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Psychic Monotype and Modified Nuzlocke


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Inspired by the Poison monotype run-through by Ykcir, I am going to attempt to do a playthrough of Pokemon Reborn, episode 12, with some modified Nuzlocke rules and additional mono-type challenge restrictions. Now, for the sake of transparency and avoiding arguments about how I'm not doing it right, here are the rules I will be playing by (Neatly arranged in the order of how angry they will make people!):

1. ONLY Psychic pokemon or pokemon that evolve into Psychic types are allowed to be caught and only ONE Psychic type can be acquired per area

Official areas as per the EV Training Guide:

Opal Ward
Peridot Ward
Underground Railnet
Central/South Obsidia
Obsidia Slums
Coral Ward
Onyx Ward
Jasper Ward
Malchous Forest
Beryl Ward
Rhodocrine Jungle
Lapis Ward
North Obsidia Ward
Grand Stairway
Abandoned Power Plant
Apophyll Beach
Pyrous Mountain
Azurine Island
Byxbysion Wasteland
Chrysolia Forest
Tanzan Mountain
Tanzan Cove
Spinel Town
Route 1
Aventurine Woods
Citae Arc-d'Astra
7th Street
Subseven Sanctum
Iolia Valley
Agate Circus
Route 2
Ametrine Mountain

2. As such, non-psychic type pokemon do not count or matter in any way shape or form. They can not be caught, they do not count as a sighting, and they matter as much as points in "Who's Line is it Anyways"

3. Event and gift pokemon are allowed but count as the one attainable pokemon for the area

4. Savehax/cheat engine can be used, but ONLY for:

Event/gift pokemon IV's and

Skipping long walls of text I've already gone through in my previous playthrough

5. This one is a biggie and I fully expect some hate here, but let me explain first. Given the competitive stylings of pokemon movesets in Reborn, I honestly think it is nearly 100% impossible to make it through the first half of the game without having some sort of revive system. As such, I will allow myself to revive pokemon, ala Final Fantasy Legend rules:

A - A white-out is a game over. Period.

B - Pokemon can be revived, but only three times total. If they faint a fourth time, they are considered dead and must be released.

C - Pokemon MAY NOT be revived at a Pokemon center or other insta-heal spot.

D - ONLY Cotton Candy can revive a pokemon, and only outside of battle and within view of a healing spot

E - Pokemon centers and healing spots can be used indiscriminately for any non-fainted pokemon

F - Healing and status restoration items will likewise be unregulated, with the exception of a three-item limit per battle

Finally, there is one last little detail that is unrelated to the above rules, but that I feel I should mention: I will be playing Episode 11 up until the point I obtain a Quirky Ralts from the Onyx Ward, and from there I will switch to episode 12 for the rest of the run (Or until episode 13 is released). The reason is that Gardevoir is and has been my number one favorite pokemon since Generation 3. I got jealous that Wally got a psychic type for his starter so I spent the next two hours looking for a Ralts of my own. From there, I trained Ralts alongside my Marshtomp, and then went on to smash the rest of the game under using nothing but the two of them. Ever since then, I've always had a Gardevoir in my party, and not even Reborn is going to stop that.

Phew! Anyways, with all of that out of the way, let the game begin!

Edited by Ironmind
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I don't see the point of 5D

Probably to add a bit of a challenge with the need manage money, rather than mining for revives.

I have only one thing to say: this is not a nuzlocke

As the title states, it's a modified Nuzlocke. AND a Monotype. Doing a pure Nuzlocke or a Monotype on their own is tough, a combination of both would be absurdly difficult.

and they matter as much as points in "Who's Line is it Anyways"

Welp, time to follow this post :)

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As the title states, it's a modified Nuzlocke. AND a Monotype. Doing a pure Nuzlocke or a Monotype on their own is tough, a combination of both would be absurdly difficult.

