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P.S.S. "The Legend Of The Primal Keys"::Ch.1- A Bit Of Deception [Completed IC]


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"On second thought, don't lower your weapon." he turned his attention to the young men down below. "And you three, Get up here, NOW!"

Hearing this, Darius decided that sticking with a man bearing a magistrates uniform, and one funky hairstyle, was a good idea. Darius looked at the two men before calmly saying

"I don't know about the two of you, but i'm heading up there"

Without looking back, Darius marched towards the rickety staircase. After a cursory glance and a few careful steps, he judged it somewhat safe. Somewhat. and climbed to the roof, taking in the sight that met him with not a little bit of queasiness

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Everything was happening too damn fast. Lightning flew across the sky. It looked like the sky slayer had been crushed. Rodriguez had disappeared into some portal. Azuaqyar, looked different from any of the pictures and was about to kill the sky slayer. And now? Now Steele Splinter was talking to him? It was urging him to join the fray. To fight alongside the sky slayer and fight ... well, whoever the Azuaqyar impostor supposed to be. The severity of the situation was definitely not lost on Maximus, but the details certainly were. He had no idea what to do. Hell, there was only one thing to do. If he'd learned anything tonight it was that perhaps the sky slayer was a good man. Rodriguez had defended him and now his own lance was defending him. So, there was only thing Maximus felt he could or should do at this point. He should defend the sky slayer.

Maximus leaped from the roof top. Steele Splinter in hand. He could feel the heat of his weapon building in his palms. It was almost as if the thrill of battle was exciting his weapon. But, Maximus paid it no mind. He began his charge, reckless and foolish as it may be. He aimed directly at the man who had been brought into his world. The man with who was about to slay the sky slayer. He ignored all of the by-standers who were fleeing the scene. He ignored any of the church men, who wide likely have stopped him if they weren't busy trying to figure out what the hell was happening. He even ignored a threat that someone had made. Something about explosives. Maximus was fully engulfed now. He had but one mission in his mind. His target would die.

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"I don't know about the two of you, but i'm heading up there"

"Welp, its better than being killed by a crossbow." Zolivar said as he headed toward the stair case seeing as it was the easy way to get up there, besides if it broke his armor would take most of the damage so he just casually walked up behind the other knight up the stair case.

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"What is going on though?" She mused quietly, somewhat preoccupied with her thoughts, although a smile did flicker on her face. Just some Ressurection. Accepting the hand up, Octavia nodded slightly as a thanks, and she turned her attention back to the building where all the action seemed to be originating from. Her pulse was racing with excitement. She was really tempted to go over to the source of what all was happening. Really tempted. And her thoughts also flashbacked to what the old lady, Eric's mentor, had said. Was there a connection between that and tonight's change of events? No, Octavia nearly laughed. That's just getting too far out there, still.... "Do you want to head over there?" She asked Eric.

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The Rossephus Battle

(Supernovae, Kenny, STRATOS)

Rossephus ignored the verbal that came from down below, Pope Eeree and the Arch Commanders could take care of that little pest, which they promptly set off to do, without him having to say a word. now that was good service. there was another interloper, however, this one was coming from the sky. He dropped the charge he had been building in his blade, sidestepping easily as a young and foolish warrior landed onto the stones of the alter with immense force, leaving a shallow crater in the architecture. Rosse was a bit impressed... he had to give it to the boy, the kid had some serious stones, getting involved like this. but when one had serious stones under their belt, nature tended to not give them brains to match. the young warrior was wide open for a counter attack now, he had only managed to waste his life with this effort.

Rosse's blade burned in a light hotter than the sun as he made a lightning quick, harrowing swing for Maximus's spine, intending the cleave the young man in two. but before the blow could land, a Giant of a man appeared before him from thin air, delivering a strike of his own with a sword bathed in fire's deadly kiss. having no choice, Rosse repulsed himself backwards, avoiding the strike entirely, but now too out of range to make another. the Giant in armor raised his bastard blade, his snow white cloak billowing in the hot drafts of wind issuing from off his weapon. one of his eyes blazed with a light so intense, one would think it was a star.

