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muh boi's all grown up


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...is what I would say if Inuki was 21 but he's only 20 hahaha nothing of value loser

But I mean I guess you're not a teenager anymore- and you know, despite my being a little under two years older, [sivHD voice]you're already starting to get your shit together.[/sivHD voice] And with something you really enjoy, no less. You're making a lot of positive changes (or, well, have made) from what I've read of your most recent updates to your tumblr true self stuff and I think that's great. I know we never really talk seriously (all the stuff with Wolfie aside, I don't think we've really had to, though), so this is something I've wanted to say for a while but never found the right way to (and I made a mental note to do so a long time ago that I'll screenshot or something to show you dates)- but for all the nothing I can actually get you for your birthday, for all the times you compare yourself to me (with varying levels of (in)accuracy), and at the risk of ruining my "cool older brother" image, I really am proud of you. Give yourself more credit; I honestly think you're better off than I am at this point.

Happy birthday.


see, told you

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When I woke up this morning and looked at Reborn i wasn't expecting to feel, but here you go makin' me feel. Gotta stop dat sad anime :(

On a real note, thank you everyone for all the good wishes (best wishes if you will :]), and for those still to come if/when they happen and I don't get to them (how to be conceited: a comprehensive guide.)

A few specific notes, though.

To Wes: you sure do know my cake preferences <3

To Ikaru: Honestly what you said above is probably the best present i could ever hope to receive from someone, I.. certainly didn't expect that mental note you mentioned way back when you actually posted that to have anything to do with me. And I especially didn't expect it to be something so.. day/life brightening. I hope I continue to do so and thank you so much <3

To most errybody but more targeted to Ikaru especially considering he'll understand all the nuances behind using this specifically:


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