I really don't see the point in calling this a Nuzlocke, that one rule about reviving Pokemon defies the very idea of "Nuzlocke" (that is NOT being able to revive our Pokemon), ahh well this is only my opinion so yea whatever

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I really don't see the point in calling this a Nuzlocke, that one rule about reviving Pokemon defies the very idea of "Nuzlocke" (that is NOT being able to revive our Pokemon), ahh well this is only my opinion so yea whatever

He's still keeping the basis of a Nuzlocke though (The pokes can and possibly will die, and he's still going to catch only the first Psychic type he founds on each area).

I have nothing to say except: Good luck, you're going to need it... so much... I don't even...

EDIT: Most monotypes are on "Team Showcase", so i'm moving this as well.

Edited by Vinny
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I don't see the point of 5D

The point is that Cotton Candy is expensive and will add a serious in-game cost. The reason it has to be in view of a healing spot is to further limit the when and where, thus adding some more difficulty.

just a question..why stick with that fennekin?

i mean why that nature and ability

I did restart to get those IV's, but I'm not going to restart to get a good nature + abilities because they'll add to the experience in the beginning and can be changed in the late game at a moments' notice. It's a choice to make it a little more difficult.

Its possible to play nuzlocke without the use of gaining a second wind, I've done it myself.

Then you're a better man than I, Gunga Din. I honestly don't have enough faith in myself to do a completely serious Nuzlocke/Monotype run of Reborn without failing hard and failing early.

With all that said then, it's time to report on last night's progress!

Very first battle against Cain! I was nervous right out of the gate because I really didn't know how my Pyrolix here would fare and because in my previous/main play of Pokemon Reborn, my Piplup got stomped by both this badass Nidoran here AND Victoria's str8hax Pignite.

This time however, the RNG seems to be at least a little in my favor -- His Nidoran missed a Leer and then I got a critical hit with Ember.

Victoria was always a great character but she never could throw me for a loop like Cain could do. (Maybe it's because my sweeper for half the game was a Psychic/Fairy, heh)

Grinding up against some trainers in the Peridot Ward, Cain would be proud. The reason for this is as obvious as it is stupid (On my part, I mean)...

I needed myself some damn Pokesnax to get that Ralts. Little did I remember that the old man's house RIGHT at the entrance to the Peridot ward had a free pokesnax just lying on the ground. Why yes, I do feel like I got a great deal, thanks for asking.


This is what happens when the RNG throws you a bone and hits you in the face with it. I'm going to run with it through because it's shiny and that mean's it's good.

Between these two screenshots I changed from Episode 11 to Episode 12, so everything onwards is current. Can't wait to fight 'dem Gym Leaders.

...And this right here is why I don't deserve to have nice things. Also why I don't trust myself to be talented enough to do a full Nuzlocke run. Luckily it was just a close call, but it still prompted me to heal up, save, and go right to bed so I didn't make any more sleep-deprived decisions.

Current team:


Pyrolix Cyrene

Lvl. 12 Lvl. 9

Relaxed Jolly

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Might wanna consider adding fewer pictures, there's a total attachment size limit of 500KB, you'll eventually run out and be forced to remove some from this thread.

Other than that, good luck. There's really not that many Psychic types you can use in Reborn, a lot of them come way later, I wouldn't even be surprised if you have to take an Unown. It's why many people opt for a Poison Mono, only skrelp/dragalge, tentacool/tentacruel, qwilfish and the Megas aren't obtainable.

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Might wanna consider adding fewer pictures, there's a total attachment size limit of 500KB, you'll eventually run out and be forced to remove some from this thread.

Other than that, good luck. There's really not that many Psychic types you can use in Reborn, a lot of them come way later, I wouldn't even be surprised if you have to take an Unown. It's why many people opt for a Poison Mono, only skrelp/dragalge, tentacool/tentacruel, qwilfish and the Megas aren't obtainable.

So that's why all the other Mono-type runs generally have a text write-up over images. Good to know. I prefer to have images, but it's not a big deal to go on without them.

And yeah, I was looking and it seems like it's either an Unknown or a Chingling for me.

