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P.S.S. "The Legend Of The Primal Keys"::Ch.1- A Bit Of Deception [Completed IC]


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"Matrim..." Gilwyn began as he heard the man approach. He turned back around to face him, having looked off the glance down the road a few moments prior while he was waiting. He honestly didn't know what to say. He had killed this man's family, how does one go about confessing that to the Victim's next of kin? No... it did not matter. He had done the deed, he did not know that it his information was false at the time, but he had still dirtied his hands with the blood of the innocent. He had always gone on and on about people accepting responsibility... now it was time for him to live by his own code.

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"Matrim..." he again said. "Three years ago, you arrived home to find your family's home torched with them inside... I am the man who lit that fire, on word that you were a Sorcerer, a practitioner of the black arts, and that your wife and children all knew full well that you were..." He stopped as a heavy night gust picked up and began howling for a few seconds, so loud that anything he would've been about to say would be lost to the gale. the pause that followed was almost dramatic.

"I am... was the Commander of the classifieddid Church unit known as Chimera White," he continued ater the wind died down. "We are...were tasked with the upholding of the ancient laws of magic. That night, I did only what would've been required by the ways of old... to destroy a Sorcerer entirely and outright, to leave no family and no friend for them to turn to... to eliminate the possibility of them being harbored and thus making their capture and execution easier. It would've been required... had any of the information I was given was true. You frequented a local Library, did you not? you spoke often with a certain clerk there, whom handles the records of all those who enter and draw upon the knowledge of the tombs. This librarian... this friend of yours... if the one who gave me the records that night. He told me that there had been a suspicious activity as of late... and he pointed out your name on the registry. Your friend lied, Matrim, your friend betrayed you that night. He brought down the wrath of the Church magic depot. upon you that night... his lies are what brought me to your household, thinking you were a transgressor of old law. He had been bribed, Matrim, he swapped your reading records that night with that of another... with that of the real sorcerer I was pursuing. He finally gave in to his guilt tonight, and came to me and admitted his purgery on the records. and I strangled him where he stood and left him to rot in the gutter... and then I pursued the man whose records were swapped with yours. He tore my men apart like they were tissue paper... the power he wields, it's not fit for the hands of men."

He shook his head, a solemn look in his eyes. "But enough on that... I am the one who set your wife and children to the torch, Matrim. I am the one who ultimately committed their murders that night. I know no apology can ever right such a wrong... and so I will not give you one..." He held up his arms and stretched them out to his sides, making himself a target, it seemed...

"But what I will give you..." He continued. "the chance to avenge your wife and children. If my death would ease your pain even a little, then I welcome your blade, Matrim... strike me down."

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Matrim looked at the man for a moment, expressionless. He glanced at the axe hanging on his belt, and back to the man in front of him. The bard drew the axe, and raised it high. Then, he dropped it at Gilwyn's feet. "More death won't bring my children back, lad. I can't pass judgement on you, not after what's been done with that axe." Matrim walked a short distance away and turned to face away from Gilwyn, looking up at the sky.

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Gilwyn did not flinch when he saw Matrim raise his axe. He had a fear of death, yes, but all men do, tis the workings of nature that all things that draw breath desire to continue doing so... But Gilwyn did not allow this basic fear, this primal urging to move out of the way, strike Matrim dead himself, or at least do something to save himself interfere with his conviction. He had lived by the sword his entire life, and now he would fall by it... and he had no objections to that fate. He knew that his actions were more than deserving of it...

And then Matrim cast down his axe. Not on Gilwyn's head or his jugular, as he'd been expecting... but instead on the ground before his feet. And then the aging man walked off and peered up at the stars. A euphoric flood of relief spread throughout the more primal parts of Gilwyn's mind as he processed the words that the man spoke as he left... he would yet live... would continue to draw breath and feel the sun's warmth and the moon's chill. That was the basic part of his mind, the animalistic psyche left over from time immemorial in all humans... but in the Civil part of his mind, the part in which the twin lights of justice and Reasoning dwelt, he felt nothing but shame now. He could say nothing that would ever come close to remedying the pain he had caused, and this man refused to splay his blood upon the road in the name of his fallen family. There was no way visible to Gilwyn that he could ever atone for his crime now... but just because something is not visible, does not mean it is not there. He didn't know how, but Gilwyn knew that he would, someway, somehow, find the path that would lead him to his Attonement, and he knew that he would not rest until he did so.

