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[Resolved] Eevee



Hey Everyone!

I just signed up on this forum and have been playing Reborn since a few months. I've downloaded episode 12 today and finished it and I´m actually curious to know where I can find a Eevee?

I've heard about some Event, but don't know anything about it. I want to change my Tauros for a Sylveon if that's actually possible as well?

Please don't mind me if I'm asking something that could be find in another topic ^_^

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If you can find your way to the cave in the Chrysolia forest, then you are on the right start. From there, there will be 4 pathways in each room. Always go to the one that doesn't have a rail/track facing towards it, and eventually, you will find a room with Eevee's pokeball.

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For Anyone Else Asking you need to make the time night and Windy and have gotten to he trains diary

I dont know if its changed in episode 12 Someone Confirm

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Ok, thanks for the quick replies!

I'm on my way to find that cave now, it's already night time here but what do you mean by ''making it Windy''?

As in windy weather?

Has your save not experienced it in which case if the cave is open to you at night time your ok

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If you can change the date on your computer, you can come across a time when the weather is windy. There will be diagonal streaks going across the screen in windy weather. But just in case, make sure its windy not raining because they do look fairly similar.

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I don't know if it is necessary to read the diary... but well:

- enter the train south of chrysolia (entrence is on the right side)

- read the diary (it's long...)

- get / wait for windy weather

- set / wait for night time

- from the city keep yourself on the right side of the forest -> go south past the path to the Moss-rock (for Leafeon)

- there should be a path which was normally blocked by a tree

- follow that path into a cave

- in the cave go into the entrance without a Railtrack leading towards it.

- find Eevee and another diary (read it again to get clues on a Stone-door...)

- leave that room and go into the entrances where a rock lies directly next to it (if i recall correctly, that is...)

- if it's correct you are in a new room with a stone door and a TM

- now you can leave here (unless you want to catch a few Smeargles)

To evolve Eevee into Sylveon, Eevee mus know a Fairy-type move (Charm / Baby-Doll Eyes) and get a level up with maximum friendship!

Edited by Cepheus
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Welp I think this is A Completed topic.

Mod please lock we dont need anymore unnecesary comments clucking ths place up.Cyao

..Such as yours? >>

And for future reference, topics don't get locked by mods/admins that might prove of use for future reference or other players. What you're doing is just providing posts that aren't even relevant to said topic anymore.

As for the Eevee thing, you are required to have winds at night (no stormy weather, just wind streaks), which can be tedious to trigger. My advice is to interact with a tv nearby (either in Spinel Town or at Laura/Charlotte's place) and checking the weather report. Could save you some time instead of just randomly messing about with the date/time! n__n;

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Removed unecessary comments. Just because a topic is resolved (for now), doesn't mean it has to be locked. Just remember what Dash said, and thanks~

And for future reference, topics don't get locked by mods/admins that might prove of use for future reference or other players.

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