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Late to the party as usual


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Hi welcome.

First things first. You should get Pokemon Online and come on the server. It's the mainstay of Reborn. Also, don't be afraid yo PM me any questions you have. I don't bite... crunch is better.

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Well welcome! :D We hope you enjoy your stay. We ask that you empty your sanity into the nearest garbage disposal as it has no value or use here. You are now entering a world where everyone's favorite person is a sledgehammer wielding, rainbow haired psychopath and everyone's favorite waifu is the lovely Gossip Gardevoir. Make sure if you have any questions you ask Vinny or Temptest. Now please remain seated while we take flight to insanity! :D

EDIT: dammnit Tempest ninja'd me

Edited by Tacps&Flowers
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Shoxy sounds like shock, which reminds me of Electricity, reminding me of the song Electric by Atlas Genius but me dislikes the song sort of, so here's another Atlas Genius song.

And yes, Keith Jeffery (the singer) does say "Your momma's flying high as a kite"

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I saw party and I came over. Has it already ended? Oh well. Welcome, Shoxy. I think all jokes and cliches have been said by now, so the only things I can do is say welcome. And mind Sheep's post. You shouldn't run when Alice and Kyra are around together, you need to steal a car and drive away as fast as you can. All jokes aside, welcome.

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Ohai Shoxy.

Just a heads up, leave your sanity in the trash. You won't need it here. At ALL. Or if you keep it, be prepared to lose it within 10 minutes. LOL

Otherwise, Late Welcome from me~ Im Lynxie, the sneasel egg stealer (OHHHHHH VIIIIIINNNY...... WHERE U KEEPIN DEM EGGS?). Im also going to be the first person to tear Our Green-Haired Jerk Jock excuse of a rival to shreds when we're able (Ame, where's HIS bad ending, Hmmmmm?)

Anyway, Have fun here~ <(ouo)7

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Welcome To The Reborn Region an area Where people's sanity is so profoundly destroyed that no'one can keep it in "one Piece" unless you are Amegakure who's mentality has been destroyed so much its already the Devil's Advocate as she loves to torture us her faitful game lovers ^^

Also Hop on the Server even thoug Tempest nija'd me to it and i warn you Watch out for my random bursts of insanity as it has left me muteda few times cuz i have rather profound anger bursts

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Don't worry bout Alice. They are just as cute as can be. Anyways, have fun I guess.

Daawww thanks, I totally am~

Hi there, welcome, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire

My name is Alice and or Ruby, but on the server I am known as Vulpix Lover, nice to eat meet ya~

Just do what ever everyone else already told you to do, and if I see ya on the server, I will be sure to give you a very, very warm welcome there~

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