAKING CLAW FOSSIL I NTHE GAME asashaghasgahsags...

And Darmanitan is powerful as hell too. Flare Blitz/Fire Punch; Superpower; Rock Slide (If you breed); Coverage move + Sheer Force and you got a destroyer right here.

Other suggestions:

Get a Weavile

Get a Xatu when possible like i even need to point this out.

Sheep pointed out: Your team doesn't like Grass types. Since Air Slash is not going to be the solution most of the time, you should get a Fire type. Darmanitan is already there, but you could use Houndoom or Typhlosion, for example.

For Noel: Noel's Cinccino is a dream crusher. If you can't get rid of that thing fast enough (Or in Foretress's case, SLOW enough *gets shot*), it's over already.

Burning his Cinccino would be a very good idea, but if you want something more "reliable", then get a Yamask. It's going to hit five times on the turn that it gets Mummy, but after that = bam.

Other recommendations for Noel: Aggron. bar Close Combat, Aggron is going to keep everything in check during the battle. It even gets rid of the Clefable with STAB Heavy Slam/Iron Head. If you can get rid of Staraptor, the rest is all done by Aggron.

Good Luck!

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Well the first thing that stands out to me is do you feel like breeding and training a new Quagsire, one with Recover. You'd need a Male Corsola (Who learns recover at Lv 10), they can be found on North Apophyll Beach in a Thunderstorm. Recover is a great move for Quagsire, run full HP EV's if you're willing to train, the rest can be spread out however you please. Also when we beat Amaria we should get access to Scald, (Unless Ame decides that we instantly have to battle Amaria to "Earn" the Surf HM)

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Well the first thing that stands out to me is do you feel like breeding and training a new Quagsire, one with Recover. You'd need a Male Corsola (Who learns recover at Lv 10), they can be found on North Apophyll Beach in a Thunderstorm. Recover is a great move for Quagsire, run full HP EV's if you're willing to train, the rest can be spread out however you please. Also when we beat Amaria we should get access to Scald, (Unless Ame decides that we instantly have to battle Amaria to "Earn" the Surf HM)

That ending teaser tho.... >:

On topic,

First most visible thing.


When Ame puts her in, Laura is going to make mincemeat with you unless you quickly train vulpix or something. Also, Vulpix is a good idea, as you can eggmove breed extrasensory and will-o-wisp onto a lv 1 Vulpix then evolve it at lv 1 to get Nasty Plot and Flamethrower as a ninetales.

I didn't expect to do this but HOLY SHIT my ninetales, it will-o-wisped Samson's Hariyama, then my azumarill charmed it, then I triple nasty-plotted and fucking ANNIHILATED him. HOLY SHIT. Not even his conkeldurr could live. and my ninetales was lv 67 when this all happened.... lmao

Another flying type or a bug type may be a good substitute to foretress. Or however you spell it. Vespiquen is a good idea, albeit being super annoying to find. Another good flying type is noivern which has balanced 80-100 average on it's stats save speed and I think attack. Although, both are insanely annoying to train (Vespiquen because it's slow and has a horrid 2x fire, ice, and flying type weakness and also a 4x rock type weakness and noivern because noibat is a little batbitch who decided to evolve at lv 48 and have the worst stats of all unevolved and evolved dragon types in general.)

Okay. Some tips for noel?


If it gets a tickle on you then spams it's 5-hit moves, you're dead. So. Very. Dead. You have to drop this mouse quick or it will nibble the snapping rope and send your team tumbling down a slope. Will-o-Wispers are really good, and a pokemon with charm is also a suitable pokemon to make the majority of noel's team sit down with what-the-fuckery expressions.

Watch out for Porygon-Z though. Foretress would check this pokemon pretty well but if it has less special defense than defense porygon's download ability will raise it's sp.atk and you better be quick in knocking it out. I'd reccomend using a cofagrigus with a curse/Will-O-Wisp/Power Split setup because that can really help.

A good pokemon to counter Porygon, however, would DEFINITELY be shuckle. You can find the turtle in the apophyll academy using rock smash. It's hiding in one of the four rocks in the training ground where Kiki gave her lecture when you first arrived. Don't be disheartened if it doesn't show up though, it has a 1%? 2%? encounter rate? Maybe? But If it has sturdy, holy. It is super amazing. Checks everything. If you're gonna make it a special wall, Power Trick/Power Split/Rock Slide/Bug Bite is a considerable moveset to use.

and HOLY SHIT THAT SWELLOW. It has it's common setup of Guts/Flame Orb. Cofagrigus is A VERY GOOD CHECK against Swellow with curse/power split (not too necessary because once mummified the burn from the flame orb already decreases swellow's attack).

OH MY GOD I take what I said about replacing foretress back, KEEP IT.


Given that Reborn is now on Gen 6 Mechs in terms of typing, Clefable is now a full fairy type. It also knows Cosmic Power and Moonblast, making it a wall with a strong move. With Mirror Shot, as long as you spam it on Clefable it should be okay. I recommend learning Gyro Ball though as this will most definitely help. Clefable is lower in defense than special, after all.

You could also train up an Aron from the headbutt pole in the underground railnet- Aggron is a decent check to Noel's flying types and also the rest of them having a good bulk and also a 4x resistance against normal moves. With Heavy Metal as your ability, Aggron can pretty much check Noel's whole team with Iron Defense (To counter Cincinno's tickle defense reduction) and Heavy slam. But don't send it out against cincinno unless you're gonna switch back out again or you dont mind having decreased attack. Don't send it out against Staraptor, either. Unless you went all out and put 252 EVs in it's defense early on before the battle that close combat is highly likely to crush you like a fly.

Not sure if theres anything else I could say, really. but eh. (I just noticed how Vinny's pretty much said what I'm saying here LOL but then again I google movesets because I have a no-life and I'm still learning this shit so xD)

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Alright so I beat Noel (by the skin of my teeth), and currently i'm trying to level up my darumaka. But yea I'll try getting and raising a heracross and reuniclus, and of course I'm getting Xatu, would you expect any less from me vinny (actually if we had access to light screen and reflect tms i'd probable use xatu for dual screens instead of reuniclus). Also I guess I should point out I do breed but really only for better IVs and Natures, not really egg moves unless I have access to the egg moves at the time or if I really need it.

Thanks for the tips and suggestions guys!

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if i were you i would go for sigilyph instead of xatu. theyre found in the same area. but sigilyph is more of an offensive pokemon xatu would be your screen user

On that note, if you're quite dead-set on using Xatu as a dual screener, you can breed Reflect/Light Screen from a Sigilyph onto a Natu. Something to keep in mind, even if you're not one for breeding~

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Sigilyph could be a priest in the church of Xatu, but never a Xatu itself nor a replacement. Also it's alright since it could give Xatu duel screens, which is what I plan to do. I also wanna make 2 Xatus, offensive and defensive, and I'll probable speed run it till Arc de Xatu so I can get started on the Xatus.

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