"Boho!" he shouted, his voice ringing with an other-worldly power. From out of Rosse's peripheral vision, he could see another Armored man in a cloak appear out of thin air... and this one was in the middle of an attack as well, albeit one the required for more agility than the other's had. Boho hurtled towards Rossephus in a horizontal barrel roll, kicking his legs out to the side to keep up momentum. in his hand sat his sword, casting an eerie after image as he spun, his body had become a makeshift saw....anyone caught by that blade while he was spinning with such momentum would be bisected. Rossephus again repulsed himself backwards, narrowly missing the attack as Boho put all his momentum into a final, destructive blow, swinging the sword causing a massive crater to erupt in the floor as he expelled the resonance energy in a missed his target. Atton turned and glanced at Stratos as Boho unleashed a barrage of lightning quick, withering attacks upon Rossephus, driving the False King back farther and farther with every second, not allowing any openings to counter.

"Are you able to fight?" he asked. Stratos grinned at him, gripping his shattered and mangled arm and hoisting it into the air for Atton to see. "Why are you smilling?" he demanded, unsure what to think of Stratos's facial expression.

"Because," The Sky Slayer Answered, forcing himself to stand despite the pain. "GOD has not forsaken me this night... I was a fool for ever thinking that he had." as they spoke however, the sound of shattering metal filled the night. They both snapped their gazes over to Boho. The man's sword had shattered in half against Rosse's breast-plate, and now protruded a shard from it, a small trickle of blood begining to leak out of the wound. Rossephus took a few steps back from Boho, who was now resorting to firing off Conjurations of Lightning at him, which were quite accurate as they all homed in on his breast plate and crowned, sending thousands of volts of electrical energy throughout the body of the False King.

"Enough!" He cried, throwing up a barrier between him and Boho, finally halting the man's savage onslaught of Magick. Boho responded by simply balling both his hands into fist and triggering a resonance in them, sending down electrified punches into the shields face... Rossephus understood how much danger he was in when he saw the barrier begin to crack... this man was not human. his two, blazingly bright eyes proved that much... enough. it was obvious that trying to kill Stratos tonight would be more of a hassel than it was worth... he could just go and kill Marcelos himself... but no... Stratos would surely upset that effort. yes, it was simple really, before he could get to his brother, he had to strike down that Damn Dragoon first. as Boho continued to assault the barrier in an ape like fashion, Rossephus placed his hand over his mouth and shouted, somehow amplifying his voices volume to where anyone in the plaza below could here it. it had a strange distortion of power in it.

"Enough, the whore sons can have this damn city... fall back! Tis an order from your lord!"

With those words spoken, Rossephus became engulfed in a fiery red light and faded away. The barrier finally shattered under Boho's attacks, crumbling like tissue paper just as Rosse got away. Boho looked up and snarled.

"Get back here and die like a man!!!!"

Down in the plaza below, which had emptied during the panic following the black and white lightning, Ko'Luki watched as three people from the Papal Alter had peeled off and headed towards him, seeming to walk on the air itself as if it were a stair case. then there came a tremendously loud shout ordering for a complete fall back, and the three men had just paused. And when they did, Ko'Luki could recognize one of them as the pope. not a second after they had stopped, they had all turned around in the air, and flashed a vibrant red before fading away, leaving the Alchemist standing in the plaza by his lonesome, Crossbow still raised.

Up at the Alter, Boho finally returned to his senses from the God-like rampage he had just gone on. His gaze shot straight towards Maximus and Atton. "Atton," he began, reaching for his sword before remembering that he had broken it off in Rosse's chest... damn that had felt good to do. "We need to get the city under our control, through any god damn means necessary... before the riots start. after that we need to establish a Consul to serve as the supreme authority in all matters."

Atton Scoffed at the suggestion, then considered his Deputy's words and the sense in them. "There hasn't been a Consulate government in the world since the Namorian Empire... but you have a point, Boho. Until we can get things firmly under our control, we'll have to have a dictator..." With that said, He turned to Maximus. "But before we get into that, Mind identifying yourself, Ekarder?"

Snap Crackle Pop

Eric was about to answer her question when he spotted a Sniper baring the colors of the Church Army, perched up on a roof and training a Ballista at the two of them. Eric didn't bother thinking, he shoved Octavia to the ground, barely in time for the Bolt to miss the base of her skull and lodge itself into his shoulder blade instead, shattering the bone and sending him sprawling to the Cobble Stones, but not before he got off a Lightning Conjuration, sending a bolt of electricity flying towards the female sniper and bursting through the glass of her sight lense, melting it and exploding into a shower of sparks as it hit home on her helmet. She was deader than a door nail. Eric's head was clouded by pain as he lay there, severely injured. he managed to croak one thing as he lay there, however...

