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Does anyone actually EV train their team?


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I saw the EV training guide, but without pokerus or the power items it seems like it would be impossible to ev train multiple mons. The only pokemon I tried to EV train was my quagsire because I bred it to have recover so I started from scratch and didn't have to use it in battles. It was convient to train with the magcargo in Pyrous Mountain, but it still took forever, so I don't think I'm going to bother with the HP stat.

So just out of curiosity, have any of you EV trained?

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Yes. Some do, most don't.

I actually EV train, but not a lot. I have some EV trained pokes, but if tried to train all the pokes that i use on my rotation team... Damn.

It's not really impossible, it's just... really time consuming.

EV training is definitely NOT necessary. But it's really easy to train Atk, Speed and Sp. Atk though. The rest can be really hard to train, and i don't bother.

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If the Pokemon is a jack-of-all-trade like Metagross or a tanky thingie that can set up like Gyarados (R.I.P), I don't EV-train too much, but of course I'll reduce useless EV to zero thanks to the berries (for example special attack for gyarados.

However, for a glass-cannon Pokemon i'll try to get a nice or near perfect EV spread so that it can effectively OHKO.

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Welp there is 1 fabled man trainig high in ametrine moutains with enough time to ev train 600+ pokemon in 2 days

No one knows his name but We Call Him Gutten Tag Our Residential Crazy Breeded/Ev Trainer

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If the Pokemon is a jack-of-all-trade like Metagross or a tanky thingie that can set up like Gyarados (R.I.P), I don't EV-train too much, but of course I'll reduce useless EV to zero thanks to the berries (for example special attack for gyarados.

However, for a glass-cannon Pokemon i'll try to get a nice or near perfect EV spread so that it can effectively OHKO.

Huh? Where can one find these EV reducing berries?

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I have some four or five EV trained mons atm, and I'm trying to fix the EVs of the others slowly. Yeah, it takes time and patience, but attack and speed at least are fairly easy to get. As everyone said though, it's not necessary to progress in the game.

Edit: you can find the berries at the dept store. I don't remember which floor, but it's in the guide.

Edited by Notus
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I only EV train when I'm waiting for new episodes, but it can be pretty arduous, especially for Special Defense. Speed, Defense, Attack, and (to a lesser extent) Special Attack are fairly easy enough thanks to Woobat, Bouffalant, Macargo, and the Arceus Citadel (however the hell you spell that shit); but it's not something I can do all in one sitting.

To date, I've only completely trained two Pokemon (Gardevoir and Flygon), and I'm in the middle of training my Metagross. I'd like to breed and re-train the rest of my team members, but my bench is way too deep to do that without any items to help out, and EV reducing berries are expensive as fuck; so I just EV train the new Pokemon that I get and the rest of the team will just have to deal.

Edited by mashonem
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I only EV train the attack and sp.atk of my pokes.. thats cuz i like training against the unknown.. its a good place to level up your pokes from 17 onwards till about 40.. which pretty much gets them well trained.. sometimes i go even further and get them fully trained but not always.. though i definately did it for my gre :ph34r: ..

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The first Pokemon that I properly EV trained was my Azumarill, because huge power means that I get double returns on training attack and that an enormous percentage of its power comes from IVs and EVs rather than level-induced attack gain. After that I did it with my Amoonguss, because black sludge (and occasionally synthesis) subtracting a fixed percentage of my maximum HP from each attack means that EV training with HP and special defense drives the damage I receive per turn underneath 0 in finite effort instead of just asymptotically near to 0 in the unattainable limit.

For almost the entirety of the game those were the only 2 I bothered with since I was getting hugely improved power scaling for my efforts, though now with some time to kill between episodes I'm going back and doing this for the rest of my team. As a nice side benefit, EV training Amoonguss let it eat judgment from an Arceus 40 levels higher than it to land toxic and win that fight trivially. Azumarill too usually over-performs spectacularly on my team by tanking hits from stuff that out levels it and OHKOing it back. Really EV training is very worth the effort, assuming you have bred a Pokemon with great IVs and the right nature and ability. It makes some real monsters, and isn't actually very time consuming at all if you pick spots intelligently (unless you want special attack or *shudder* special defense).

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It depends.

Usually I'll only keep an eye on the EVs to keep them from taking up space in stats I don't use (usually the other attacking stat) which results in everything being well-rounded, but weaker than they would have been in certain spots, had I EV trained them properly.

Sometimes though, I'll dump 252 EVs into a stat I use (for example, I did that with Meowstic's HP, to help him last longer and set up dual screens) and very rarely, I'll do a full spread. I think I've only done so with two Pokemon, actually- my Aurorus and Metagross.

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oh yeah, i can give you a perfect answer: you said "is there ANYONE that ACTUALLY EVs training his team?"
the answer is YES.

That's me :v :v :v. I myself "only" trained......80 pokemons with perfect IVs (not all sweeper, but some tankers and set-up users like Reuniclus or Clefable)

but i stop playing the game for a while :v :v :v

And it took 600 hours actually (but don't worry, i got some important things to do at the moment, like take care of my wife :v :v :v)

EDIT: tks Azery, now I will give you a big hug for giving me some interesting idea :v

And for any others that think about IV/moveset breed and EVs train can only create some "brainless" pokemons or "clone-perfect" things, I can only say:

1, everyone play the game the way you want.

2, What;s problem if I want my pokemons can be THE BEST of which they can do?? If you love your pkms so much, will you let them die TOO easily because they are not strong enough, even actually they CAN do much better?

3, Just have fun. That's the most important part. I still remember the moment when i breed 30 eggs and got one with almost perfect IVs. That's just a little hapiness for my hard work. If you don't happy to breed or EVs train, just ignore it :)

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