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Beware of songs in foreign languages...

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So, you're surfing the web, looking at songs in different languages and you find a song that sounds good. "Oh hey," you go. "I like this song," you say. So, wanting to know more about it, you look up the song's lyrics. To your regret. Great regret. Some things are better off not known. Traumatized and as an attempt to cleanse your mind of the horrors, you flee to something juvenile to regain your innocence. But it's in there. Burned into your mind.

*Cough cough*

Okay, that may have been obnoxious, excessive and unnessicary but I couldn't help it. So, what about you guys, are you permanently scarred by a song's lyrics? I think the paragraph above sums up my experience with the song below. The following song turned out to be extremely groutesque with many -erm- sexual mentions and even talks of cannibalism. I'm only giving the titles so you have to go and search for it yourself if you really must hear it. To be watched at your discretion.

-The Fox's Wedding. (Mind you, I was not paying attention to the video's imagery, I was reading something online and had it open in a separate tab. I initially enjoyed it for its beat and originallity)

Does anyone here know of songs with lyrics as disturbing and/or has had a similar experience?

Edited by Beyond Birthday
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Black Heart from Slipknot, if you don't understand/pay attention (to) the lyrics it can be enjoyable (for someone who likes metal of course) but if you look at the text it's pretty disturbing (i still like it though)

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Pst.... There is another song that goes in hand with The fox's wedding-- The spider and the kitsune-like lion I think it is called. ;) It's worst -shudders- be warned. The beat is the same, I'm glad I don't speak Japanese in this case.

Edited by Snap Crackle Pop
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Just listen to kurumi ponchio and think not of the lyrics and you should be good. Also, after looking into it a bit, the fox's wedding and spider kitsuna are part of the onibi series, seven song in total (i believe) and their beat are similar, and of course the disturbing level is just as equal. Just as fox's wedding i like the series.

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