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Mirror Type Challenge (Vanilla Ice)

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I got to kill the Emolga? Frick yeah, I hate those little Volt Switching fuckers.

My pick: Tropius. Yep. Go put those bananas to use.

Such generous

good helpful

Hm. Lombre cause its chill.

She doesn't use Lotad/Lombre right?

Also, feel free to give the pokemon you suggest any nickname, if none is submitted, I'll just do what I did for the first gym and give it your name more or less.

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She doesn't use Lotad/Lombre right?

Also, feel free to give the pokemon you suggest any nickname, if none is submitted, I'll just do what I did for the first gym and give it your name more or less.

Er.. I don't remember if she does or not tbh, it was a long time ago I faced her.. but if she does use it, I guess Deerlingtho.

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No, I don't care about it with Fern. That's fine.

Use Chespin (you can evolve him if you want)

He'll be a Quiladin when I battle her.

I got dat Bubble power. ^^

My grass type: Whimsicott


EDIT: I don't think you can. So instead of Whimsicott, use Jumpluff. ^_^

So common Candies are okay to use then? to get the evolution? (Since it's only 27 for Jumpluff and the cap is 25, I think I can manage alright with that.



Quiladin (Chespin)



>My pick

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So common Candies are okay to use then? to get the evolution? (Since it's only 27 for Jumpluff and the cap is 25, I think I can manage alright with that.

Forgot that detail too.

Anyway, i guess that's up to you. You can use only Skiploom if you want, but i see no problem in using Common Candies ^_^

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Lust - Lv 18


Quirky -- Overcoat


Bug Bite

Razor Leaf


Vinny - Lv 18


Timid - Infiltrator



Sleep Powder

Fairy Wind

Derpy - Lv 19


Quirky - Swift Swim


Tail Whip


Play Nice

Lost Lore - Lv 18


Bold - Chlorophyll



Razor Leaf


Tempest - Lv 19


Serious - Poison Point

Mega Drain


Poison Sting

Leech Seed

Gaunt - Lv 18


Adamant - Overgrow

Leech Seed

Pin Missle

Vine Whip


If you want me to change the pokemon's nickname you recommended just say so. I'm probably not going to play any more until tomorrow.

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NOTE: Didn't know she had a Helioptile, that's one other rule I wanted to say before but I forgot about, I don't want to have any of the same pokemon as the leader I will be facing. I won't worry about it this time.

To start, I lead with Tacos, Julia sends out Helioptile.

I use swift and it will be a two shot kill, go ahead and lower my accuracy will your Super Effective mud-slap, IDGAF.

She then sends out Voltorb, still being at 80% health I leave Tacos in.

I keep on using swift, it will be a 3 hit kill, but rollout is going to be scary in this battle.

One Voltorb Tacos? Lets kill another one you're still at 2/3 health.

This one has less defense, swift is a 2HKO, but she uses sonicboom, fortunately it misses.

With 3 down and 3 to go, she sends out Emolga, I think it's time to let someone else have some glory. I'll switch to Lost Lore.

I'm going to use Charge then Parabolic Charge. With the field effect, Charge's effects are doubled. Parabolic Charge OHKO's Emolga. Out comes Blitzle, I need to spread the love and victory appears to be in hand. I'll send out Vinny.

First I'll have Vinny use Confuse Ray, Even though Blitzle never loves dese hose, Vinny still takes it out with 2 bubbles.

Now for the big cheese, Electrode, I've been saving myself for this. c'mon out McMc you little shutterbug.


Maybe not the best strategy, it uses charge doubling it's SpD, I do get a crit, but then she uses a potion. This may or may not turn out well, but at least she can't BOOM me.

1 potion ah ha ha. 2 potions AH HA HA!

After I'm free from uprawring everywhere, I use Confuse Ray and it just keeps building that Special D. Too bad Electrode loves dese hose. Double Team twice, and keep confusing it, Wash, Rinse Repeat.

McMc takes out Electrode by using "dese hose".

Gotta get dat... Volt badge? I tried I guess.

Gimme them Grassy types now.

(Acquired TM57 Charge Beam)

Next gyms won't be so easy with the level cap not being as advantageous for me.

