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i have a rather Large bullying problem as 2 children in particular Have Take to calling me a bumsuck and Faggot

I dont know what to do as talking to a teacher hasnt resolved the problem i need help what you people say

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You have multiple options.

One, you could not care and learn to tolerate stuff like that. Thing is about those people, they pray on your angry. They want you to be fazed. If you don't give them a reason, they can't do anything to you. Just don't look like you are ignoring them or else they'll start teasing you more.

Two, kick some mutha fuckin' ass. Teach those bullies who the toughie is. (Don't blame me for this option, one of my teachers gave me this advice. ><)

Three, consult your family. The fam knows what's best when dealing with a bully. Despite if it's a pride thing or if you don't feel that they will understand, they do. Their advice may sound sucky but it's what they know best. Parents have been victims of bullying because most likely they have been bullied themselves when they were kids by someone or something. That's my 50 cents on it. :/

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Eh each situation is different, not sure if you're in highschool yet or not, but usually it gets way better, middle school is the worst for that, everyone is out to try to make a name for themselves.

Just don't let it bug you man. And don't just act like it, if you get to the point where you can really not give a damn, and they can really see that, that usually works. But if you fake it, they'll know, you'll be frustrated at first but it'll come.

Or if in the unlikely case you have a great work ethic, work out and drive their faces into the ground, with a smile of course. You'll get some bumps and bruises at the very least but as long as you don't come off looking completely inept at fighting, you'll gain respect enough for them to think they have better things to do.

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Talking to your family or the teachers won't solve the problem (i tried that so i know) because they'll not be around for ever so you have only 2 options:

1) Endure till High School

2) Start a fight every damn time they insult you, if you win that's ok but even if you lose do it again and again till they stop

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I'll be honest: I tried every single thing of these already, except for the fighting that is. People who say that violence is never the solution: it is the only solution here. I recommend you to do that, instead of doing what I did: I completely went out of social life. Hiding and stuff. Yes, even at school. Not in class, but in the pauses I did. And that kinda got me depressed and make me think of...drastic...solutions. But if you do want it to stop, train like a madman. And beat the fuck out of them. Zero tolerance. Also, Murdoc, what you said doesn't always help... When the bullies are damn fucktards, they will just count everything you say as idiotic rubbish. Just because it was you that said it to them, and not someone else. Normally I'm not a supporter of violence, but in this case...

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I remember trying to fight some twins that kept at me. Don't fight against two okay, I almost got humiliated.

Here's what you do; befriend the counselors, assistant principals and whatnot. You use that as your advantage, so not only do you have a new friend, you'll have someone who's got your back within school grounds. Then you tell on they ass.

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If anything, a lot of what you can do is situational. Me being a heavy target to bullies has been my life for a long time. The worst was in 6th grade. But most of it happened in the cafeteria so when I told my teacher, they set up chaperones in the cafeteria to monitor the rooms for any bullying. I'd assume you're at least 2 years older than that by now so it's probably outside of there. Assess the situation first of all. Assess the bullies. Do they have any sort of counter insult that could hit them hard? Are they big guys or are they same size or smaller than you? Do you have any friends around you that might stick with you and help you fight your battles? Honestly, I was a big fan of giving a good ol' pop in the jaw or using the self defense I learned from 12 years in karate. If you got friends around, you can just pretend like you didn't hear it and just walk along with your friends. If you don't laugh or shrug off the insults, because in the end of the day, if they call you "bumsuck" or "faggot", that does not define who you are. Your actions, your decisions, your genetics, make you, you. Don't take it so horribly. In the end of the day, they're the losers who find amusement in harassing someone.

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I remember trying to fight some twins that kept at me. Don't fight against two okay, I almost got humiliated.

Here's what you do; befriend the counselors, assistant principals and whatnot. You use that as your advantage, so not only do you have a new friend, you'll have someone who's got your back within school grounds. Then you tell on they ass.


That'd be cool and all, but it looks grimy, you're gonna get him in more trouble than he is now, and it's gonna look bad on him as a whole.

Real talk, just step up and tell 'em you ain't a punk ass. If they got an issue, and it has to go to hands, you go to hands.

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And if hands don't work, he could be seriously hurt. There's more ways than immediate violence to win.

If you've got friends, resort to hanging with them. In numbers, you've got safety. Don't bother with "pride", just do what keeps you away from freaks like the low-lives that are trying to leech entertainment from you.

