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What's in a Name?


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  On 7/3/2014 at 8:55 PM, Arkhidon said:

Go for two or four "k"s. Three is no bueno.

Notice sounds good, actually.

for Notus, an explaination if you're wondering why it is no beuno, as, if I remeber correctly, you do not live in the US and may not already know...

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and Notice sounds quite good to me as well.

Edited by Stratos
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I used to have a youtube channel called HayatoPlays, hayato because he was my favorite character from KHR and plays because it was a videogame channel, but then when I finished the anime I prefered Xanxus and i thought my alias was too dumb since i didn't plan on continuing the channel, so I came up with Zep that is part from my last name, H from hayato and X from Xanxus to look and sound better

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I used Winter because I thought I was cool

Actually, my first alias was Leaf, I don't know why, but Winter because I always thought myself to be cool and cold, as in I didn't really care about anything, but that changed quickly.

As for Mockingbird, in 10th grade I read To Kill A Mockingbird and I just took it from there, I liked it.

I also love the cold weather so Winter was fitting.

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I believe I have explained this one before. Oh well time to do it again.

Cowtao comes from a derogatory combination of Cow and Tao making it a sort of joke. Tao is short for Taoism which is represented by the black and white symbol of Ying and Yang which is black and white. Normal Cow's are black and white so it made sense to fit it with Tao. So my name fits in. c:

I also have been subject to being renamed other things that are black and white. Like PenguinTao. >>;

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  • 1 month later...

My name. Is the best name. That this planet has ever seen! My great love for absols, and awesomeness, has put me through the IMPOSSIBLE task of creating this name. My heart and soul lies within it, and my courage will nevar be crushed. What I have created so long ago will always be remembered.

And that's why I'm leaving reborn...


(You guys don't hate me right?)

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I'll join along. This story is mildly long. A few years back my dad worked as the guy who swings those crazy wrecking balls at old buildings and me being a young buck decided to bring my girlfriend and do some archeological work myself. Well in order to even get in the machine you need to bring the key and in order to impress I decided to plug the key in and swing away. After destroying a bit of the building and or my girlfriend at the time I told my buddies about it. My best friend saying I caused a lot of collateral damage. I also happen to play sports so whenever playing the nickname "damage" would come up. After a few years it began to just stick. So there's the story haha.

P.S None of that is even remotely true, totally made it up on the spot. I just liked the word when I created my account. Hah wouldn't that story be cool if it were true... *sigh* good times reading that huh.. good times.

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okay so, my name came from a long name of really weird and random names that i used to lurk hard with. like even harder than ikaru lurking. i got noticed by some clan which i dont even remember now. i think it was named AS or something? idk it was like the precursor to AO,,, but anyway, i was just some random string of letters and numbers at the time and my ol' friends in AS Kami, Zhujiao, Ben, and chasedawg (rip in pepperonies guys :[) told me i should come up with a name. i couldnt really think of anything so i just put down Jellyman. which was then shortened to Jelly and idk it just stuck from there. i dont even recall how long it's been since ive even used that alt. i dont even think i have it registered anymore. but oh wells, that's how Jelly came about and that's how i stopped being a rando.

Edited by JellyMan
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  On 9/4/2014 at 1:29 AM, Arkhidon said:

If you didn't explain the last part, we'd never have known. So I'd suggest doing off with it.

Except for the fact that he called swinging a wrecking ball "archeological work." :ph34r:

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Sir_Bagel was created one day when i decided to by a beautiful game called minecraft about 2 years ago.

Unlike the many single player games young me was used to minecraft needed a username that would be displayed to everyone and i needed to put a lot of thought into it.

Five seconds later i named myself after a half decent breakfast food and called it a day, i've been known as bagel ever since.

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In short? It's always sort of been my alias online. My original Xbox Gamertag was Undead Nutcase, then it changed every year since. Redead Nutcase, Nutcase Reborn, now Eternal Nutcase.

Pretty much my aliases change when applicable with my Gamertag.

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