"Octavia..." then he went silent as his consciousness faded. his blood was beginning to form a pool on the street beneath him


Matrim saw as The young man had saved the girl's life by pushing her out of the way of the sniper's bolt... and as the young man now lay on the cobblestones, dying of blood-loss.

Edited by Stratos
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Can't believe im taking orders from a guy that was about to blow my head off, but whatever it is, it sounds really urgent. Consider this as temporary alliance, that is, until i get my answers.

Gideon thought to himself. The swordsman takes the stairs, falling behind the unnamed knight and Darius.

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After Ko'luki saw the Pope and his two assistants vanish in a flash of red light, Ko'luki lowered Hilda from the Trajectory he'd had the Crossbow on. he'd been ready to surprise the Pope and his assistants by using the Iron Pole as a Melee Weapon once they got too close to him for him to be comfortable, but that was no longer necessary, seeing as they'd left. Ko'luki gritted his teeth and took the HED out of Hilda as he muttered to himself under his breath.

"D*mn it, they had to leave just as it was starting to get interesting... I'll get 'em next time... and i'm Going to help Stratos kill the Idiot who called me a W**** ***."

Ko'luki then put Hilda back on the Hook he had on his Belt that was designed to hold the Crossbow, and headed up to the Altar to meet with the other People who had helped save Stratos' life.

Edited by K_H
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Matrim rushed forward and knelt by the young man, acting as quickly as he could. He grabbed a piece of the man's shirt and cut it with the blade of his axe. As he tied it about the shoulder as tightly as he could to halt the flow of blood, Matrim called out, "Someone, get a healer, please! This boy's life is in danger!" He avoided pulling the bolt out; that would simply allow more blood to spill onto the ground. The bard pressed down on the stricken body part, trying to restrict the flow long enough to allow the bleeding to slow. "Come on, kid, it's just a stick, you'll be fine." Matrim wasn't sure if he was even conscious any more, but he continued in his efforts to comfort the lad. He looked up, just now remembering the girl. "Please, go get someone with knowledge of healing magic for him." Damnit, he thought. Why must the church do these things? He recognized the design of the bolt embedded in the man laying before him. Haven't they caused enough death? Tears started to well up in his eyes as the memory of his family returned in full force.

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Maximus's head was still ringing. He thought he was dead after his decision to charge ... whatever it was that he had charged at. But, it seemed as though the two new comers had somehow been able to fight that thing off. It was bizarre. Maximus was used to being a top tier fighter, often taking any of his class mates in combat. But, tonight it seemed like just about everyone he met was capable of fighting Gods. Or were Gods. Maximus shook off the dazed feeling, he'd been asked a question, by someone. Atton he thought it was, well whatever his name, this person wanted to know who he was.

"My name is Maximus," he began starting to pick himself back up, "As you've guessed I'm an Ekarder, from the Drake Vale. A recent graduate. My mother sent me here after graduation. She said something about needing more God in my life," Maximus let off a little chuckle, "I suppose I disagreed."

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((Half way through making a big a*s post and I got ninja'd. Okay. xD))

"Oi--!" Octavia started, Eric had, for whatever reason, suddenly shoved Octavia down, though she realized what was happening a split second later. He had saved her life, killed the assailant, but he had taken the bolt that probably would have killed her. Why? Octavia was stunned by both that and the fact that a Church sniper had taken aim specifically at the two of them.

"Someone, get a healer, please! This boy's life is in danger!" There was a guy who probably witnessed what had happened and came over before she could react. Partially annoyed at herself for freezing like she did, she quickly came closer, grabbing the things she needed. Putting a slightly shaky hand hand in her bag, she wrapped her fingers over bandages and two vials that she could recognize due to the engravings she had put on the surface of the glass. One of them had three bands encircling it, the other had two. The expression on Octavia's face hardened from a mix of shock and confusion to a sort of cold anger, forcing herself to calm down. She was going to get to the bottom of this.

"Please, go get someone with knowledge of healing magic for him." Octavia realized this was directed at herself and she instead knelt down next to them. Opening both vials, one had a clear mixture that looked like plain water with a yellowish tint and the other contained a very viscous, dark green concoction.

