Ragnar Posted August 21, 2014 Share Posted August 21, 2014 (edited) "I was born in the harsh desert, one thing i learned is to adapt. so i guess we're stuck here together and the sooner we get this over with, the better."the Turk said a bit grumpy."I cant say the same to you Sinbad, as i recall you're the guy that was about to put an arrow through my head. So lets get one thing straight, don't ever cross me pretty boy or you'll have to answer to my blades." Gideon sounded a bit hostile, obviously the Turk didn't like this guy's first impression. "But if you must, my name is Gideon." Edited August 21, 2014 by typhlosionrulez Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 21, 2014 Share Posted August 21, 2014 "Oi, blame Boho for that. He is more jumpy than catfish on a bed of coals." Sinbad remarked. "He wanted me to aim at you for peace of mind, probably thought you lot would kill each other. But anyway, no point in fixating on what already happened." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted August 21, 2014 Support Squad Share Posted August 21, 2014 As the men squabbled, Darius' nerves began to grate. He was stuck with a flashy pirate, a hostile desert man and a knight who can't hold his tongue. "Men, we have more important affairs to deal with. So long as Sinbad can aim straight, and I have no reason to doubt that, then i'm happy to have him." Darius continued on his berating of their bickering."Furthermore, Knight, you are a Denizen of the Sword, you have our pride to uphold. Make due until we actually have time for this nonsense. And you, Gideon you said? Same goes for you. This is not the time or place. Do I make myself clear?" Venting over, Darius marched onward towards the Holy ground, his Jovial manner now soured after the events of the night. If they hated each other then they may as well leave. A Unit divided is a Unit destroyed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ragnar Posted August 21, 2014 Share Posted August 21, 2014 (edited) "Fine, I'll play nice." Gideon said with an irritated look on his face.Obviously he didn't like the knight's lecturing one bit, but somehow it talk some sense into him.and help him clear his thoughts as he focus on what matters most. He followed Darius to the holy grounds. Edited August 21, 2014 by typhlosionrulez Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted August 21, 2014 Share Posted August 21, 2014 "Teh, whatever." Zolivar could never trust a pirate or random strangers for that matter, "In any case let's move to our destination quickly because the less time with HIM," he shacks his head twords sinbad "the better." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 21, 2014 Share Posted August 21, 2014 Sinbad chuckled. "Lead the way Sir Knight, it is you who knows our destination, not I." He followed after the others, ignoring Zolivar's implications and gestures. ((doesn't know his name, just need to specify.)) "Some Knight he is, I thought they had a code to honor, just like we Pirates. Well, some of us Pirates, most forget about it these days, perhaps some knights are the same way." Sinbad thought to himself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted August 21, 2014 Support Squad Share Posted August 21, 2014 Happy that the state of affairs was manageable, Darius noted he had not introduced himself. "You don't have to refer to me as Sir Knight. You can all me Darius" ((Thanks for pointing that out Huk, and I suppose it's up to you, Strat, to decide when we arrive)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted August 21, 2014 Author Share Posted August 21, 2014 (edited) DERIC & JEZICALO Jezicalo harsh glare softened as he saw Deric began to break down and slump on the stones of the street, placing his head in his hands as he sat against the wall. A series of short gasps issued from the man, and Jez knew that he was sobbing. He stared down at the man who had been his commander all those years ago, feeling guilt for having broken him like this. As much pain as the memory of everything that had happened caused him, he knew that it caused Deric far more. He had lost everything back then, his dream, his career, his reputation, and more important to Deric than any of that, the woman he loved. All Jezicalo had really lost was a little sister, and one who was a bit difficult at times, at that. He hadn't stopped to consider that maybe this refusal to think about what had happened was simply Deric's primary coping mechanism, and not just him not caring anymore. He was one who tended to try to hide his emotions, put on a mask of stoicism that he would confront the world with. But on the inside, he was no stoic. out of everyone, Jezicalo was probably the only one in their little quintet who knew what he was really like. Just a few moments ago, Royce and Decate had gone to check on Marshal, see if something had happened. The moment the two of them had moved out of earshot, Jez had taken the opportunity to confront him about how things had turned out, about how they needed to leave the city immediately and start a new hunt for Marca. needless to say, things had escalated to point they were now. "I'm sorry," he said regrettfully. "It was cruel of me to accuse you of...not caring anymore. If anything, you've probably wanted Marca dead far more than I ever have." Deric sat there in silence, still letting out those short gasps, still sobbing and trying to hid it. Jez decided to push his point from here. "I should've known that