Damnit, forgot to recommended ;-;. At least I would consider myself the mvp ^_^

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Forgot to do a little bit of writing up. Beat the Pokemon gang with the Scraggys and Scrafty used lots of Leech Seeds and finished Scrafty with Vinny's Fairy Wind. Also beat Victoria, but she's not that difficult so I didn't bother. Forgot to capture the team before this battle. Also should maybe consider DLing 12.1 for the fix of things like Nature Power


Tempest (Roselia) Lv 20
Gaunt (Quiladin) Lv 20
Lust (Leavanny) Lv 21
Lost Lore (Tropius) Lv 19
Vinny (Skiploom) Lv 19
Derpy (Lombre) Lv 19

Now the Battle:

Misty terrain? That's like Fairy stuff right?
Tempest was in the Lead, so out you go buddy. Lets set up a crap ton of growth's and see how it goes.

Scratch that, after the first one Cain's lead, Grimer, Disabled Growth, Leech Seed sounds like a good idea for the time being.

Tempest hit your Leech Seed...

Mud-Slap isn't going to make it any easier to hit the 2nd time.

C'mon, hit your Leech Seed Tempest.

3rd time's the charm, good, BTW sludge hurts.

Harden all day Grimer, Special Attack lulz

Growth no longer disabled, now resuming plan...

Lost track of how many growth's I did, looks like I'm already +6.

Potion, just in time for that Mega Drain to steal your soul.

"Tempest bout ta sweep"


Oops forgot to heal up before the battle only 6 Mega Drain's left.

Oh and you want to miss one too tempest? That's okay. Just try again.

Venonat 4x resistant? Lets see how this goes. Leech Seed cus why not?

With the Leech Seed it became a 2 hit KO

You still have to y'know hit him though Tempest.

Great now you're out of Mega Drain's....

2x Poison Sting's finishes it off.


Tempest - Lv 21


Now for the annoyingly long Trek back through the Slums to get Cut.

As if it wasn't hard enough. This corrosive field takes out 50% of the health to half of the pokemon on my team, well here goes nothing.



Leading off is Gaunt, who will use Pin Missle, well that did nothing.

How about Rollout? Annnnd you miss, Acid spray oh sh...... Down goes Gaunt....

Tempest, lets recreate that magic. I used Poison Sting, he uses mega drain, we'll call it a wipe. Lets see if I can use Growth then? Oh so you can use Growth too huh? Cool.

Well I'll get one Poison Sting off. That did nothing, yeah I'm gonna lose. Pretty sure you're at +6 now... God er Arceus help me. He decided to stop toying with Tempest, I'm saving Lost Lore for Last. So go Vinny. (Tangrowth at 66%)

Well Vinny has Fairy win, Poison Powder, sleep Powder, and Synthesis, this is going to do be very helpful.... Vinny obvi OHKO

Corrosion doesn't even matter at this point, I'll get one attack. Lust comes out.

Derpy, Let's hit one! one and only one. Down goes Derpy

Okay, Lost Maybe I can hope with some Hax. Nope you died too.

Good thing this isn't a Nuzlocke, time to go grind a bit. (Tangrowth at 40%)

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Try #2, All pokes at Lv 23.

Leading off with Lust, I'm gonna use Bug Bite twice, Acid Spray won't OHKO
Okay, took me down to a little under half health.
You're gonna use Growth, well I guess I'll get another Bug Bite off.
Oh you're gonna use Vine Whip, well I 4x resist that, I can live that, Another Bug Bite
Oh you're gonna use Growth, another Bug Bite
Oh you're gonna use Vine Whip Again OK by me.
Growth Again? I don't mind.
Hey look your dead. LULZ

Lust Single Handedly takes down Pulse Tangrowth.


Lust - Lv 24

Now to put my pokemon in the Day Care... because... reasons.

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Gonna lead off with Tempest and set up some growths since he (She's) 4x resistant to grass.

He leads with his Lombre and it uses Fake out, hopefully it doesn't take me out before I can set up.

Tempest's Poison point will be good since it poisoned Lombre, I can probably Mega Drain Lombre for a solid chunk of health.

Down to (25%), no more growths lol.

Clutch crit back to (66%) and he's gonna die from poison. Down goes Lombre.

Still have +2 SpA gonna leave Tempest in.

Get some Roselia on Roselia action now mhmmm.

(Tempest is the girl and Fern's is the guy lulz, #Blame Tempest)

Poison Sting is the only attack that can really hurt it. But still only about 15% damage. He's using mega drain, 12 HP left.

