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E4+ Speculation


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what about the character that look like Red. He seems to be a evil red or something he could be the champion I wish I had a picture of him he pop up on the title screen a few time but not often and I haven't seen any news on him it would make since for him to be champion or former as the case of alder he looks died or something do anybody know anything about him?

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what about the character that look like Red. He seems to be a evil red or something he could be the champion I wish I had a picture of him he pop up on the title screen a few time but not often and I haven't seen any news on him it would make since for him to be champion or former as the case of alder he looks died or something do anybody know anything about him?

That's only Radomus wearing a different hat.

what if the champion was like ZEL but with personalities of every leader?

Ame wouldn't make us fight someone who was the champion before the official Champion battle. Plus ZEL only has the three personalities and I'm not quite sure how having personalities of every leader would make them champion.

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*Defeats the Elite four after a series of intense battles that push the bonds of the team's trust in each other, ascends to the Champion's room only to find.... That Fern beat the elite four before we arrived and booted out the formed champion and took their place*

^I honestly would not be surprised if this happened... it would be even worse than when Gary Oak did it

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Everyone is talking about how Lin will be the champion, where does her exploding come into the picture? Y'know like the video in Shade's Gym? Are you implying we get to blow her up after beating her?

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That always could be a possibility. If Ame pulls a Black and White she could steal the show before we get to the champ and she will act as our main story champ and we have to defeat her. We might have to/accidentally blow her up after defeating her. Also some people have suspected that it is a scene from the past in which Sigmund thought he saw her explode and that is why he is shocked to see her at the Tanzan Base.

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That's only Radomus wearing a different hat.

Ame wouldn't make us fight someone who was the champion before the official Champion battle. Plus ZEL only has the three personalities and I'm not quite sure how having personalities of every leader would make them champion.

i dont mean that zel was the champion. i men what if someone with multiple personalities(similar to zel)was champion, but all of his/her personalities were those of gym leaders. its not an actual theory i just thought it would be an interesting battle

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i dont mean that zel was the champion. i men what if someone with multiple personalities(similar to zel)was champion, but all of his/her personalities were those of gym leaders. its not an actual theory i just thought it would be an interesting battle

Oh I see, that was a mistake on my part.

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i dont mean that zel was the champion. i men what if someone with multiple personalities(similar to zel)was champion, but all of his/her personalities were those of gym leaders. its not an actual theory i just thought it would be an interesting battle

Interesting but... too random? I think that'd be way too random, unless Ame was thinking of this already and then she pulls somethign out of nowhere...

Unlikely, but it would be pretty surprising if it happened.

Everyone is talking about how Lin will be the champion, where does her exploding come into the picture? Y'know like the video in Shade's Gym? Are you implying we get to blow her up after beating her?

That might not even happen. As we know, Shade showed you the past (Corey), and the future (Kiki being the only one confirmed). Maybe the main character can prevent the other stuff from happening. Or even better: the main character is the reason why this deaths happen (IG). If you've never showed up, these people wouldn't die. I think that's kinda farfecth'd though.

But now that you mention Lin: I think that someone might backstab her. Someone was infiltrated in Team Meteor so it would be easier to find the four keys. And when the Meteors have all the four keys, this person is going to show up and say: "Yeah, it was nice to meet you Lin, but now you're dead" *Throws Electrode at Lin*

*Defeats the Elite four after a series of intense battles that push the bonds of the team's trust in each other, ascends to the Champion's room only to find.... That Fern beat the elite four before we arrived and booted out the formed champion and took their place*

^I honestly would not be surprised if this happened... it would be even worse than when Gary Oak did it

I think that'd be too obvious.

I'm not saying that it couldn't happen, but if it did, i wouldn't be surprised. Honestly, i'd be disappointed.

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Seriously, the one thing i can guarantee n the E4 is that the music will be goddamned amazeballs

Did someone mention amazeballs, e4, and music in the same sentence?

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I think it might be the legend encounter music in the sound files

May or may not have just copied and pasted the sound files into my mp3 wut

AnyWhalezzzz, since this is pretty much the endgame topic i think Legends aren't that far off topic, so what dost peeps think, are the doors scattered around linked to legends? and is it a pixie legend in the citae arc d'istrae (probs misspelt that or got it wrong completely)

Edited by DobbyTheElf
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maybe... it would make sense...

Though at the back of my mind I'm partially expecting for something like the movie "Inception" to happen when one of the doors are opened, just to screw with our heads and confuse us a little....

Edited by Stratos
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When the four stones will be reunited, when the doors of destiny will open...countless Ameowls will fly out and bring endless destruction on Reborn...or something like that ^_^

and then you have to fight the Ameowls whilst trying to find the four stones again and then have to open Another set of doors and then find the stones within the stones and open a door within a door and so on and so forth until Shit just becomes completely crazy and...

yeah... like I said...