you didn't let yourself dwell on it because you knew you'd get like this," he continued. Deric was beginning to gradually regain a hold of himself. "But running from it, pretending that an issue isn't there when it's looming over your shoulder, that isn't going to work, Deric, You yourself taught me that lesson once!" as he spoke, he could see that Deric was lowering his hands. just a little more... "We can't pretend like he didn't do what he did to her!" Jez roared "Forgeting is the same thing as forgiving him! And if we forgive him... then it is an injustice to my little sister... an injustice to the woman who was you fiancee." Deic let his hands fall to rest in-between his legs, elbows resting on his knees. Jez knew that he had done it now, that he had awakened the vengful beast that Deric had been back after it had happened. He stared up at Jezicalo from the ground, a fierce, tearful expression of grief, determination, and fiery hatred on his face. Reveal hidden contents "You're right." He said as he stood up. he reached down to his belt, tearing the scabbard off and handing the sword to Jezicalo. He simply looked at it questioningly. Deric explained. "This was her blade. The weapon that was by her side... the sword that she used to save me so many times." he thrusted the thing into Jez's hands, forcing him to take it. "My blade was unable to do the same for her when she needed it. When he... when he forced himself inside her and then killed her... My sword was nowhere to be found. My sword couldn't protect her then..." he looked up to the night sky... it had been a sky much like this one, back then. cloudless and clear, with a full moon pulsating with light, the stars blazing brightly. "It's far too late to protect her now," he snarled, looking back at Jezicalo. "But my blade...can still avenge her!" Jezicalo took a few steps back as Deric said that. The look in his eyes was actually starting to frighten him now... it was like nothing he'd ever seen from him before... "Wha...what about Samiel?" He asked weakly, now the one who needed convincing. "Samiel can go fuck himself with a stick!" Deric shouted, grabbing Jezicalo by the lapel "We work for him no more! Our task now is to right the wrongs that have been done, no longer will we fucking play the part of lowly servants!" he shoved the man backwards in his rage, sending Jez sprawling to the cobble stones on his side. Deric stormed off towards the direction of the Diran gate, where he had hidden the group's weapon cache five years ago. All Jezicalo could do was lie there and look as he left him behind in his wake. a faint grin spread across his face, despite the pain beginning to throb in his shoulder and ankle. he forced himself up from the cobble stones and limped off behind the man he was once again proud to call 'Arch Magistrate'. Darius's Group (Dobby, Hukuna, Exlink, typhlosion) It was not long before the four men made their way back into the hollowed plaza, though when they arrived, there was a line of Magistrates blocking the way further in, all of them dressed in heavy armor and wearing gleaming helmets of platinum. each man in the line had his blade drawn and propped out before him, resting his hands on it like a cane (well... a cane that went up to the mid torso region...) not one of them wore cloaks, the only way one would know they were magistrates was the Sigil emblazoned on each of the breast plates. All four men recognized this, even those without any real prior experiences with Law men... it was common knowledge across the world. Normally, a magistrate only ever took off their cloak when they removed their armor. A magistrate with Armor still on, but no cloak, however, symbolized that the Current Regime had fallen... they removed the cloaks because this meant that Martial law was now in effect, and they could not allow possibilities of themselves being hindered in combat. "Halt!" one magistrate ordered. in his armor, he stood at at least six in a half feet... his size was quite the intimidation coupled with a voice that sounded strong as steel. All four men found themselves instantly stopping in their tracks, not even aware that their legs had done so on their own. "State your names and business!" another Magistrate, this one a young woman from the sound of her voice, ordered. "There is a curfew in effect, all citezens are to remain indoors. The city of Cithalos is now considered to be currently under liberation." From where her voice was coming from, it seemed that she was standing right next to the first magistrate who had spoken... in fact the young woman stepped forward out of the line, and Gideon could recognize the unmistakable Emerald hue of Cesealia's eyes, along with her blond curls spilling out of her helm. out of all the Magistrates present, she was the only one without a weapon. But the lightning crackling at her finger tips suggested crossing her would be a far deadlier engagement than it seemed. She was obviously the one in command here. Edited August 21, 2014 by Stratos Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted August 21, 2014 Support Squad Share Posted August 21, 2014 Darius stepped forward to address the woman, careful not to move too quickly. He knew quite well how a suit of armor wouldn't stop the lightning arcing between her fingertips. Taking on the brisk tone he had heard from his commanders many times prior, he hoped to at least seem formidable. "My name is Darius Renalim of the Knights of the sword of Rojamaris. These men are my companions and we wish to offer our aid. my friend, Sinbad..." Darius struggled for a second to remember his other name "...Firebrand is acquainted with one of your comrades, I believe" Darius looked to Sinbad for confirmation, hoping his memory had not caused him to act like a fool. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 21, 2014 Share Posted August 21, 2014 "Aye, Boho sent me and these here Gents to help assist in anyway we could." Sinbad said. "I am sure you know the fellow, he has almost as good a fashion sense as I do, and that hairstyle, not something I would have personally, but it fits him well. Anyway, I am a Sniper of the finest caliber, Darius here is a Knight, as well as that one." He said pointing to the man who name he didn't know. "And Lastly Giddeon here is a Turk." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted August 21, 2014 Author Share Posted August 21, 2014 Darius's Group (Dobby, Hukuna, Typhlosion, Exlink) "Prove it!!" the first Magistrate who had spoken bellowed. he lifted his blade in his hand, holding it at the ready, prepared to strike down the group if they were lying. Cesealia snapped her fingers and the other magistrates raised their weapons as well, closing in and forming a half-circle around the group. this seemed to be going south very quickly... "A very likely story," she said "it would fit Deputy Boho perfectly to go socializing with random vagabonds. I would let you all through to see him, but I'm afraid I can not trust your words without physical proof. It is nothing personal against the three of you, rest assured of that..." She glared directly at Gideon, her stare far more piercing than it was at the library. "But you see, The Diran man among you has already lied to me several times this night, and I he admitted to having been lying, claiming that he did it in order to aid his committing of a crime. The fact that he is now in your company does nothing but make me suspicios as to whether what you've said is genuine, or whether you all are simply lackies he gathered to help in his criminal actions... though I must ask, if the latter is true, which one of you came up with the backstory? because it's far more believable than the horse-shit he was spouting earlier." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ragnar Posted August 22, 2014 Share Posted August 22, 2014 (edited) Gideon was feeling pretty ashamed as he drags along his new found team with him for his mistakes earlier. but he was not gonna Cesealia stop them in their quest, After Darius spoke The Turk steps forth to confront Cesealia, trying to be in his best behavior to explain and takes responsibility for his actions. "Look, your Magistrate, first of all I'm sorry, okay. Second of all, It's true, Magistrate Boho did send us here to aid you, seeing that your city is in shambles and let alone you can't even protect yourselves from this terrorist attack. I can't say you're doing a marvelous job keeping the peace here, l suggest you trust us and get as much help as you can , its not like this situation could got any much worst from it already is." Edited August 22, 2014 by typhlosionrulez Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 22, 2014 Share Posted August 22, 2014 "I don't have physical proof, but I remember something that Boho said before he went on ahead." Sinbad started to say in a calm voice. "He said something about a little something called, A Dark Father. That sounds like no Ordinary thing, and probably isn't something a Magistrate would tell somebody who didn't need to know what it was. We Four offer to help you, I had no idea of what Gideon had been doing in the past, and it doesn't matter now. Besides if he would show his face before the people he allegedly lied to too and cheated perhaps he means to right that wrong. I doubt he would let us led him here as willing as he did if he meant your people harm in anyway. I do not ask you to trust him Madam, I ask you to trust me and this Noble Knight here We mean only to help your city, and I will not sit back while innocent blood is spilled when I can fight to prevent it as I am sure these 3 men agree with me. And Gid, don't give her a hard time, this city is huge, any Guard Captain would have their work cut out for them not to mention this is no regular attack." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted August 22, 2014 Author Share Posted August 22, 2014 (edited) Darius's Group (Hukuna, Typhlosion, Dobby, Exlink) Cesealia Bristled when Gideon stepped up and had the gall to go spouting criticisms about a line of work that he knew nothing about, surrounded by people who were in that occupation. She was about to raise her hand and give the affirmative signal, providing the go-ahead for the magistrates under her command to kill them, but luckily for the group... no, more of a complete miracle, really, the Sniper spoke up before she could do it. All in all... His words were enough to calm her rising anger for now. she lowered her hand, still staring fiercely at Gideon, yet addressing the entire group when she spoke. "Fine..." she said "I will trust your words for now, Sniper... seems you've the most sense out of this lot..." She turned her attention to the Magistrates under her authority. "About face; form Columns!" she ordered. within a second, every single law man dropped their weapon back down to a resting position and moved out of the groups path, forming up two lines on either side of