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What's in a Name?


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So this started in the PO chat and I figured why not make a thread about it?
In short, explain how your username/IGN came to be.

As for myself, I once played a game called Stick War. There was this city of archers that I think was called Archerdon. I didn't want my name to be the same, so I changed it to Archerdion. Then, I changed to Archidion, for more of an edgy sound. Unfortunately, people couldn't pronounce it, so Archidon came next. Again, there was a mistake between "Arch" and "Arc", so to go for the "Arc" sound, I used the "k" you now see in Arkhidon.

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I have been told i looked like the Elf himself. I used to hate it till i read the books and such and realised he was a pretty funny little shiz. Therefore, DobbyTheElf became my Alias

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Well, this one here, MW898, is kinda simple. Weavile is my favorite Pokemon. 8/98 is my birth month. And I didn't just want to be PokemonNumber, so Master is a thing

But also, I kinda want a name that was just short of being n00bish. So i took two things that always feel really n00bish to me. Using words that make yourself sound good at something, like Pro, Awesome, Master, etc. And the PokemonNumber thing

There's also Kyra, my IGN for Pokemon (and probs what I'll end up changing my name to) Basically, my given name doesn't have a good female variant. So I was looking for a name with a dark or cold meaning. And Kyra means black and sounded good. Honestly, I was going through lists, and it just jumped out at me. I wrote it off at first, because I'd used it for a couple of my Pokemon before. But after a while, I just kept coming back to it. Looking back, it's just another one of those things were I was like "this is me"

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Well have been known by many aliases in my past, but my current one comes from the greek word for "end", as in goal, purpose and target. It also comes from a branch of philosophy called Teleology, which is the study of purposes mankind places upon itself with their actions. From this came my own philosophy at the time as well, which was no more than live life with a purpose. What ever you do, do it with a good reason, and think about that good reason. Make sure that your choice leaves a benevolent mark on what is around you.

For this very reason, the Grovyle from PMD2 is one of my favorite video game characters to date.

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Well... In my childhood I was fascinated by the stars.

Cepheus is the name of a constellation - Cepheus, the King

the constellation got it's name from greek mythology, where Cepheus is the King of Ethiopia, husband to Cassiopeia and father to Andromeda... blah blah blah... (you can look it up on wikipedia^^)

sooo... I liked it to be (mostly unknowingly) referred as King.

... ... also I like the Mega Man Series, and it was cool to see that the "Evil King" in the Star Force Series was named Cepheus too.

This awesome looking dude... (maybe I should change my avatar??^^)


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Simply put Ibram Gaunt is the name of the main character in the Gaunt's Ghosts novels (military science fiction), this was the first Warhammer 40K series i read and i simply loved his character so that's it.

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Well, like many of you, I grew up with pokemon.

and as a kid one of the biggest things that fascinated me about the games were the legendaries mythes; I would try and back legendaries every chance I got, and used them on my team every chance I got in battle.

Thus the name "Legendaries tamer" was born. I originally used it as my screen name on the PokeCommunity forums before I found Reborn (It's actually still is my screen name on there). so when I found this place, I lurked around for a bit on the site, then decided I might as well create an account because I had taken a liking to this place. I had a difficult time thinking of a name, and figured: why not just carry over the same name from the PokeCommunity account?

and that's how the screen name came to the Reborn site. though, in recent years, after playing games like Diamond and Pearl and Platinum, I began to ask myself:

"If there are pokemon so powerful that they are responsible for governing certain aspects of the planet and keeping order in the universe itself, then why would someone try to catch them? wouldn't that have severe repercussions for everyone? if you capture a being that is basically a god and force it to fight for you, then is it not unable to do it's job that is far more important to the world?"

this great question in my mind grew larger and larger after I came to Reborn and started playing the game and getting involved in the community... especially after the PULSE encounters.

that's when I finally realized:

No one should be able to capture a major legendary with global or universal powers or responsibilities...

and then I began to realize that I no longer wished to bear the name of "Legendaries tamer" because at that point it was simply hypocritical...

so i began trying to think of a new name... when I remembered a post I had made on this thread:


post #6

I figured I'd name the gymleader Stratos, The Sky Slayer, as a bit of an ironic joke; a ground type user and the guy that killed the lord of the skies, Rayquaza... yet

whose name is "Stratos"...

I liked the name alot, and so decided i'd adopt that as my new screen name...

and that's how I became Stratos, with the custom member title of "the Sky Slayer"

let it be known that the whole concept of someone named "Stratos" who was also known as "The Sky Slayer" gave me the inspiration to go off and begin creating an entire RP world for it...

I called it "Project Sky Slayer":


(PS. I don't know if things are allowed to be pinned in the Waste Land forum section, but if they are, I think this topic should be.)