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Just cause Ame seems mean doesn't mean she is. The doors leading to sleeping legendary pokemon isn't that far fetched at all. I bet we're going to have to fight them at stupid high levels (possibly even beyond Lvl. 100) and then we get them after the fight at like level 10.

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Just cause Ame seems mean doesn't mean she is. The doors leading to sleeping legendary pokemon isn't that far fetched at all. I bet we're going to have to fight them at stupid high levels (possibly even beyond Lvl. 100) and then we get them after the fight at like level 10.

Thats been a theory for like evers like you are sooooooooo 2012. I love how you try to tell us Ame ain't evil and then explain something evil she would do...

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There's a difference between "evil" and "you want these overpowered legendary pokemon you're gonna work for them." Nothing good is handed to us for free in Reborn; Beldum is the closest we've gotten and even then finding it is difficult enough if you don't already know how, much less catching it with that abysmal catch rate.



Seeing as how we've already battled Bennett with a full squad, I just have my doubts about him.
Amaria is a gym leader in the game I don't see why she'd be a E4.

I am however thinking that the E4 will be (In no order)


As for El, I also have my doubts that we will face him in the E4, and I highly doubt he's the Champion.

I'm assuming you got the types through matching the colors of the gemstones?

I like this a lot because I never considered the colors on the Reborn symbol to have significance outside of the keys; unfortunately, Charlotte is confirmed as only a gym leader, so unless Cal makes a surprise appearance later on (it's possible) I don't know if it would be fire. And Amaria is the only water leader we've ever had, so I can't say for sure that she'd be an elite four...

Personally, just based on what we've seen ingame I'm thinking the Elite Four will look something like this, in no particular order:
El (as much as i hate him considering we've never battled him in a full 6v6, past or present and he implied he can do better than a level 80 Ditto Arceus)

Laura (basically confirmed)
Bennett (given that he intends to go off on a training adventure and El's "connections"; that and his team still seemed a little incomplete as of our last battle with him)
and MAYBE Anna (considering she cut off Noel when you first met her, right before he elaborated on something involving her while Charlotte was talking about Laura: "She's also one of Reborn's Elite Four. Awesome kind of runs in our family. No big deal. NOEL: If you're going to say that, you may as well mention how Anna-" ANNA: Yeah! Laura's so cool! And Charlotte and Noel are also Gym Leaders~")

But, again, I don't know any more than anyone else here does as far as Ame's plans for the game goes.

Elaborating on the possibility of the keys representing the elite four, though, we can consider what Solaris told us under the grand stairway:

"That is Reborn. The city of insolence. It was built on four key powers. You can see it in the city symbols.
Observe! Ruby, the seal of pain. Sapphire, the seal of love. Emerald, the seal of faith. And Amethyst, the seal of the beyond."

Perhaps if this is the case, we can try to associate those with characters? Given that Heather was (or, Corey was) in possession of Ruby, and the both of them pretty obviously fitting of "Pain"... Amaria's presently in possession of Sapphire (but do remember it was originally Laura's)- this is one thing I know that others possibly don't but let's just say that's fitting as well. Emerald having belonged to Luna is a little ironic, but in that sense (call it anti-faith, or maybe faith in the darkness instead of the light), still fitting- also considering El stole it from her, that makes it unironically fitting. Amethyst belonging to Anna and representing the beyond also kind of makes sense given she implies she has some kind of connection to Shade, and can see things the rest of the cast can't. Given this, Bennett doesn't quite fit in; but knowing Ciel exists as a potential Flying badge...giver, and we won't be seeing Heather for a while, that could fit her in the Elite Four as well. I know from experience Heather's no pushover ;-;
Granted, these types don't match the colors much, but the characteristics do, I think.
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Elaborating on the possibility of the keys representing the elite four, though, we can consider what Solaris told us under the grand stairway:

"That is Reborn. The city of insolence. It was built on four key powers. You can see it in the city symbols.
Observe! Ruby, the seal of pain. Sapphire, the seal of love. Emerald, the seal of faith. And Amethyst, the seal of the beyond."

Perhaps if this is the case, we can try to associate those with characters? Given that Heather was (or, Corey was) in possession of Ruby, and the both of them pretty obviously fitting of "Pain"... Amaria's presently in possession of Sapphire (but do remember it was originally Laura's)- this is one thing I know that others possibly don't but let's just say that's fitting as well. Emerald having belonged to Luna is a little ironic, but in that sense (call it anti-faith, or maybe faith in the darkness instead of the light), still fitting- also considering El stole it from her, that makes it unironically fitting. Amethyst belonging to Anna and representing the beyond also kind of makes sense given she implies she has some kind of connection to Shade, and can see things the rest of the cast can't. Given this, Bennett doesn't quite fit in; but knowing Ciel exists as a potential Flying badge...giver, and we won't be seeing Heather for a while, that could fit her in the Elite Four as well. I know from experience Heather's no pushover ;-;

Granted, these types don't match the colors much, but the characteristics do, I think.

Nice theory...and now the player has Ruby so "Pain" await us? Maybe?

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