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well its survival of the fittest in this world, I suggest you endure it and find another way to get even, either way talk to your parents.

1) the violent part seems to be long shot, i know i tried.. its not always like in the movies where the you get to be the hero. all you need is one good smack when they're off guard talking shit to you and prepare for the worst (do it on school grounds). you all get in trouble, now you got the teachers attention. parents called. explain to them what the fuck just happen. luckily i got off with a warning. Sometimes talk isn't enough to get notice. worth it? not so much. DON'T GO THIS ROUTE UNLESS YOU'RE WILLING TAKE THE RISK.

2)Live your life the way you wanted, find some friends, hobbies, etc. don't let those meanies dictate your life and just endure. either way you'll find respect for yourself from both of these experience.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Never. And I mean ever. Fight someone on school grounds. The charges you could get slapped with ain't worth it.

Real talk, say something back. Odds are they're too bitch to do anything. Gotta speak up otherwise they're gonna keep doing it.

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I don't normally agree with religion but i suggest Turning the Other cheek and Smiling at them. Not cuz morals though. in this day and age that shit is creepy as fuck to alot of people who just don't understand it. And it is very satisfying to confuse and creep out bullies. It also doesn't hurt to get a thick skin for that kind of stuff.

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How I dealt with bullies was quite simple, just don't let the words get to you, and don't take that crap. True strength is having the ability walk away, but if they insist on keeping on, you might have to get your hands a little dirty. In the end violence is a last resort. Now let tell you about high school, In my experience, bulling ended my freshman year. You see high school is a time where people stop giving a shit about popularity, and really start caring about what the hell they want to do after wards. Hell I became friends with one of my bullies, turned out to be a chill dude in high school. So don't fret over stuff that happens in Middle school, high school is a whole new game,and dealing with bullies becomes much easier as you mature.

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Having been a victim of bullying for years while in School, I can tell you what worked and did not work for me. Speaking with the teachers did nothing. Even speaking with the Principal bore no results. One problem, was solved via getting the police involved. Harrassment is against the law, and if it is continued, you have full right to get the police involved.

Now, option two. What solved my problem entirely, knock your bully the fuck out. I'm not sure how your schools handle fighting, but no one in their right mind would give you too harsh of a punishment for standing up for yourself; if your teachers and principal have done nothing to correct the problem, and you are to be expelled or suspended; take it up higher to the school board. I settled for a one week suspension, given raising my grades were never an issue if I decided to actually do some work now and again.

My problem did not stop until my Sophomore year, where I actually stood up for myself and fought one of my bullies. After I fought, the others backed down. Just, don't go overboard with whatever injuries you cause. You COULD bait him in to coming for you first, as well, and make it a matter of self defense.

A lot of people will tell you violence is not the answer, but they usually have not experienced a problem that has gone so overboard that violence is the only option. I did everything, I stood up, got in their faces; I asked them why they did it, I even took it to the police. Yet, the only thing that actually stopped it all; was me laying in to one of them.

Not every case is the same, and my method isn't necessarily the best. However, it did work. Sometimes, the ends justify the means; and violence is very necessary. Get angry, not down or sad. Use your anger to get things done and solve your problem. Some people, will never understand something, until it is physically beaten in to them.

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Damn... I always forget how young some of you are, when I look at some postings of you...

I think almost everyone gets bullied sometime in their live.

And yeah, I was bullied in middle school too.

Let me tell you about it... it was ~10 years ago...

It's a long read... and yeah... I literally gave an 'I am a gamer speach' in front of the whole class...

I had to retake the year, because I had very bad marks the year before (because I hated everything about school that time... *sigh* puberty and stuff)

I came into a new class and knew nobody... it's always hard to be a new guy in an already established class, where groups of friends have already been formed.

And since I've always been a shy guy in person (internet is fine xD) I could hardly approach them... so I brought my Gameboy with Pokemon with me to play in the breaks.

So this class obviously had a class-bully, and it didn't take long until he came after me for being the guy and always playing these childish games, and calling me names...

In Gym-class always shooting at me (he was a football-enthusiast).

after a few months later we were given group-projects and as you can guess the teacher assigned the bully, his friends into one group.

He said something like: "Great, we have to work with this ******." - for everyone to hear.