Cesealia and the four men. she looked back at the group, this time focusing on Sinbad. "You and your men may pass," she said, removing her helm as she did so, her blonde, nearly white curls spilling out and her face becoming fully visible, proving that they would be granted safe passage beyond; a Magistrate removing their head protection in this type of situation signified that they were consciously aware that they were exposing the most vulnerable point on their body, yet were trusting that the party they were speaking with would not exploit this fact. it was a make shift peace gesture. she held the helm in the crook of her arm. "Proceed to the Citadel," she continued "You will find the Arch Magistrate and Boho in the papal alter at the highest levels of the building." with that said, she stepped aside, moving out of their way, but noticeably keeping her gaze on Gideon, as did all the magistrates within striking range of him... Edited August 22, 2014 by Stratos Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 22, 2014 Share Posted August 22, 2014 "Indeed, milady." Sinbad said, with a courteous bow. "Come on boys, we got things to do and people to help." He stood up straight an air of confidence in his stride now, he wasn't going to let little Miss Guard Captain think they weren't a proper group. He placed his open palm on the hilt of his dagger ((not a menacing action, just somewhere to rest his hand.)) and began his march towards the Citadel, his new comrades would hopefully follow suit quickly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted August 22, 2014 Share Posted August 22, 2014 Zolivar went in a little behind sinbad as they went into the citadel, trying to say nothing to aggravate any magistrates in his angered state. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ragnar Posted August 22, 2014 Share Posted August 22, 2014 (edited) Gideon slowly opens his eyes and can't believe they're still alive after that stunt he just pull, insulting all of authoritative figure surrounding them. luckily for him the Flashy pirate steps forth to make-up for his hostility.Gideon realize this is a team worth working with. The Turk puts his facemask on, hiding his lower part of his face and casually walks with the group, ignoring the hateful stare of the other magistrates. "You won't regret this your magistrate."he said passing Cesealia along the way, despite of her hating him. Gideon continues to walk towards the citadel. Edited August 22, 2014 by typhlosionrulez Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Supernovae Posted August 22, 2014 Share Posted August 22, 2014 Maximus wasn't usually the peeping type, but this time it seemed a bit different. The journal that Atton had given to the hunter seemed too important not to peep over at. And it was in fact far too important not to read. The contents revealed something Maximus would have had a hard time believing if he hadn't been here for the 'resurrection.' The truth of a dark god, manipulating man kind since the end of the Nix War. It was infuriating. To believe that so many people had spilled there own blood to aid Azuaqyar, only to die in the aid of someone who meant to destroy them. Maximus cursed under his breath. He was finally able to piece most of what was going on together, but there were still mysteries. Maximus looked back up at Stratos and Atton. Noticing a change in Stratos happen quickly then go back to normal. Maximus decided to ignore it and focus on the task at hand. "So, these keys. Do we know of there location?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted August 22, 2014 Support Squad Share Posted August 22, 2014 Darius followed suit, walking up to Sinbad to murmur his thanks before falling into pace. He was beginning to have his doubts about Gideon, but may the Sky Slayer himself Take me before I betray a comrade. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted August 22, 2014 Author Share Posted August 22, 2014 (edited) IN THE PAPAL ALTER (Supernovae, Kenny, Chimchain) "Correction," Atton said "the right question is 'do we know of his location?' the Keys are not physical objects. they are the two most basic and powerful forces in the universe itself, and to answer your question, yes, we know of the exact locations." he turned and looked at Stratos. "Muya has just sent word to me," he explained "Lord Marcelos has just entrusted both of the Primal Keys to the Third Heir." "Both?" Stratos asked, a bit confused "But how can he still have been in possession of both? The things Rossephus did when we fought... they could only be explained by him having control of the Alpha. I saw their ceremony, the Pope and his Allies broke the seal and brought him forth. I saw those soldiers tonight... all seven hundred that I killed, they were all firmly under the influence of a Primal Key, I could see it with my own eyes." A smirk grew on Atton's face just then "What you saw was the residual power that Rosse had managed to retain." he said "It was leftovers, what he could salvage from his prison before he was set loose. And he just about used up that residual power fighting all of us tonight. By Muya's estimation, if he continues to maintain control over the remaining Church soldiers in this city, He will be completely dry by sunrise-" "Meaning that we only have to hold them off till dawn," Boho interupted. "Then they'll start to surrender once they come back to their senses." Atton nodded. "I've already ordered the Magistrate's