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I've created quite a stir in the Pokemon Zeta community LOL


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Hhaa ok so recently, I've been trying out another game called Pokemon Zeta lol. As always, I hopped onto their forums and started to get active there. All was well, until-

-the first troubleshooting thread came out. At first, I volunteered to help out, by asking them to send me their saves while I got them unstuck (nobody else was able to even help them), but when I did, I was slapped on the title of "Hacker". So, I sank a bit deeper into talking via PMs and sending trades there. At this juncture, things started to simmer down.

Then came the re-release of the trade system. I was aggressively banned for some reason (even the mods admitted that this ban was kinda abrupt) which was just posting a picture of a strong lucario, which had more EVs than normal. However, I was not given any warning, and I was banned just like that.

And thus, I saw no point in playing along anymore, so I retaliated by spreading lots of *unobtainable* poke (fakemon too) through the trade systems. Of course, the bans came back, but so did my excessive creation of new accounts.

And thus, I am now leading a hectic but intense life in the Zeta community, which has ridiculously low amounts of tolerance for game editors, even when they are offering to help folk in dire need.

Who wants to hop on in and join me? If you want to join for the H4X&FUN, I'll pass you a fun save with lots of trolls inside and offer you my full support.

I assure you, it's a blast.

Especially when the trade initiates successfully, and imagining the other person's face when the Pokeball opens up to be some weird freak of nature ;)

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Pokemon Zeta, huh?

I've played that... good game... but still prefer the ball-breaking difficulty of Reborn...

They have a reddit page our something for their Forums, right?

looks like an attractive offer if that's how they repay those who try to help by editing save files for those stuck... I said I'd help earlier... but I'll have to reconsider...that decision was made in haste...

Empathy... what if someone tried to do this in the Reborn Community?

Yeah deciding not getting involved... sorry they were Dicks about you giving out a service that they should've been offering in the first place instead of having others come and do it... Being a dick back may help one feel better...but it's really not worth it....

sometimes it's best to walk away, Man...

Edited by Stratos
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So you're a grade A dick, then? Fucking with a place that banned you only makes you look like a sad asshole with nothing better to do (Source: People who fuck with Reborn)

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... i really don't think messing with them like that is a smart thing to do, they have their rules and we have ours, at worst we can have some sort of war between zeta and reborn communities, which i think is highly unappreciated.

You're being reckless and disrespectful.

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Dban, here's an advice from personal experience: If someone has been a dick to you, don't retaliate because it's not worth the effort. Just leave them, they'll bring troubles to themselves. What you say you are doing will only bring you more problems and won't solve anything.

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Ok then, you're right. I shouldn't spread it here. I'll keep the feud locked in there.

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From the sound of things there are plenty of people over there that you are screwing with but are only trying to enjoy the game themselves. Don't let a few harsh decisions cause you to ruin the experience for innocent people. Besides, what you're doing won't achieve anything but more hate. There's no point to it. We're not asking you to just keep it over there, we're asking you to stop.

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By helping people out, you mean getting them out of stuck positions? That's cool.

Holding a grudge because they're a bunch of stiffs. Not so much. Intentionally messing things up community wide. Not really. It's fine if you want to tinker with the game yourself, but don't promote it or intentionally mess it up for revenge.

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My policy is that if people don't like you helping them out, then don't bother helping them because frankly, they don't deserve it and can figure it out themselves and apologize. You're a cool person from what I can tell, and shouldn't sink to their level; just let them flounder. If people want to still contact you for your help, give them a way to do so, but don't intentionally bother everyone just for revenge.

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I'm glad that it seems most of our community is agreed with refraining from this.

Apparently Zeta takes an opposite standpoint on these sorts of things than the one we do, which they have every right to do. I'm not going to waste words and say that you should respect their protocol because that's already obvious. However, I cannot in good conscience allow this forum to be used as recruitment against them, especially as I am in some sort of debt to TheSuzerian for allowing us to borrow some of his code for Reborn. I don't intend to disrespect his project and community by permitting this.


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