“I'm an apothecary, I can stop the bleeding til we can reach a healer,” Octavia said quietly, preoccupied with the task at hand as she cut some strips of the bandaging cloth. “Although I think that with whatever is happening, it would be difficult to find a magic healer right now,” she added. She moved the cloth over so that she could clearly reach the wound. Her face twitched slightly at the sight of all the blood. She moved quickly, pouring a liberal amount of the clear fluid, an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, into and around the wound. Octavia then poured almost all of the green stuff in the same manner, it should harden somewhat and act as a sort of seal for the time being, now bandaging it as tight as she could to slow the blood flow. She was at least glad the bolt was still in the wound.

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Trystane had his hands full calming his partner down. The horse was already on edge with the earthquake, but really panicked when it saw the lightning show. It took Trystane all riding skills he had to keep the horse from overrunning people; that he didn’t really see what happened until someone decided to call everyone whore son. He looked back at the altar, where the Pope had been, and noticed some other people standing there while the rest of the Plaza was practically empty.

He took Onyx by the reigns and walked over to the group of people left. “Quite a good show, better than I expected!” he yelled. “Now which one of you found it necessary to almost kill everyone here?”

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Supernovae & Kenny

"Well, then, Maximus," Atton replied. "You'll be sticking with us for the night... and what a long night this shall be..." as he spoke, he seemed to be distracted by something, breaking off the conversation and staring to the west. Boho turned his attention as Footsteps echoed up from the Entry way to the Alter. a few moments later, a man bearing a crossbow and dressed like an alchemist arrived from the Papal Stair case.

"who are ya?" Boho asked this new arrival, a demanding tone in his voice.


It seemed that from where he was in the Plaza, the group up in the alter couldn't hear him... that left Trystane with only one choice, he'd have to make his way up there. though, in a bit of strange luck, it seemed that the explosions recently had carved a path in the buildings exterior that could serve as a makeshift stair way if one were careful enough. and even more, it more than wide enough for a horse.

Murdoc & Snap

The Bleeding began to ebb and finally stopped following the concoction's application at the wound site. But even with the danger of bleeding to death gone, there still remained the issue that Eric's entire right shoulder and arm had been shattered by the impact... and that the bolt was still there. A familiar scent wafted through the air as the two knelt by him... it was mint and sage. Before their very eyes, the Bolt backed out of the wound of it's own accord, falling free and clattering to the stones as the Shoulder began to mend itself. The injury still looked very bad, but at least it was cleaned up a bit now. Both Octavia and Maximus heard a voice echo in the night air, the young woman could recognize it immediately. It was the voice of Eric's mentor.

"I've done enough to stem the blood and close the wound for now," she called, though as to where she was, no one could guess. "but he'll need further help. Take him to the Tower in the west, the one situated along the city wall. If you can get him there, he will live." as she spoke, the wound began to re-open. "Hurry! the Mending Spell won't last for long!" With that said, the voice was gone, along with the smell of Mint and Sage.


"just take a moment to calm yourself and think." Samiel said. Aaron had broken free of the Sleep while they were resting in the Dark Alley... getting him the rest of the way here had been quite a struggle. "You know that everything I'm saying is true, Haven't you ever wondered why both your 'parents' were light of hair, while yours is black as night?" Aaron sat on the floor, leaning back against the central pillar of the tower's first floor... Without his chair, he had no way of getting out of this situation. he didn't know what the hell was going on with Samiel... the man must've taken leave of his senses. First he put him into a sleep and brought him here, and now he claims to be his father?

"My Grandfather was Black of hair..." he replied weakly. Samiel shook his head disappointedly.

"They just told you that lie so that you wouldn't ask as many questions in the future. Tell me, Aaron, this man who they claimed to be your Black-haired grandsire, did you ever meet him?"

"No, but..."

"Did you ever meet any supposed relatives?"

"N...no..." He fell silent after that... Samiel had a point, he had never met any relatives, and his parents had never spoken of any extended family other than a grandfather who was supposedly the source of his hair color. But he still was not convinced that this man was his father... at least, not totally. Samiel continued to present the evidence for his argument.

"Surely you've noticed how both your 'parents' had blue eyes, while yours were the color of the earth itself." Aaron had nothing to say in retort. "Neither of them even look like you. anyone with two eyes could see that. hell, the whole town could probably see that the child that had suddenly come into the care of the legendary hunters Starke and Liana Nall , was clearly not a product of their marriage, but an adopted infant!"