That's when I lost it. I smashed my hands on the table and stood up and finally talk back, in front of everyone... and that's something for a shy guy... (bear with me for eventually over daramatisation, as I said it was ~10 years ago)

"That's it! Enough of this shit!

You don't know ANYTHING about me!

You never TRIED to get to know me!

From the very beginning you are attacking me for NO reason at all, except that I'm different than you!

I never did anything to you, I never knew you before I came here, and you never gave me the chance of getting to know you!

You are attacking me because I play video-games - WHY?

I play video-games because they are fun, they make me happy, just like you like to play football. And never has anyone gone to you and attacked you for playing football!

So why are you playing football? To run behind and kick a ball for 90 minutes? - Wow how exciting!!

Let me tell you why I play video-games: I play them, because they tell incredible stories, that I'm a part of! Some of those stories are worth expierencing multiple times, because you can expierence them differently by choosing other partners in combat or paths to follow!

You say may Pokemon-Game is childish? I'll tell you what's you childish - Your disrespectful behavior! Grow the f**k up!

All these little creatures in this cartridge are better friends than you could ever be: they accompanied me thorugh tough journeys.

You see this Eevee? It's the best friend you could get! You need an electric type? he becomes Jolteon. You want someone to go swimming with you? - BAM! Vaporeon! And If I would ask my little creatures to help me burn YOUR house down, it would take that firestone, evolve into a Flareon, and go burn your house down all by itself!

I don't play these games because I have no life... I play them because I prefer to live many lives, in many different worlds, because this world sucks because of people like you!

And you know what I do this evening? - I'll log into my Online game with hundred-thousand of other people and with 40 of them I will finally defeat that giant Dragon who is terrorizing the whole world! That's right tonight I can say that I'm a hero!

The games teach me so many things... they taught me not only that dragons, like you, exist. But that they can be slain!

And I'm glad... now I know that I will be able to slay that virtual dragon... because I just slayed one in real life!


Oh by the way teacher... I prefer to work alone on that project."

He completely avoided me for a week or two... I can't remember if did anything else from that day onwards

I just showed him that I'm proud of me and what I do. I showed him that it was wrong to go after people because they aren't like himself.

If he calls you 'faggot' again... keep calm and don't get loud:

"Why are you calling me that? You know - I've read that people who call other faggot are actually trying to hide that they are faggots themselves. Are you calling me that because you hope it is true and that you want to go out with me? - If that's the case I have to dissapoint you... I'm not like that."

Use their own words against them... with as many witnesses as possible, it will emberass the hell out of them... and with teachers around they won't dare to hit you and if they pledge that you provoked them, you have witnesses that can confirm that you were just asking a normal question based on a statement he made.

It shows that you are the dominant one without violence. you are more intelligent and have a stronger will then he does.

If he resort to physical violence it is a sign that you have won, but in return if you get physical he wins! -> Don't let him provoke you!

If he really wants to start a fight, well to quote my father:

"You don't fight battles that you don't need to fight. When you are clearly stronger, you have nothing to proof. Whe your opponent is stronger, he's a weakling for picking on the ones who are weaker than him. But if you are forced to fight: Hit first and hit hard!"

Most of those guys are posers and wannabes, who are only strong when they are with their friends.

If you truly have to fight with him to settle this thing (!!! which should always be the absolute final solution!!!) insist on a fixed time and date -> your rules. Tell your parents about it but insist that they do not interfere (if you want to grow up, you have to stand for your own). But make sure they will be there a few minutes later in case of injuries.

Get a few other people to that fight, maybe classmates, who will ensure that HIS FRIENDS don't interfere... those guys like to team up on you when their friend gets his ass kicked.

When it starts hit as fast and hard as you can. He can't hurt you if he is lying on the ground, writhing in pain.

Pro-Tip: elbows and knees are the sturdiest. There is a reason why Muay-Thai Fighters preferably hit with those... it hurts... A LOT! (but they have considerably less range though)

But be a gentleman! Do not hit him when hes down like that! -> The greatest victory, is showing mercy to those who don't deserve it.

It doesn't matter who wins or looses:

If you win - Great! you have overcome a great obstacle.

If you loose - Well, now he got what he wanted. admit that he's stronger, and there is nothing wrong about it, and you stood up against your oppressor.

At least that is my expierence with bullying...

Edited by Cepheus
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