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The Dratini Tile


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And to think that everybody forgot the tile.

Y'know, this could be a sick and twisted way for people to solve puzzles. Give everyone an opportunity to catch a rare pokemon and put it in a tile completely random.

Just saiyan. Giving some ideas here. :P

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And to think that everybody forgot the tile.

Y'know, this could be a sick and twisted way for people to solve puzzles. Give everyone an opportunity to catch a rare pokemon and put it in a tile completely random.

Just saiyan. Giving some ideas here. :P

Don't Encourage Her >:C

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Is it still in Ep 12?

Nope, though I'm gonna go back to 9 and try

EDIT: You can't get the tile to work in episode 9 either; my current guess is that you have to talk to the tile before the Gargantuan Steelix

Edited by Rosesong
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Once upon a time Ame was really impressed with the community's collective ability to solve puzzles, so as a social experiment Ame put a random tile with some instructions on it in a random place and said the first person to find that tile gets a free Dratini. She was interested in seeing if, in so many players, anyone would find something so arbitrary. Many looked, but none were able to find it.

As of right now, I'm rescinding that offer. Dratini will be technically in the game as of E13 so it no longer makes sense to keep this event around. For the curious, here's where it was.


PS just because something's in the game doesn't mean it's obtainable.

Mannnnn, if I had known there was something like this floating around Reborn, I would have scoured the maps more thoroughly.

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Sooooo... Ame while I was sleeping (or at least trying to) I got an idea on how to bring this secret-tile thingie to a new Level:

The 'Reborn-City secret adventurer club' or 'RCSAC' for short.

Idea 1:

- This Club will have multiple 'branches' one in every town... more in Reborn-City (one per ward?)

- The Kids, who are running this club, tell you that there are secret-notes hidden among all of Reborn!

- you create more of this secret tiles for us to hunt down. which are effectively the secret-notes.

- Those secret-notes contain a Password.

- with this Password we go to the respective club-branch (the secret of Agate doesn't work in Calcenon and so on)

- with the correct Password those Kids will give us either a rare-item or a rare-Pokemon like Dratini.

Idea 2:

- One Club-Headquarter in Reborn

- notes scattered around all of reborn

- we find them and post evidence here on the Forum.

- depending on how many notes are found until the week before the next Episode, you add someone in the HQ that gives us a rare-item/pokemon


"Greeting adventurer. I'm happy to inform you that the secret adventurer club could retrieve 4 of 5 hidden secrets during the 13th cycle! As a sign of gratitude for the help of all of you, I am allowed to give you this rare-Item/Pokemon!"

That way, we get to collectively hunt down those secrets, and everyone gets this Item/Pokemon not just the first (and those guys may stay there for when the game is finished, so that everyone can obtain those Items / Pokemon there when they discover reborn after it is finished)


please ignore the Capital letters where they don't belong... this editor is fixed to german for some reason... and I'm to lazy to correct all of them manually...

Edited by Cepheus
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Okay so I didn't find the tile...but for some reason I found an event solrock on the first left when you enter the cave the first time. o_o

Yeah, the tile is only available before steelix tore through the whole area, and the event solrock is supposed to be there cause its... well... an event.

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Okay so I didn't find the tile...but for some reason I found an event solrock on the first left when you enter the cave the first time. o_o

Cuz that's perfectly normal? I mean... w/e

Back on topic: I'd like to see stuff like this again ^_^

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