"Stop!" Aaron screamed, tears began to well up in his eyes as he came to believe what this man was saying more and more. But even though the evidence was damning, Aaron still fought against it in his heart... he simply couldn't stand the Idea... the idea that his entire life had been a complete bout of horse shit. that he was not the person whom he had been brought up thinking he was. that his name was a lie. that every time those two had looked at him and called him 'son', it had been nothing but a cruell continuation of the lie. "Lies... all that comes out of your mouth is lies..." but even as he said it, it was obvious he was trying to convince himself of it. a voice interrupted the conversation at that moment... the smell of wild herbs filled the air.

"It is not a lie." beside Samiel appeared an elderly woman dressed in dark robes. Aaron had no idea where she could've been hiding all this time. "Everything your father is telling right now is the truth. Stop pretending that you don't believe him. Anyone with a set of working eyes can see that you do, your face says it all, boy." the young man recoiled a bit at the coldness of her voice

"Are you still going to keep up this charade?" she pressed on "Fine. Then I myself shall present you the ultimate proof of what this man says." as soon as the words left her mouth, a piece of shattered reflective glass appeared in her hand. she handed it to Samiel, who walked over and knelt beside Aaron, positioning his face beside his and holding up the mirror for the boy to see. in the face of the mirror... Aaron could see the undeniable truth.

The resemblance in his and Samiel's faces was far too strong for Aaron to be anything but a direct descendant of him. their eyes were the exact same shade of green. they had the same nose, same chin and jaw line. There was no use trying to run from it now. Aaron had to face the fact that this man had indeed fathered him. Sam lowered the mirror and moved back beside the elderly woman.

"Do you see now, Aaron?" He asked simply. Aaron wiped the tears from his eyes. what he felt now... was anger... anger at this man who was his father, yet had left him on some doorstep like a common whore son would've been. Anger at this man who said that he had a hand in his creation, and yet had passed off the responsibility of raising him to someone else... He glared at Samiel.

"Yes..." he said "But I have one question: Why did you abandon me?"

Samiel's face went solemn. "I didn't want to leave you with them... but I had my orders... I had to follow them."

"Whose Orders?" Aaron demanded. another voice interrupted the conversation then as another individual entered the room, this one walking down the stair case from the upper levels of the tower.

"My orders" Said a young man who looked no older than Aaron himself. he was dressed in regal robes the color of the ocean, with gold and silver embroidering on the sleeves and shoulders. his eyes blazed a frightening blue as he cast his gaze in Aaron's direction. his auburn hair seemed to almost glow in the light of the torches lighting the room. In his hand sat an impressively carved wooden staff that seemed to glow silver as he walked towards the other young man. his very presence exuded a strange power... it almost made one want to bow and postrate themselves before him.

"I am Marcelos," He said when he finally stood over Aaron.

"And you are my chosen Succesor."

Edited by Stratos
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Trystane sighed. Apparently the people he had called out too, weren’t able to hear him. “Come Onyx, it looks like we have to climb this thing.” He climbed back on his horse and made his way to the top at a steady pace, making sure Onyx wouldn’t slip.

I wonder what happened to those religious idiots from before. I couldn’t really see it, but are the people on top responsible for this mess? If so, I might walk into a dangerous situation.

It wasn’t a very comfortable thought. If these people fired the lightning that had almost killed everyone on the Plaza; he felt obligated to protect those who cannot protect themselves. With that in mind he moved the spear on his back to his hand in a defensive position.

Trystane finally reached the top, just behind someone who was carrying a crossbow. “Well, this looks very cozy,” he said. “But tell me one thing; did any of you just fire that lightning to the crowd? You see, I can’t stand people who abuse their power to suppress the weak. So if that’s the case, I can’t turn a blind eye…”

Edited by Chimchain
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"I fired the lightning," Stratos said in a matter of fact manner, cutting off the young hunter before he could finish. "But my target was not the crowd, that was the doing of the beast I was trying to eliminate." he knelt down and retreived Star-Ripper with his good arm. "he redirected the blast to endanger the crowd and force me to choose between either Killing him, or saving them. I chose the latter, that was the second burst of lightning that occurred, me calling upon another bout of electricity in order to keep those people from being crushed by rubble."

Stratos then slung the strap of his spear over his shoulder, wincing in pain as he remembered the severe injury he had obtained.

"And for my Choice to save them, my foe man rewarded me by destroying my arm..." he glanced at how Trystane held the weapon in his hand. "look boy, put that spear down. The fighting up here is over. your far too late if you intended to help."

