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[Resolved] Clefable move set


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No, sorry. If you don't believe me, go here:http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-xy/173.shtml. And since we aren't able to get good TMs yet, I guess you won't be able to give cleffa a good moveset. I wanted to give Cleffa a good moveset, and then I saw what it could learn and what TMs I had, so I just gave up on using a cleffa for my team. Eventually when Ame adds enough Obsidia Dept. Store stickers, we can go up to the TM floor and buy good TMs to use.

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So after me, Kyra, and Rainbow Dash pretty much went insane, we have an answer to this. Sorta. Seeing as Reborn is in Generation V breeding mechanics, you can't breed Clefable with both Flamethrower and Psychic. You have to choose between the two. This may change in episode 13 if given the chance that breeding will work the way Generation VI works. Until then you have to pick moves.

For Flamethrower, here is the chain-breed: Male Arcanine + Female Granbull = Flamethrower (Male) Snubbull + Female Clefairy = Flamethrower Clefairy

For Psychic: Male Aromatisse + Female Clefairy = Psychic Aromatisse.

Please let me know if this chain-breed works.

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So after me, Kyra, and Rainbow Dash pretty much went insane, we have an answer to this. Sorta. Seeing as Reborn is in Generation V breeding mechanics, you can't breed Clefable with both Flamethrower and Psychic. You have to choose between the two. This may change in episode 13 if given the chance that breeding will work the way Generation VI works. Until then you have to pick moves.

For Flamethrower, here is the chain-breed: Male Arcanine + Female Granbull = Flamethrower (Male) Snubbull + Female Clefairy = Flamethrower Clefairy

For Psychic: Male Aromatisse + Female Clefairy = Psychic Aromatisse.

Please let me know if this chain-breed works.

Well flamethrower has to go since I traded my growlith for an azuril. But I got myself a psychic so thank you.

No, sorry. If you don't believe me, go here:http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-xy/173.shtml. And since we aren't able to get good TMs yet, I guess you won't be able to give cleffa a good moveset. I wanted to give Cleffa a good moveset, and then I saw what it could learn and what TMs I had, so I just gave up on using a cleffa for my team. Eventually when Ame adds enough Obsidia Dept. Store stickers, we can go up to the TM floor and buy good TMs to use.

FYI Cleffable is stil decent, Moonblast-Shadowball-Psychic/flamethrower-T wave/Moonlight is a pretty good moveset

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actually i have never seen Clefable using both Flame and Psychic on its moveset. Even with these moves, Clefable and easily coverage for Steel and Poison type, she does have a 4 moveslot- syndrome. The best thing about Clefable is similar to Reuniclus: set up/ heal/ sweep. So you need Wish or Moonlight for healing; Calm Mind/ Cosmic Power/ Charge Beam for set up; Moonblast for STAB, so you only got 1 slot left. You have to choose: Flame or Stored Power/ Psychic (actually Stored Power got more power than Psychic after 2 turns boost, and it can learn SP by level up)

So i suggest 2 movesets:

1, Calm Mind/ Moonblast/ Flamethrower/ Moonlight

2, Cosmic Power/ Charge Beam/ Stored Power/ Moonlight or Wish

Bold nature/ max HP and def EVs. Magic Guard is better than Unaware in game (in-game only -_-)
That is the best Clefable you can get in-game. And both of them can work perfectly (actually i use my second moveset- very powerful)

EDIT: she is too slow to use 4 atk moves to sweep. Don't use it.

Edited by gutten_tag
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FYI Cleffable is stil decent, Moonblast-Shadowball-Psychic/flamethrower-T wave/Moonlight is a pretty good moveset

That's true. Moonblast is the only good damaging move clefable learns by leveling up and shadow ball is the only good tm that clefable can get early game, but yes that still is a good moveset.

So after me, Kyra, and Rainbow Dash pretty much went insane, we have an answer to this. Sorta. Seeing as Reborn is in Generation V breeding mechanics, you can't breed Clefable with both Flamethrower and Psychic. You have to choose between the two. This may change in episode 13 if given the chance that breeding will work the way Generation VI works. Until then you have to pick moves.

For Flamethrower, here is the chain-breed: Male Arcanine + Female Granbull = Flamethrower (Male) Snubbull + Female Clefairy = Flamethrower Clefairy

For Psychic: Male Aromatisse + Female Clefairy = Psychic Aromatisse.

Please let me know if this chain-breed works.

Oh, yeah! I completely forgot about chain breeding. I guess you can get Psychic or Flamethrower without TMs (derp).

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