He's trying to use Stun Spore lolwut?

OK now 4 HP one more hit? Nah tempest outsped)

I'll send out Lost Lore

Gust is obvi, 2 gusts takes it out from where he is, and he's gonna keep using stun spore. Ok.....

Oh nvm, Super Potion, cool beans.

And another one.

Fern Stun Spore doesn't work on grass types. Too late Roselia dead. Servine? this is a job for Lust

Two Bug Bites, will kill it no problem. He just is being cute using growth over there.

Fern got manhandeled. Took down Tempest but that's it.

No MVP this battle, Team Effort.

P.S. Go home Grasshole

Now for the main event.


Leading off with Tempest again. Hoping to do the usual set up.

I get off a Growth he goes for Nature Power, take 1/3 of my HP.

I can get off another Growth and he goes for Pin Missle which Misses.

Now lets use Poison Sting.

Does 1/3 his HP and poisons, not bad, but expected a little more damage.

He uses Nature power again.

Should barely be able to live one more of those.

Well Pin Missle gets strengthened by desert field and takes me out. He's almost at no health now, so I'll send out Gaunt, to use Pin MIssle on him.

She uses a super potion and recovers Maractus' health to full, after a 2hit pin missle, we're back to where we started, she should waste another Super Potion. I miss the Pin Missle, damn it.

Maractus gets off one Needle Arm then dies to a 2hit Pin missle. incoming ferroseed. This is a job for still gaunt? yeah why not.

Trading pin missles. I do about 60% on a 3hit and so does she.

Another 2 hit pin missle takes out Ferroseed. Cacnea coming out, I can outspeed that right? I don't know if I want to try it, I'll send out Lust now.

Crit Bug Bite, goodbye Cacnea, 3 down 3 to go. Now, the Monster, cradily. Oh jeebus. I'll stay in with Lust. Bug Bite til it dies.

2 hits from Bug Bite and 2 Smack Down's from Cradily, Lust goes down but Cradily is under 10% Lets have Vinny come and clean up with dat speed doe.

I swear Fairy Wind better kill it Vinny.

You've failed me, Recovered because it didn't kill. I don't think I have anything that can kill it now. I send out Derpy which futilely uses Mega Drain as it recovers and uses Sandstorm. Derpy didn't do much, well here's hoping Gaunt can finish Cradily, if not I'm pretty screwed.

3 hit Pin MIssle takes it to 40% but it got a stockpile up.

Next Pin Missle misses and sandstorm kills Gaunt

Lost Lore will likely die to a Smack Down. Fortunately a crit Razor Leaf takes it down to almost nothing. Can Lost finish it off? It survived a smack down alright. Another Razor Lead is able to kill it. Good job Lost.

Incoming Grotle. I have Lost and Vinny Left, I'd prefer to save Lost for the last because I seem to remember Breloom.

Vinny be useful please. Fairy Wind does a little damage, not too much though, another Sandstorm will hit us both now.

I keep using Fairy Wind he uses Nature Power Tri Attack, neither is doing much damage. but Vinny has synthesis.

He changes it up and uses Bite.

He's at (25%), Vinny's at (33%), Synthesis TROLOLOLOL, well it doesn't help as much in this Sandstorm grrrr. Still adequate to stall though.

Synthesis one more time for good measure.

He sets up another Sandstorm before he dies, Vinny is almost back to full health.

Here's the Breloom, Fairy could work okay against that.

Fairy Wind is a 3HKO on Breloom, spore doesn't work on me.

Toxic Orb? Hmmm cool.

Yeah Spore still doesn't work. Mach Punch won't do much either.

Fairy Wind for the Win(d)

That's all she wrote gg.

Battle MVP:

Vinny - Lv 26


Almost screwed me with Cradily, but it worked out in the end.

Who's next Cory or Shelley?

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I'm trying to incorporate most of the Semi Leaders. I think the only one I won't count will be Sigmund because in a sense he's optional.

So Corey then.

Give me Poison Types people.

1. No Legendaries

2. None that Corey has.

3. Pokemon that can't be got in Reborn normally are okay so long as they fit 1 and 2.

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I don't think anyone knows what he has (I do, actually) in E12- his team changed a little. I don't want to spoil it, though, so I won't say anything- sorry if you end up with dupes.

Have a Tentacool, and feel free to evolve it- level 30's within the cap.

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