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Hi there! Kiozo here finally getting his hands on the announcement thread-making! Anywho, in a recent (3 months ago isn't recent I know) announcement, I decided to release some information about projects that would come to Reborn. Well, over time there's been some heavy forum instability, and I decided to hold off during that period. As it currently seems, there's stability, so why not bring things out now? Better later than never! So down to business; there's three different things I'd like to talk about right now!

  1. PokeNations
  2. Create-A-Pokémon
  3. Codename COUGH


So, this is something I doubt many people know about. So, since this came from a server both Rooreeloo and I had frequented, I should probably give you some info!

First off; you might have noticed the 'nations' part of the name! Well, this plays a huge role in it. People will be part of a given nation, and it will determine what type of Pokémon you have to work with! You won't inherently get to choose though...

Each week, there will be assignments for the nations. Two nations will be pitted against each other, with none of them sitting out. Each nation that wins overall versus the respective opponent will be recognized and recorded for future reference.

The assignments can and will change! This won't be some simple sixth gen overused fest! I assure you, you will be tested ahead of time, so you should prepare yourself for competition everywhere!

Not all the competitors will be required to play every week. Depending on the size of the nations, that could get messy. But, we will make sure that there's an extent of fairness between the all participants. It's not right that someone would sign up for such a thing and not be allowed to participate.

The thread will be made in the near future. Something like a week or so, just to allow for further examination on everything's stability. Also; you might have noticed that I referenced Rooreeloo earlier. I did this because I'm not alone on this project! Rooreeloo has just as much input and control over this as I do; and I do wish for you to respect what he has to say regarding it. He's the real reason PokeNations is coming to Reborn, so that deserves respect! He can and will if necessary, give out any sort of warning or punishment regarding PokeNations activity. We'll be in contact quite regularly about the status of things, so often decisions are made by us jointly, but that leaves no reason why he could not act alone.

Anyway, I hope that gives you enough insight to interest you, without spoiling too much! I hope you're looking forward to this and will check out the thread!


More of you shall know what this is! For those of you that don't, I'll take a second out to explain the basic details.

Create-A-Pokémon, or CAP for short, is a project that multiple communities have taken up. It was originally designed to make Pokémon for fun, so people could have creative freedom and feel connected towards the designs they wanted to make and the game they loved. Some, however, decided to take a more competitive approach! They incorporate the community into it, taking a collective that wishes to make a joint creation come to life on a medium such as Pokémon Online! That's us!

As for the more advanced information; that takes a small backstory. Here at Reborn, we have had 1.5 creations. The first, Grimolt, had been created successfully. The second, which doesn't even have a name, did not. The issue here, is that there was no linear pathing for the processes to undertake. There was just a large sandbox to play in, and that did not allow for the proverbial sandcastle to be built.

That's where I come in! I've decided to make the process have a more linear and direct system, which means that there will be specific times that pieces will happen, specific orders that they will happen in, and limitations as to not get carried away.

This will start sometime after the PokeNations is running smoothly, just so I can have proper time to manage everything effectively. Expect a 2-4 week period after it starts.

Codename: COUGH

Alright, this is a project that I will be handling alone. There's not much to say about it; other than inclusion will be limited after I get it up and running. It's designed to question and change the idea of the metagame..but take heed. Just because you might be considered 'good', doesn't mean you'll get access to everything. Limited access will be given to all. For now, I've said enough on the topic. You'll just have to wait and see what's in store!

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Soooo, how much initiative? would the People in a nation have? Would there be a clear chain of Command or just a mass of individuals duking it out?

Edited by DobbyTheElf
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...and I'll be the last waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe. Totally not awesome enough to be Katara though

You've got a partner here!

(btw Katara>Korra every time.)

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Sap Sipper Azumarill says hello XD.

Without the huge power, Azumarill sucks ass, hold this volt switch from Rotom heat.

Well, Fire Vs Water ofc

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Soooo, how much initiative? would the People in a nation have? Would there be a clear chain of Command or just a mass of individuals duking it out?

..Most of this will be answered in the thread when it comes out. For now; know that no person should have zero input. If that happens, someone will step in.

How do you get sorted into a nation?

That will be answered in the thread as well. Sorry to keep details hidden but that's half the fun! ^^;

Will PokeNations happen at different times to include people from all timezones?

Yes. It's not timezone dependent like some other aspects of events, and you will set up the times for your own battles. You'll have a few days to take care of battles as needed. I suggest all communicate with the opponents they have, so everyone knows when they will battle!

Without the huge power, Azumarill sucks ass, hold this volt switch from Rotom heat.

Well, Fire Vs Water ofc

Kind of a loaded statement...but in reality you're voicing an opinion, and while everyone's opinion is valid, try to keep it as a more subjective statement with less harsh tones, and a little more content! ^^; This way, you're a bit more well-received, and people understand your point of view! Also, it's kind of off topic for the thread as was a lot of posts here. But that's a minor point to me.

Generic 'I want x nation!' statements

I can promise you but one thing; you won't have control over the Nation you have and asking for a nation has zero effect on what nation you will get. I won't say that you will not get it if you ask for it, but I won't give it to you for that reason either.

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Ah, some info! well, i'll try to take your advice to heart, and it's nice to know each nation member will have some input. Furthermore, i Really want to know how you will be deciding who goes into what nation.

Anywhales, is there an ETA or are we gonna have to wait and be surprised?

*FACEPALM* Aight, thanks

Edited by DobbyTheElf
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