"You are a far bigger man then most, Matrim..." he said as he walked towards the man and stopped shortly behind him. "I am sorry for what I did to them, Matrim, And I am sorry for what I have done to you. I want you to know that, Matrim...and that I will find a way to atone for what I've done, even if I must walk the earth for an eternity to do so..." He had nothing else he could say to the man. and so he turned, and walked away. But he stopped after a few meters.

"I have ordered my..." He stopped. Chimera White was dead. It had fallen with those twenty men and women tonight. he had lad them all into the abyss... he did not deserve to even refer to himself as a commander, not anymore... not after being the sole survivor of that last encounter.

"The last orders I gave to the members of Chimera White," he continued. "Was to tear down and destroy all the wanted bills with your face upon them, spread the word that you no longer hold any bounty on your head... and to hunt down and kill the sorcerer who spurred the plagiarism I was shown that night." Gilwyn turned and again walked away.

"His name..." he said. "Is Artel Erosin Nohce. He is a Dark Father. I am sure you know the meaning of that term."

Aaron stood nearby as Gilwyn admitted to killing Matrim's family, honestly unsure of what to do when the man had offered him his life in atonement. But it seems he would not need to do anything. Matrim had cast his Axe to the dirt and walked away... he had shown mercy. Aaron found himself with a sudden respect for the man at seeing that action, not many individuals would've been able to control themselves like that, knowing that the one who slew their kin stood before them. Aaron himself probably wouldn't have been able to control his wrath if he were in a similar situation. But despite this respect for Matrim, there was still an issue now... They were all aparently traveling with a murderer, who had admitted to his deeds twice in the same night... but perhaps it would not be an issue, This man did seem repentive for his doings... that and the fact that even if he wasn't, it wouldn't have been Aaron's place to strike him down. Matrim was the one he had caused so much hurt and anguish to. And so it was Matrim, and Matrim alone, who would ever have the right to avenge his loved ones by destroying their killer.

"Walk with me," Aaron ordered Ko'Luki and Maximus. h=He began to make his way back to the gates. Seemed he had changed his mind about co-operating... whatever that man in the black and gold had told him, it had worked... but for some reason, when either of the two of them tried to recall what the man had said to the lad, they found that their memories were foggy and useless... the words were their, the image of the man grabbing Aaron by the shirt was their, but the sounds, the noisy, were scrambled, hectic, alien... completely undecipherable to any sane person. The two men followed behind the teen without question. soon they all stood before Muya and the others again.

"I will do what is needed of me," He said as soon as he had looked every person present hard in the eyes. "But I have conditions; none of you will treat me like a damn child. If I'm anywhere near as crucial to this effort as you claim I am, then I deserve to be treated on equal footing with you all... don't ever talk down to me like I'm some ignorant babe."

"Very well then," Said muya. "Let us be of-"

"My conditions are not done yet." Aaron said in a stern, authoritative manner, not shouting in fury, but yet neither calm either. Muya was a bit taken a back by this... so, it seems the ploy had worked as she had hoped... get him frustrated and make him want to walk away, then just as he goes, get him emotionally invested in their plight... Make him WANT to get involved. A sure fire way to obtain the leader they needed in this endeavor. Muya had done well in their commanding so far, but she could not continue on in the role for much longer. Thus, enter Gilwyn. What ever he said to the boy, it worked with flying colors. Which was good, because Aaron ultimately would have to take up the reigns at some point, had to learn to lead his own forces and make them trust him, not sit back and be a mere figure head.

"From this point onward," The young man continued. "You all will regard me as the leader of this... for lack of a better word, this Resistance force against Rosse's plans... and I also want you all to serve as my council. I will sit down and discuss and plan with you for all major Issues we come across, but I will ultimately have the final say in what we do. I will try to consider whatever advice you offer me, so I do not anticipate that this arrangement will become a problem..." He looked around at everyone one last time.

