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Mirror Type Challenge (Vanilla Ice)

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He doesn't have a Seviper, it's a-ok. It was Aya who had Seviper, but she doesn't anymore, either.

Edit: And sadly he's always had a Grimer- you're gonna have to pick something else, Rose. >>

Edited by Lost Lore
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Venomoth? I don't think he has one of those but he might, Anyways, it evolves at 31? Level cap is 35. So that would be fine if he doesn't have one.

Tentacruel (Lost Lore)

Seviper (Derpy)

Skorupi (Tacos)

??? (Rose)

Venomoth (Ark) (Don't think corey has one)

My Pick

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Tentacruel (Lost Lore)

Qwilfish (Derpy)

Skorupi (Tacos)

??? (Rose)


My Pick

I feel like I remember him having a Seviper, anyone want to confirm or reject?

No Seviper I believe, Sirius has one though

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tfw do'h i missed.

Oh well, good luck mate. I'll try to be here on time against Shelly. But yeah ^_^

That's all she wrote gg.

Battle MVP:

Vinny - Lv 26


Almost screwed me with Cradily, but it worked out in the end.


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Nero - Lv 26


Lonely -- Rivalry

Horn Attack

Fury Attack

Double Kick

Poison Sting

ATV - Lv 24


Quiet - Run Away

Leech Life

Super Sonic



Simon - Lv 25


Jolly - Shed Skin




Poison Tail

Lost Lore - Lv 24


Gentle - Liquid Ooze





Rose - Lv 24


Mild - Shed Skin





Tacos - Lv 24


Lonely - Keen Eye

Poison Fang

Knock Off

Pin Missle


Let me know if you want your pokemon's nickname changed.

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(Team pretty much the same)

Leading off with Lost Lore

Lets see if I hit a Supersonic on his Lileep

Nope, he ingrained NBD. Lets try again. Good, not hit yourself please. Cool beans.

Bubblebeam that plant thing.... We've killed more badass things before! Oh... it has storm drain, no bueno.

Constrict from Lileep, LOL

Alright well lets at least use Acid

Oh now it confuse ray's me? Terrific, Okay lost, you can come back later. I like Nero right now.

Constrict... My speed fell! OH NO!!!!!!! hahahaha

Okay Double Kick should be a 2hko proabably, actually almost kills. But this fucker confuse rays me, Back to Lost Super Potion, damn it.

You're going to confuse me again, I'll juggle all day.

Acid isn't doing shit to Nero.

Double Kick, almost dead, confuse me, back to Lost... this is getting old... in b4 2nd super potion. Or nvm.

Confused Lost again, switch again. Oh so now you used the Super Potion? This is pretty funny.

Well you'll be low health from a double kick and then you'll confuse ray Nero. Yuppers. Lost you know the drill.

I think I'll supersonic you first though. Still confuses Lost.

Nero finish this damn plant already FFS. Thank you. Did I mention I hate plants? kind of Ironic in this part of the game no?

Here Comes Pulsegrowth #2, should be easier with a poison team. I'll send out Simon, too Paralyze it with Glare. Oh wait, that was Rose with Glare, oh well Simon just use screech like 3 times. or miss the 1st one. Okay, I used 3 screeches, but you used Acid spray, I think it's time for me to kill it dead. Poison Tail better hurt this thing, it's got a couple of growths too.

Almost half health Damage, not bad. Simon almost died but takes out Tangrowth.

Oh yeah Chatot, OK Rose, use Glare on this thing. Nasty Plot, this thing is going to devour me. #NewBeethoven Glare will help.

Crunch away Rose.

Taunt me? LOL I ain't even worried tho.

Chatter takes me down to (10%) and confuses, well rose wanna hit one more Crunch.

Nice, and Chatot why would you Sing to a pokemon that's almost dead?

Sorry Rose, you're getting foddered now.

Okay, ATV should be able to finish this off no? Psybeam looks nice. Oh well that didn't do much, ATVOHKOd

Lost Lore Bubblebeam has to kill it at (10%)


Battle MVP:

Simon - Lv 25


dang i want to do this now...


Yeah, if you're trying to ask me for help, this is DEFINITELY NOT the way to go about it, probably couldn't have picked a worse way to go about it. Also, I won't teach people how to cheat the game sorry.

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VS TAKA and Zel


I lead off with Tacos and Nero, they start with Glaceon and Lileep. I elect to start by double teaming Glaceon. Nero Double Kick Tacos Pin Missle.

Glaceon hits me for about 1/3 health and Lileep confuses Tacos.