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Noivy is the result of a fangasm from when Noivern was revealed. Noivern was my steam name for the longest time, and I frequented a TF2 server and got to know some people there quite well. But in typical TF2 fashion, trolls exist and started changing their ingame names to other people on the server. In a quick thinking idea, the admin and I decided that once he changed to my name, I would change to "Noivy" and ban the prick. It worked. Now just about all of my friends outside of reborn call me Noivy. It's a name that has stuck.

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My "main name" was just an easy-to-remember sequence of numbers (1+2-1+2...) to avoid having to try 20 different names and end up with something like Bob172407, it's what I do with any account anywhere.

As for my alias, Bob, I have been using that since waaaay back in the day when I was still using my PS1. A lot of the games I was playing asked for a name of sorts, yet had a max character, so that didn't help with my overflowing creativity. My actual name isn't Bob, but rather than being "AAA", I thought "What is a short, generic name I could use?". "Bob" was the first thing that came to mind and I've been rolling with that. Ever since, any character I've ever played as I've named Bob.

EDIT: Speaking of which 13243546 won't do if the site has a name change thingy. To pay homage to my fav game ever, MGRR, I just went and picked a local wind's name close to me which has a name I wouldn't forget and sounds good. I'm not greek, but it's in the area. (And "Bob" is taken :()

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Soysauce is not my main nickname actually. It happened that, in one game that I was playing at the time I created this account, that main nickname was taken. So I thought for a moment, remembered that uzzie/slash/flea in chrono trigger had a different pun in Japanese and they were named vinegar/soyso/mayonna. I chose the one that I liked the most, et voilà.

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My original alt was Topaz because those were my favorite gem stones. However when I came to reborn, I kinda felt weird because there was already an Amethyst and I didn't want speculation so I changed to Bluewolf. Basically I like the color blue alot and my favorite animal is the wolf. I'm also a music geek so Wulfgang Amadeus Mozart had a hand in the name too.

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To be quite frank I have no idea where the nick blasterman4 came from... BUT for my main alt Shadow Tack I have been using a char with that name for roleplaying recently and he was my personal favorite to use hence the name.

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I think mine it's a bit too obvious, but oh well:

Vinny is a variation of a nickname for my name IRL. That's it :P

...I just liked the word Tempest and thought it sounded cool...

"Cobrakill" was for the same reason? Or killing Cobras was something you used to do?

I believe it's the latter.

My "main name" was just an easy-to-remember sequence of numbers (1+2-1+2...) to avoid having to try 20 different names and end up with something like Bob172407, it's what I do with any account anywhere.

As for my alias, Bob, I have been using that since waaaay back in the day when I was still using my PS1. A lot of the games I was playing asked for a name of sorts, yet had a max character, so that didn't help with my overflowing creativity. My actual name isn't Bob, but rather than being "AAA", I thought "What is a short, generic name I could use?". "Bob" was the first thing that came to mind and I've been rolling with that. Ever since, any character I've ever played as I've named Bob.

EDIT: Speaking of which 13243546 won't do if the site has a name change thingy. To pay homage to my fav game ever, MGRR, I just went and picked a local wind's name close to me which has a name I wouldn't forget and sounds good. I'm not greek, but it's in the area. (And "Bob" is taken :()

Not related but: You changed your name! Damn i don't know how i didn't notice that.

But that was a cool combinations of numbers though ^^

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Hmmmm. First time I heard Jericho, it was actually the New York Jets WR Jericho Cotchery, but that's not it. Honestly I just thought it sounded badass and rogue and shit. So I rolled with it.

As for my old name McMc, that was my abbreviated name of McNabbMcFadden that I use on the football forum I have waaaay too many posts on. 34000

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Well in elementary school, we had taco tuesdays at school where we would bring in money and we would get Taco Bell delivered to our school. I enjoyed it so much that all I talked about was tacos so tacos became my passion.

Flowers came to be when I was promoted to Admin of one of my friend's Minecraft servers. He put me in charge of decorating the spawn area with flowers. Whenever another admin came in and starting destroying them jokingly I would scream at them for touching my flowers. Flowers also became an obsession of mine.

And we all know, Tacps came to be because of a typo.......... #Sweg

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I've had quite a few different usernames over the years... my last one had 420 in it and I got quite a few unfortunate jokes about that. Twas a number with relevance to one of my OCs, but nothing to do with drugs, if you were curious.

Anyway, Lost Lore is something I've taken on in its place. Lost is a moniker I use a lot lately, and I do feel somewhat... lost at times, wandering the path of life and trying to find a way forward through the ever-shifting mists of time. And while history really isn't my favourite subject (that would be math, if we're talking school), I do quite like learning the history behind certain franchises... Pokemon being one of those. Hence, I became Lost Lore. I quite like the sound of it, and apparently, other people do too.

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Not related but: You changed your name! Damn i don't know how i didn't notice that.