Department out in force. They'll be more than sufficient to hold the possessed at bay... if not simply wipe them out entirely." Stratos grinned now, knowing exactly what this all meant. "The bastard will be powerless to stand against us next time." as he said it though, he recalled the fact that Rossephus had almost torn off his arm without having to use the Alpha at all... "Or at least now he and I would be on a more equal footing in combat." Boho again piped up. "You're forgetting that your mission is now longer hunting him down, ol Stratos." "What are you talking about?" Boho elaborated. "Rossephus doesn't have that nice bit of power to rely on anymore. And like the thirsty bastard he is, he's gonna try to git more... He's gonna go after the boy now." Atton broke in at that point. "He's right," he began "What matters for you now is protecting him. The task of killing Rossephus falls to all of our shoulders now. you're not alone in your fight anymore." he then turned his attention to the three as Stratos thought this over... it was strange... he'd been actively on the hunt on his own for so long now, only sharing the burden with Thead, and even then, that really didn't count, they were soul-bound to each other, rider and wyrm, two parts of a single entity. now that he had others to pick up the slack, to assist him... he honestly didn't quite want to give up his pursuit of Rossephus to them... he wanted to finish the battle he had started on his own. he'd been fighting it for four hundred years, and he couldn't just drop it, not like that... but fine, he'd settle for protecting Samiel's son... though technically speaking, the task of 'Protecting' the boy would only be completed if he killed Rosse... "You three," Atton said, addressing the group. "You have been shown the truth... what do you intend to do with the knowledge now?" Edited August 22, 2014 by Stratos Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chim Posted August 22, 2014 Share Posted August 22, 2014 Trystane thought about what was written in the journal. “At first,” he started, “I didn’t care about all this resurrection and Sky Slayer crap. I believe people should follow their own right and wrong and as long as Stratos stood by his actions, I wouldn’t judge him. But this, this journal, it’s everything I despise in a man.” Trystane waited a moment before continuing, not really sure how to say what he felt. “I was raised in the ZraZara Grass Sea. People there believe in two things; power means nothing if you don’t use it to protect those who can’t protect themselves. The other thing is that murder is the worst crime someone can commit. This… beast, by the lack of a better word, is the exact opposite of everything I believe in. So how can I stand by and do nothing while he threatens to kill innocent people, including my village and family?” Trystane jumped of Onyx and looked Stratos in the eyes. “My name is Trystane, I will support your cause to the best of my abilities, Sky Slayer.” Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted August 22, 2014 Share Posted August 22, 2014 Matrim hurried off to the west as quickly as he could without disturbing the unconscious man on his shoulders. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted August 22, 2014 Author Share Posted August 22, 2014 (edited) IN THE PAPAL ALTER (Chimchain, Supernovae, Kenny) Stratos returned The young hunters stare, nodding his head."Good man," he said, then turned his attention to the unamed Alchemist and Maximus, who had yet to answer "What about you two?" ======================================================== AARON Aaron drove his fist into the wall in frustration, the glyphs on his hands bazing brightly as a torrent of blue electricity burst out forth and shattered the stones, leaving a gaping hole in the wall . He reeled his hand back as the Glow died down again, still astonished by these... abilities he'd just had dumped on him without any explanation what so ever. He stared at Marcelos, storming over and grabbing the other boy by the Lapels, shouting in a rage. "What the hell did you do the me!?" he demanded "What are you!?" Marcelos slapped his hands away, addressing him cooly. "Calm down," he began. "I have Entrusted you with the control of the primal keys, the Alpha and the Omega. You already had them within you, I bestowed them to you the moment you were born. all I did just now was bring them out of dormancy-" "You're not making sense!" Aaron shouted, storming closer. the Glyphs on his palms again began to blaze with crimson and sapphire colored light Marcelos's face clouded over in anger as he glared at Aaron. "NONE OF IT MAKES ANY DAMN SENSE BECAUSE YOU'RE CONSTANTLY INTERRUPTING EVERY TEN SECONDS!!" He roared, his voice resonating with power as the the tower itself shook. Aaron took a few steps back, tripping and falling to the floor in fear. Marcelos glared down at him. "Now shut your damn mouth and listen, because I'll only explain things once more. The Alpha and the Omega are the Primal keys, the two forces from which all of existence sprouted. They are the ultimate forces, the beginning and end. And now they are in your hands. they are a part of you, as they've always been, you just have conscious control of them now." Aaron stood shakily. Getting up and walking around still felt a bit strange, even with his legs now miraculously repaired when Marcelos had done that... Awakening nonsense to him. "I...I still don't understand why you chose me of all