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Trystane glanced at the rude man who interrupted him. It didn’t take long to figure out who he was, but the hunter didn’t care. Apparently it didn’t matter how long you lived, some people just had no manners. As soon as Stratos finished speaking, Trystane cleared his throat. “It sounds like it’s your own fault your arm is in that state. Besides, I don’t come here to help anyone. I just wanted to make sure your little group didn’t consist of someone I’m looking for… and as for my spear; any man with a working brain cell knows he shouldn’t walk unarmed into a potential dangerous situation.”

Nevertheless Trystane decided to put away his spear. These men weren’t the ones he was looking for nor were they a threat to innocent people.

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Chimchain, Supernovae, & Kenny

Stratos was a tad impressed by this boy. He seemed to have some courage, speaking to someone with his reputation like that; and it was real courage, not the type that came from rampant mob-mentality or blind hatred.

"You are right," Stratos admitted "It is my own fault my arm is like this. I should have just killed the pope and his sub-servants and just been done with it. But enough on that. You said that you 'can't stand People who abuse their power to suppress the weak', Did you not?" He then turned to address all three of the men who had entered onto the Alter since the fight's end.

"That is precisely what the Cithaloc Church has done for the past four-thousand years. Abused their power every chance they get in order to suppress the weak. That man I was fighting, the one in the red cloak and with the crown and golden breast-plate, He is the enemy of all mankind. This church was established by him, back long ago when he took the opportunity that the Nix War presented and corrupted the minds of the people after he had his puppet save the human-race. It was all a ploy to win humanity's trust." At that point Atton broke into the conversation.

"And before you go dismissing anything this man says as lies, Allow me to verify everything he's saying. I am Atton, Arch-Magistrate of this city. Everything the Sky Slayer has told you is true. I have held my position for twenty years here. Stratos came to me one day telling much the same story. And he asked a favor. he wanted me to break into the Ancient archives using my authority, feigning to be pursuing thieves who had gone into hiding. He told me that if I did, I would find proof that everything he was saying was the truth. I too thought that Stratos was lying at the beginning... but I did as he asked of me. I had already began forming doubts of my own after having seen certain... things. I did what he suggested, and stumbled upon more than enough proof down in the lowest reaches of the archives." As he spoke, he reached into his armor and produced a small leather bound journal. it looked ancient and fragile, the pages yellowed and made brittle by the ages. He held it up for the Alchemist, Ekarder, and Hunter to see. "This is the first hand account of the first High Preist of the Theocracy." he continued. "you should all know his name, I'm sure you've already had countless history lectures during your childhoods. This is the Journal of none other than that of Rodac Yerf-Tactalli, protected and preserved for four thousand years by an ancient chronomancer's spell. the account begins during the darkest days of the Nix War, during Tactalli's time as the leader of a small band of wise men trying to find the weakness of the Nix, and goes up all the way through his time as High Priest. What truly matters, however, is what is written towards the end of the account. Tactalli had become suspicious of this 'God' he was serving, and he began to look into things and beyond things. He stumbled upon the beginning of the truth, all those years ago. and he was murdered because of it. the official records all say he died of old age, but it was nothing but pure murder."

Atton held the journal out before him, offering it to the men. "But go on, don't simply take my word for it, read his account for yourself."

((I don't really care which of you takes it and reads it first. which ever one of you does, stop after opening the journal and turning to the last few pages. I'll make an update after that saying what the Text inside tells))


"This night has taken quite an... unexpected turn..." Cardinal Morsey said. He and those Church officials who had survived the chaos all stood gathered around a round table made of ancient wood. The Archives were not the most accommodating of places, with cobwebs and dust galore in every corner this far down. The red carpeting on the floor was starting to rot, revealing the stone beneath. the ceiling was so high that it disappeared into darkness after a certain point. Book after book lay strewn across the floors in-front of the many shelves in the chamber, as if someone had been hastily searching for something. from the amount of dust that had gathered on their leather bound faces, it looked like they had been lying there for years. Cardinal Jacze placed his hands down firm on the table and leaned forward, meeting each of his colleagues eyes with a solemn gaze yet subtly fierce gaze, his face illuminated ominously by the sole light source in the entire room, a small wicker lantern.

"That is a complete understatement," he said. "This night has turned into a complete disaster... The Sky Slayer is within the city, I have word that His Holiness has fled, along with two of the Arch Commanders of the Church army, as well as word that one Arch Commander is dead, along with some 700 of the 1000 soldiers that were stationed in the city this night. The Ceremony has somehow been botched, that was no Resurrection, the Magick that was used was a practice Forbidden by Ancient Law; It was a summoning... a breaking of a seal. With the Pope and everyone else in direct attendance now absent, we have no idea or information as to what happened to cause the ceremony to go so far a stray from it's goal, nor who it was that preformed the Summoning and broke the law of old."

