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Just some questions yo

Kaiser the great

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So decided to boot up a second file for reborn [because I realized that Torterra was a very sexy concept 10/10 no question] blah blah fast forward I feel like having doubles of a type generally aids rotation and all that. (I.e Pyroar as a faster fire than Camerupt.)

Mind you I'm at rescue!Luna_Arc. Right now I'm just looking for a back-up Fighting type and Water.

Personally as far as fighting goes I'm leaning more towards one of those Dark/Fighting guys (I believe you get both from the same location, right?) and a bulkier water-type than Sharpedo.

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I'm not quite sure what you're asking, but it sounds like you want to know where to get scraggy and pancham. You need to get the dull key from the Underground Railroad. From there just solve the puzzles and you can catch pancham or receive a scraggy after finishing the event. If you're wanting to know which is better, I would say scraggy. Access to shed skin to remove status effects is always a good thing in this game. Intimidate to lower the attack of powerful foes is also nice. And lets not forget Moxie for powerful sweeping.

For water types that are bulky, I would recommend mantyne for a very specially defensive option or perhaps or if you want to go through the event to get mudkip, he is also a good choice for bulk. If you don't want mudkip you can always try gastrodon.

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  • Support Squad

Is shellos even in game?


swampert for water(breed waterfall onto him, goldeen to remoraid to mudkip) and i would definitely go for scrafty he sigle handedly destroyed arceus-ditto without taking damage when he was level 56

You can tell it's dire straits when you have to breed HMs onto a poke

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I'm hoping it's not just me, but the main site doesn't seem to be loading. So I'm unable to access the list nor download to 12.1 D:

Its not you, don't worry. The main site just loads alot slower compared to the forums.

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  • Support Squad

Its not you, don't worry. The main site just loads alot slower compared to the forums.


That doesn't make much sense to me seeing as there is less work involved compared to the forms right?

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no-one says anything about Crawdaunt. -_-. When you got Azumaril and Buizel, you can breed him Auqa Jet and Superpower. Trust me, he's far more power than Azumarill in game. If you got rain support, his Crabhammer is as strong as Kurem B's Outrage, his Aqua Jet is as strong as Azumarill, his Knocf Off/ Crunch OHKO anything with item bar Luna's team, and even if you can get a Sword dance boost......ANd with Scope lens, Crabhammer will be more deadly (even we don't have the updated critical change in gen VI which give Crabhammer 50% crit)

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>Good Water Types


Unfortunately, if it ain't a starter and ya don't wanna breed......have fun lol.

I guess all the good water pokes are already mentioned.......but I'd like to add the starter water types xD PROTEAN FTW, AND SO DOES SHEER FORCE FERALIGATR

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>Good Water Types


Unfortunately, if it ain't a starter and ya don't wanna breed......have fun lol.

I guess all the good water pokes are already mentioned.......but I'd like to add the starter water types xD PROTEAN FTW, AND SO DOES SHEER FORCE FERALIGATR

He's looking for bulk, not extreme power though

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Swampert is defiantly the best choice for water starters. You would just need to beware that second gym.

He's at Luna so he can't get it as a starter. He can try the event though. Also no need to beware of the second gym because of that.

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