I'll Double Kick Glaceon again and switch into ATV

Glaceon Faints, Lileep confuses Nero.

I'll use poisonpodwer on Lileep and hope Nero doesn't love dese hose, but he does. And I forgot Lileep is immune to poison. Espeon used Future sight, so something is going to die. AT this point ATV and Nero are my two most expendable. ATV is OHKOd by Espeon. Nero snaps out of confusion and hits Espeon with a Horn Attack

I send out Tacos to try to get a Pin Missle off on Espeon.

Nero Double Kick on Lileep, Tacos Pin Missle Espeon since Espeon used Future Sight. Tacos takes down Espeon. Tacos dies to the first Future Sight.

I send out Simon, to use Screech on Umbreon. Nero almost takes out Lileep. Simon is now confused.

Switch snakes super, the hell with alliteration, just go Rose.

Lileep Super potioned so I hit Umbreon with Double Kick and Umbreon nearly dies. Nero takes the future sight and hangs on by a thread.

Nero takes out Umbreon and Rose uses Screech on Lileep but it misses, Lileep confuses Nero. I won't switch him out since he's almost dead now.

On the bright side it's 2v1 since all of Taka's Eeveelutions have been defeated. Nero loves dese hose again and kills himself. (Don't hate the playa hate the game)

I send out Simon, Twin Snakes awww yeah. Rose is confused, but gets the screech off first.

I want to keep Rose alive so I switch out to Lost Lore. Simon use Poison Tail. Lileep almost dies and uses a late ingrain, I don't know if they'll use another potion or not, but Poison Tail and Acid spray should probably kill anyway.

He did use a Super Potion, Acid Spray didn't do much but Simon's crit did wonders and kills Lileep.

Here's the damn tangrowth. Acid Spray all day. Also Poison Tail some more. Tangrowth Acid Sprays Lost for almost no damage.

Just gonna keep doing the same thing for the next two turns. He uses Growth, too bad his moves don't do much to me.

He uses mega Drain on Lost Lore and gets a crit, jokes on you muthafucka. Liquid Ooze beeeeeitch. Suicidal Tangrowth lulz.

Last is Chatot who switches in to Poison Tail that was still on that turn. He gets the nasty Plot off and I just keep doing my poison type poison thing.

Chatot is now at 25%, can't take us both out in the same turn. He elects to kill Lost, Simon kills Chatot with Poison Tail.

Battle MVP:

Lost Lore - Lv 27


I mean....


Time to grind everyone to level 30 or so.

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I'll lead off with Rose, he starts off with Skrelp

I use Screech and he uses Venom Drench.

Now I have to use Screech again, but he uses bubble which doesn't do much to me apparently.

Time to Crunch the little sea-dragon-horse-thing.

Crunch almost kills and he uses Smokescreen sharply lowering my accuracy, I know he'll Super Potion so I'll switch into Simon.

Since he's poison Bite is Simon's best bet. Which OHKO's Skrelp.

He's sending out Croagunk, finally ATV can kill someone, with Psybeam.

Frogs legs anyone? Skuntank incoming. I'll go back to Rose and Glare. His pursuit does a decent amount of damage on Rose.

I can still live another one, so I think Screech is the best bet. Parahax YAY.

One more screech than switch. Oh well he's gonna kill me with pursuit either way, Crunch before you die Rose. Does about 1/3 health not very effective.

Finish Skuntank Nero. Finish with Horn Attack. 1 HP left 0_0

Super Potion prolly. but it won't matter he won't survive two more Horn Attacks. OUCH Toxic Aftermath hurts!

Grimer, ATV should be able to handle this.

Psybeam does 60%, but he disabled it. Sleep Powder and a couple gusts should do it though.

1st turn wake up for the loss, but at least that field is gone now. One more gust finishes it.

Crobat coming. A job for Simon, Screech/Bite combo. his attacks do 1/3 hp damage. Simon goes down but crobat is really low.

Lost Lore should finish it easily.

Set up some Barriers just cause.

Oh nasty plot, no bueno.

Venom Drench doesn't work on Poison types fool. OK, finish with Bubblebeam please and thank you.

Nidorina? Lost has got this. Cory stop using Venom Drench.

I take out Nidorina with two bubblebeams and it gets disabled.

Still Corey went down WAAAAAY too easy.


Lost Lore - Lv 31


R.I.P. Corey.... may you find the piece in the next which you could not find in this one.

Buzz Buzz Buzz, gimme the creepy crawlies.

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