Remus, head of the Magicks department, interjected. "We have lost all contact with the leader of Chimera White as well tonight," he said "We can only assume that the Sorcerer they were dispatched to eliminate was of a higher pedigree than we classified him as. As of now, Lord Gilwyn and the twenty sub commanders of Chimera White are considered KIA. We would be wise to presume that the same sorcerer they were sent out to kill had some hand in the summoning that took place."

Cardinal Morsey shot an angry glare at the sage. "How dare you?" he called. "Suggesting that his holiness would commit the highest form of blasphemy and allow for a summoning to take place... I shall strike you down myself for that, you Magick Whore son!"

"Calm Down!" Remus ordered, his eyes flaring white for a moment. "I did not say that his Holiness 'Allowed' the summoning. I simply said that the sorcerer may have had a hand in it. for all we know, which is nothing, I might remind you all, This Sorcerer could've taken taken the his Holiness hostage or disabled him before going about his nefarious business. The Pope may have not have been able to intervene in the matter."

"Enough of this!" Head Cardinal Yoyce hollered, speaking up for the first time in the conversation. both Remus and Morsey fell silent. "We all have acknowledged that things have gone quite poorly this night, now let us stop bitching and speculating about them, and actually devise a plan of Action as to how we will counter these Issues!" The other officials at the table all nodded their heads and agreed silently. Yoyce stood from his chair, knowing he had the floor. he began to pace back and forth as he addressed each official.

"Remus!" he called

"Yes, Sir."

"Is there anyone within the Magick's department who is suitable to assume command of Chimera White?"

"No sir, not unless you count myself, but I've already many responsibilities as head of the depar-"

"I care not for how many responsibilities you shoulder, leading the unit is now one of them; You are now in Command!"

Remus just slunk back in his chair a little at that, grinding his teeth... he already had a heavy work load, and now this?

"Morsey!" he addressed next.


"Who is the highest ranking Church Army officer left alive in this city?"

"I... I do not know sir..."

"Then find the fuck out, NOW!" Morsey stumbled from his chair as the head cardinal shouted, running up the stair case as fast as he could to fulfill his orders. Yoyce turned his attention to another official.

"Jacze!" he called next.

"Yes, Sir!"

"you are to apprehend the Sky Slayer. Do not Kill him, we need an interrogation to find out what occurred at the Papal Alter this night."

Jacze just smiled at the mission. "Very well then, sir." he said before rising from his seat and vanishing from sight.

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"Let's get going then." Matrim carefully lifted the unconscious man onto his shoulders, painfully aware of how vulnerable he would be if Church officials showed up. "West tower? I can't say I remember the city all that well, it's been a while."

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  • Support Squad

Looking around, Darius came to the sad conclusion that he could do no more for these people.

Darius turned to the three other men and spoke quietly, not wanting to bother the dead.

"Gentlemen, it seems that something dangerous is occurring in this holy city. I'm going to try and help the magistrates resolve the situation. That means heading back to the holy grounds, where it seems some sort of confict is happening. I don't know how good you men are in a fight, but any help would be appreciated." With that Darius made his way down the stairs, not checking to see if any of them were following.

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Trystane’s curiosity got the better of him after hearing the story Stratos and his friend told them. He grabbed the book, opened it and turned carefully to the last few pages.

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"A tower in the west situated by the wall," Octavia said. "I know that way is west," she said, pointing to the general direction. "It shouldn't be hard to miss," she said, being very grateful for this man's help, she hoped they would make it in time. Octavia's hand hovered over the handle of her scythe as she spoke. "Let's go."

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Chimchain, Supernovae, and Kenny

Before the young hunter's eyes sat the account of Rodac Tactalli himself, the words penned in a fine, flawless script that was still highly legible even after four millennium. and on those pages, Tactalli's story unfolded... the truth unfolded. The text read as follows:

The 18th day of February, in the 17th year since darkness

I have served as the Lord's highest advocate for nearly a decade now. and in those ten years of loyal service, I have not once questioned him, have never had any doubts of his intentions... and I will not have any now... twas nothing, I am sure...