But that was a cool combinations of numbers though ^^

S-Senpai noticed me! Just kidding, but I guess I'm earning my keep here. I actually meant to change my name for a while, but forgot until I saw this topic.

As for the numbers, numeric sequences are the only things I can instantly remember, yet everything else is forgotten in the blink of an eye. It's why some of my passwords have 20+ characters, all numbers, no specific order. I lost my sanity way before finding Reborn .-.

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Hmmmm. First time I heard Jericho, it was actually the New York Jets WR Jericho Cotchery, but that's not it. Honestly I just thought it sounded badass and rogue and shit. So I rolled with it.

As for my old name McMc, that was my abbreviated name of McNabbMcFadden that I use on the football forum I have waaaay too many posts on. 34000

I thought it was because of Fallout 3, Jericho is the name of one of the companions there (and yes it's pretty cool)

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I thought it was because of Fallout 3, Jericho is the name of one of the companions there (and yes it's pretty cool)

Yeah that's the second place I heard it actually. It also sounds biblically badass (idk, why should that matter to someone who has no faith?). That's not why I chose it though, there isn't a good reason really.

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Well, I guess I can post mine too. Nothing exciting, but it all starting back in Funorb. Some of you may know the place. If you don't, you'll probably recognize the company's other site, RuneScape. My account on RuneScape and FunOrb had always been Tuck376. My name isn't Tucker or anything related to Tuck, but when I first started way back in 3rd grade, my friend told me that Tuck was a good name. (Not sure why to this day, but hey.) Anyway, after many years had passed of off and on enjoyment of RuneScape, the game had become boring to me. I began to frequent Arcanists on FunOrb. I eventually became dissatisfied with Tuck376 as a name, due to the generic Tuck and the use of numbers. I disliked it so much that I actually started a whole new account and bought membership for it, despite having reached 7th prestige in the game. When I was thinking of a name for the new account, I wanted something unique with no numbers. I started looking through latin words, as many people do, trying to find a good combination. However, I decided that most combinations of two-words in latin sounded too corny for a name. I then began thinking of cool words I might already know. Eventually, this led me to the word Conflux. I liked the word, but couldn't think of a good way to fit it into a name, so I shortened it to Flux. Unfortunately, Flux was taken, so I decided on Fluxator after a while. To this day, I use Flux when I can. If not, I go with Fluxator. I've slowly began to grow to like Fluxator more, though. It feels more unique to me, which is something I prioritize. Perhaps I'll eventually shift to Fluxator here as well.

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It comes from my email address. When i was making my Gmail, I had to think of something I can remember easily (I already went through two email addresses from Gmail). I went for Magikarpkiller because I recently saw a picture of a Charmander kicking a Magikarp, and I was all like "Might as well kill them. lol". And there we are, the weird ass story of my name. I did change my name to Gyaradoskiller because in a way I evolved. :mellow:

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Pretty obvious, I love the Lion King especially Timon and Pumbaa. It should be spelled Hakuna, however I ended up spelling it wrong because I am terrible at spelling. Took me forever to notice and actually it was somebody in the The Yordles chatroom (a public chat on League of Legends I used to hang out in.), that first let me know. I am actually rather fond of the misspelling though, and keep on purpose (mostly because it makes it easier to keep my name lol.).

My other nickname Lupo di Fulmine is another story. I have a group of friends and we are all hella close. I found them about a year ago on the League of Legends forum where I made a post looking for some help learning the game. Either way we slowly became friends, me being the shy person I am lol. They had a pretty big fondness for an anime by the name of Hitman Reborn, even having a Maplestory guild based around it. (I didn't play maple though.). For the longest time I was so confused, as I firmly didn't watch anime at the time. I hated it for the most part. However they changed my mind. After asking what it was one day, they said it would be better if I watched Hitman Reborn, than if they explained it to me. Basically, we are close, almost like a family itself, and as such I was named the Guardian of Lightning, due to my love of playing tanks in League and my somewhat protective nature. (also like they had to teach Lampi [the first guardian of Lightning], not to be a coward in battle, they had to do the same with me in League lol.). Lupo (or Wolf in Italian.) is because WOlves are the animal I identify most with. More the concept of the Lone WOlf though, I was a drifter from place to place friend-wise, never really stayed friends with people long before moving on. It was these same friends that made me feel like I had a place to belong. (a so-called pack if you will.).

((Lupo di Fulmine means Wolf of Lightning for those of you who don't already know.))

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Humn, might as well post mine here. ^_^

Well, before anything else I'm a sailor. I love wind and the sea better than land, so I thought there would be nothing better than to pick a wind name for my account. I picked Notus because it's the name of the South wind in greek mitology, and in the place I live when the South wind blows it often means a storm is coming.

In other words, I thought it sounded cool and made up the reasoning later. :P

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