"Will you agree to these terms?" he asked finally.

"What happens if we do not?" Muya asked, seeming to be trying to draw out a certain answer.

"Then you might as well go and throw yourself from a cliff and be done with it," answered Aaron. "That is what you yourself said, more or less."

"These conditions are well within the realm of reason" Muya replied, a smile on her aged face. "I accept."

"As do I," Atton followed

"I... I don't honestly know what any of this is about..." Esmerelda said "but... yes?"

"You will find no quarrel from me," stated Cesealia. "I will trust in your command."

"I trust you, my friend..." Eric stated simply "Consider this 'hell yes'"

"You are starting to come into your own, my son..." Samiel said, a warm smile on his face... along with a look of fatherly pride. Aaron honestly didn't know how he quite felt about the man anymore... "I would be glad to serve on your council"

"Then that only leaves a few others..." Aaron said. he took a mental tally of those who had agreed, then set his sights on the remainder. his gaze fell upon Maximus, Ko' Luki, and Octavia in turn.

"I expect all those who've accepted Muya's call to arms," he began. "To voice whether or not they will comply with my terms."

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Ko'luki smiled and answered Aaron.

"Aaron, i gladly accept your terms. Not only do i revere You for your greatness, I have a personal score to settle with Rossephus. he jumped me in the Alchemy Shop back before the City was destroyed, and drove me to my Knees with Fear. I'm going to get him for that somehow, and i figure the best way to do that is to be "A Thorn In His Side" by helping You, Stratos, and Muya foil his plans for Mass Destruction. Lead us onwards."

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At the Nix gate...

"Very well then," Aaron replied. "Now... who knows how to get to this "Castel Nix" place?"

"I do." Samiel spoke up. He seemed hesitant to go any further. Aaron didn't seem to notice.

"Then... lead the way."

Samiel did just that, heading off down the road. the others followed soon after. within moments, Aaron was standing alone with Octavia, Ko'Luki, and Maximus. he looked at them all, a solemn look on his face. the bravado from moments earlier was gone now. A disgusted scowl spread across his face as he looked up at the sky.

"I hated every damn moment of that just now...all them just nodding and saying "Yes" like their servants answering to the Lord of a house... " he said. "Makes me feel like I'm some arrogant high-born bastard talking down to others as if their dirt, as if they're not humans too...makes me feel like I'm the very type of person I despise most...If this is what leading is going to be like..." With that said, He sighed and shook his head, walking away from the three of them. the rest of the group seemed to be waiting further down the road.

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Octavia gave a side glance to Aaron, Ko'luki and Maximus before looking towards to the rest of the group up ahead. This was going to be interesting, seeing that she had somehow ended up traveling with several strangers with a goal that she probably would have scoffed some hours ago. She continued on with out saying anything.

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Gilwyn cast one last weary glance up at the Nix Gates as the others all started down the road, eager to embark on their journey. He had looked up at the stone and marble carvings adorning the entry way to the city many times over the years. They depicted the entire story of the Nix War, from the first battles that the Namorian Empire and all the other nations of the world fought (And lost...) up to the descending of the sky lo... of the false god Azuaqyar. They had been completely untouched by the ravages of time over the millennia, as to how, no one really knew anymore. No one ever saw any type of maintenance ever done on this part of the wall. The images on it were pretty much burned into Gilwyn's memory by now... but there was one thing he had never understand about it... two things, actually. There were two symbols carved into the left and ride hand sides of the gate respectively... they were so small that someone would need impeccable eyesight to notice them, but all the same, they were there.

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"Gilwyn!" an elderly voice called from behind him. "Are you coming or not?"

"Yeah..." Gilwyn answered.

"Yeah... I'm coming." With that said, the young murderer turned his back on the Gates of Cithalos for the last time... turned... and walked away.

((This concludes Chapter One of "The Primal Keys"! I do hope that you enjoyed it! Things a bit confusing? don't worry, all shall be made clear in the next chapter. The thread shall now be locked up for safe keeping. Have a nice day!

- Stratos, The Sky Slayer))

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