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Steel monotype challenge


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I'm really interested in doing a second playthrough with a steel monotype team. Does anyone have suggestions for Pokemon? I'm thinking I'll choose Piplup as my starter and probably use a Magnemite and Karrablast. Not sure what else would be best.

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last i checked you could get onix after beating team meteor with fern. so it should still be like that unless ame changed it in ep 12

Hmm...when was that last time? I checked in ep 11 and the hiker gave me one only after JUlia so idk

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i am 95% sure i got it in ep 11

Do you know where the hiker was? Because I never found an Onix when I played episode 11, though I'm sure I missed a lot.

There is also Litleo (you get it by giving Bibarel to a dude in Peridot)

Right, he gets headbutt. So that'll save me a few levels of griding with bidoof. Thanks!

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The hiker is standing near the Peridot Station, and the house you show him is the same one with the Whismur.

I'm in the middle of the Steel monotype right now. Just got that fourth badge.

If I remember correctly, the hiker event starts after you defeat Julia. I'm not 100% sure though.

Edited by Jaromir
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The hiker is standing near the Peridot Station, and the house you show him is the same one with the Whismur.

I'm in the middle of the Steel monotype right now. Just got that fourth badge.

If I remember correctly, the hiker event starts after you defeat Julia. I'm not 100% sure though.

Hiker event is random.

The hiker was around before Julia, but the event wouldn't start until after I beat her. Anyway, I have 2 badges now. Really wishing I'd rememberd that Klink is around BEFORE Florinia, because it would've made her Cradily less of a nuisance. Thankfully, her Cradily doesn't know any grass type moves, so I ended up taking her down with Onix.

Does anyone have suggestions for the fighting and fire type gym leaders? I think they're going to be the toughest ones for me, especially since I'll have two pokemon that are 2x weak to fire on my team (Forretress and Wormadam).

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Does anyone have suggestions for the fighting and fire type gym leaders?

For Cal, you should rely on your Onix and Empoleon. You can also catch a Nosepass by rock smashing in Apophyll Cave

He is not that hard, as his team is not that high leveled for a 45 cap.

For nightmare Kiki, I strongly recommend you to level up Forretress to 46 and learn Iron Defence. Thanks to it, he took down both hyper potions, three pokemon, and almost knock out the fourth. Also, if you can afford it, buy some ice creams, as they are the best potion in this moment.

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