Here's the real question though...

Do I catch an Espurr or do I wait to revive the Episode 12 Ralts from the corrupt pokeball?

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Do I catch an Espurr or do I wait to revive the Episode 12 Ralts from the corrupt pokeball?

Care to clarify? They're not in the same areas as far as I know.

If you're sticking to the Ralts you already have, don't bother with getting another one, keep some variety. Also, Espurr is also in Lapis Ward, the only Psychic type in Lapis.

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Care to clarify? They're not in the same areas as far as I know.

If you're sticking to the Ralts you already have, don't bother with getting another one, keep some variety. Also, Espurr is also in Lapis Ward, the only Psychic type in Lapis.

The Ralts from the corrupted pokeball is technically met at Critical Capture which is in the Obsidia ward. Where you find the item isn't where I count it, but where the actual encounter is. I didn't realize Espurr could be found elsewhere though, so the point is moot now; but the reason I was concerned about choosing is that I am not going to use the daycare, which means no eggs, but a Gallade would be nice to have for Luna.

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*SPOILERS*.......I am not new to the concept of nuzlocke gaming at all, but this is a unique Pokemon game. How do you play a nuzlocke when their a battles like the ditto Arceus, the level 75 Garchamp, or the ghost fighting type gym leader(gastly) to fight? Those battles either are not winnable at that moment or cause several casualties to your team.

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*SPOILERS*.......I am not new to the concept of nuzlocke gaming at all, but this is a unique Pokemon game. How do you play a nuzlocke when their a battles like the ditto Arceus, the level 75 Garchamp, or the ghost fighting type gym leader(gastly) to fight? Those battles either are not winnable at that moment or cause several casualties to your team.

It is possible to beat them, but Garchomp uses 2 Full Restores, so I suggest you get a Pokemon with some status inflicting like Poison and Curse.

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*SPOILERS*.......I am not new to the concept of nuzlocke gaming at all, but this is a unique Pokemon game. How do you play a nuzlocke when their a battles like the ditto Arceus, the level 75 Garchamp, or the ghost fighting type gym leader(gastly) to fight? Those battles either are not winnable at that moment or cause several casualties to your team.


1 - You make an exception. You're not supposed to win this battles, so whatever. OR

2 - You believe in the heart of the cards and try to win anyway

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I have not decided yet whether or not to count the the super-battles. I didn't make it through any of them in my main play-through save for the Arceus battle. Even Pulse Abra took me a few tries.

I'm sure I'll get a better gauge for how likely I am to succeed in those battles as I get closer to them. With that being said, progress report! The double battles with Fern had a few terse moments, especially against Aster and Eclipse, but I managed. Not too long after that nonsense was over, I challenged Jula's gym and found myself nearly waylaid by sonicbooms right from the start. More than a little bit of luck was needed here and I'm thankful the AI decided not to spam sonicbooms indefinitely given that LITERALLY every member of my party had 40 max health at the time. A little bit of grinding later and I challenged Julia.


Pyrolix Cerene Tyil

Lvl. 16 Lvl. 18 Lvl. 15

Relaxed Jolly Hardy

Tail Whip Growl Odor Sleuth

Scratch Double Team Assurance

Ember Confusion Gust

Flame Wheel Teleport Confusion

I actually led with Cerene and spammed double-team. Two turns in her Helioptile used glare/gaze/whatever and paralyzed me. Luckily I managed to avoid being hit for the next two turns where I was immobilized, and spammed two more double-teams after that. I used a potion and then a paralyze heal, then proceeded to max double team. After that it was mostly a straight forward hammering from relative safety. Had to use one super potion while fighting her Blitzle and finished the battle with 4 HP. Double team sweep seems a little mean, but you do what you have to do.

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Doing a Psychic monotype is actually quite a plus for difficulty, aside from the limited choice of Psychic type mons. Psychic easily beats both Victoria and Cain, as well as Fern Grasshole's Roserade.

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