people..." he asked, making sure to keep his distance from Marcelos. The Former GOD simply smirked at him. "that's simple," he answered "I needed someone who I knew wouldn't end up like me or my brother... someone who wouldn't be too weak to do what's nessacary, and at the same time someone not possessed of such a strong sense of conviction that they would commit atrocities in pursuit of what they felt was necessary and right. You are the son of good man, a loyal man who isn't bound to extremes like some people are. your mother... well, let's just cut a long story short and end with this: you fit the bill of what I was looking for." "Are you...done?" Aaron asked, still a bit shaken. Marcelos shook his head "No...not quite." he looked Aaron in the eye "Like I said... I'm too weak to play god anymore. My brother Rossephus is threatening this world... the only one that wasn't flawed... the only one I'm actually proud to say was wrought by my hands....and I'm too softhearted to strike him down like I should, like I know needs to be done. that's where you come in, Aaron. It's up to you, and all the others I've brought together to help you, to stop Rossephus and bring an end to all this madness... and to fix my mistakes once that is done... but for now just focus on Rossephus." "so wait..." Aaron said, his anger rising again "So your just gonna dump all you issues onto MY shoulders?" "I've given you your legs back. And I've also given you just what you wanted: to no longer have to constantly prove yourself to the rest of the world." Aaron reached forward and again grabbed Marcelos by the lapels, shaking him as he screamed, his own voice resonating with power this time as his rage boiled over. "I WOULDN'T HAVE TO FUCKING PROVE MYSELF IF YOU HADN'T MADE ME A CRIPPLE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!" He shoved Marcelos roughly against the wall, balling his fist and preparing to kill the bastard by smashing his skull against the stones. the rage that had always been inside Aaron was finally starting to leak out. the anger and hate he felt at those who looked down at him for being a cripple, the only cripple in the whole world. This other boy, Marcelos... he was the cause of all of this... the humiliation... the loss of his independence... And Aaron would make him pay for it... in blood. He threw his intended kill blow, stopping his fist in the air when Marcelos disappeared, simply faded away in a flare of blue light before he could connect the blow. He lowered his fist, grinding his teeth... but you know what? fine. just. fucking. fine. Aaron would do what Marcelos had said... he'd get rid of this "Rossephus" fellow... and then he'd get rid of Marcelos, too. A hand clasped gently on his shoulder and he caught the scent of Sage and mint, feeling his anger drain away in mere seconds. he glanced over his shoulder, seeing the Old woman standing there. "You're upset," she said "And that's perfectly justified and reasonable. But he is not the one who deserves to be on the receiving end of your hatred and rage; the only one who does deserve it Rossephus. He is the only one in the world who deserves to be wiped out of the fabric of Existence, like the stain he is." her attention drifted to the door for a moment, then she looked back to Aaron. "We've company... come, it's time you learned how to wield the powers of GOD." with that said, she waved her hand at the door of the tower, a moment later it swung open. Standing outside was a man with an injured fellow on his shoulders, and a Young woman standing behind him. "Come," she said to Octavia and Matrim urgently. "Bring him in, quickly!" ============================================================== Murdoc and Snap It wasn't long before the two found their way to the tower that they'd been told about, which was quite lucky for Eric, because his wound was opening up more and more with every jostling step. a tall door made of solid oak stood before the two. upon trying the handle, Matrim found it to be locked tightly. just a few seconds later however, the Door swung open, spilling torch light out onto the darkened street. the Smell of herbs from before wafted out into the air, beyond the thresh hold stood an elderly woman in robes... Octavia recognized her instantly from before. "Come," Muya said to the two urgently "Bring him in, quickly!" Edited August 22, 2014 by Stratos Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Supernovae Posted August 22, 2014 Share Posted August 22, 2014 Maximus nodded at Trystane, then turned back to answer Stratos. "I have to agree with the hunter here. There is no way I'll further disgrace my families name, by running from a monster such as this 'Rossephus'. If you need my lance then it is yours, Sky Slayer." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted August 22, 2014 Author Share Posted August 22, 2014 (edited) IN THE PAPAL ALTER (Supernovae, Chimchain, Kenny) Stratos nodded at Maximus. "Another good man." he then turned to face the Alchemist. The man had been eerily silent... he hadn't given them his name or said anything since he'd gotten here... hell, Stratos honestly didn't even know why he was here at all... he hadn't seen him during the fight... oh wait... there was someone shouting out bomb threats earlier, wasn't there? That must've been him. "And what will you do, Alchemist?" Edited August 22, 2014 by Stratos Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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