It was just after noon today. I was consulting the Lord on word that Khal Tidrus might be plotting rebellion on Ahka-Tinora. I asked him what is it he would have us do. And he simply stared at me for the longest moments... just sat there atop his throne in the alter, staring at me with a look belonging to dead men. I waited patiently for at least the better part of the hour, thinking that the Lord was testing me to ensure I was a worthy servant, as he has done several times in the past. Finally, however, I took note that the lord twas not breathing. nor did the warmth of life flow through his body. he felt... cold...hard, as if he were wrought from stone and iron. I tried to rouse the Lord, to now avail. his skin twas a shade of gray, as if he were frozen in time.

At last, when I was about to put out the call to find a Chronomancer to undo whatever vile working this was, The Lord seemed to return to himself, the color returning to his form. I explained to the Lord what had happened, and he merely dismissed it, citing that I probably had not gotten enough rest in recent days.

And that was it. He dismissed me soon after that. he did hear my require as to Khal Tidrus or my report of the situation in Ahka-Tinora. he simply sent me away immediately after blaming my perception on not getting enough sleep.

Perhaps he was correct... yes, he had to have been. I am reaching advance age, after all...

The 25th day of February, in the 17th year since darkness

A similar event has occurred today. again, just after noon, I attempted to consult the lord as the what course of action he would have us take to keep Tidrus in check and prevent war from breaking out...

And again, I found him on his throne, grey and cold as stone, eyes glossy like death. I knew from the last occurrence that he was not testing me this time. I again tried to rouse the lord. And again twas of no avail. I did not hesitate, I put out to call for someone to find a Chronomancer. luckily, one so happened to be attending service in the chapel. he tried every technique of his field that he knew... and naught worked. finally, after an hour of failed attempts, the Chronomancer looked to me and said that what ever this was, it was not caused by a disturbance in the field of time around the lord. with that, I saw no reason to take the man's time anymore. I dismissed him. and only moments after I had done so, the lord returned once more, just as he had sever days ago. and again he dismissed my account of what had occurred as the advancement of age on the mind.

and he dismissed without hearing anything of my report...again.

The 19th day of March, in the 17th year since Darkness

I have served as the Lord's highest advocate for nearly a decade. And in that decade, not once have I had any doubts about his intentions... But I have doubts now. and they are not small in size.

I have tried several times in recent weeks to file my report with the lord and hear his consul on the matter. the same time every time, just after the mid-day bread.

and every time, it is the same occurrence... the last instant was only yesterday... but I managed to catch a glimpse of something then...

It was a flash of red. a series of tiny lights descending from the sky, coming in through the window, and disappearing inside the Lord's shoulders, hands, and legs, as well as his neck...

I have made sure to take to my bed chambers early and arise late every day for the past two weeks. His theory of it being a lack of sleep holds no validity this time. I told him as such. and he had no reply. simply stared at me in a confused, almost threatening manner, then teleported me out of the hollowed throne room, the guards slamming the doors behind me, feigning complete ignorance when I demanded they open them.

Left with no choice and not wishing to go fetching an Arch Commander, I simply returned to my chambers.

(Needless to say, those two were promptly removed from their posts today. disobedience to my orders only got them the reward of being re-assigned by the Church Guard Arch-Commanders to guard the city sewer entry ways, which we've had quite an issue with thieves hiding in.)

I have many questions as of now, but the biggest of them is this: What were those lights?

the 30th of March, in the 17th year since Darkness

I have given up trying to file my report with the lord. I have simply advised my eyes and ears on the continent to keep me informed of Tidrus's actions. for the past several days, after noon I have been heading straight to the Church Archives. they are still in their early construction stages, but the books being transferred there from the old Namorian well of Knowledge lie in crates, free for me to read. So far I have found nothing of the lights in the old tombs, but I am finding repeated refrences to this "Well of Knowledge" area...

It is ironic, we are transfering hundreds if not thousands of ancient tombs from that crumbling temple, the years were not kind to it. it seemed that at some point, lightning struck the spire and part of the roof collapsed, making our efforts to recover the tombs from the farthest levels imposible. It is ironic, because we draw knowledge for the archives from this place, and yet know nothing about it's true purpose.

It was not built to serve as a library, that was just a secondary function... it was built to serve as store house for the secrets of the universe, a place where no question is left unanswered.

perhaps if I traveled there with a chronomancer...

5th of April, the 17th year since darkness

I'm quite sharp, if I do say so myself. I have traveled to the well, and with the help of a chronomancer, I managed to get passed the rubble blocking the way further into the depths.

twas not long before we came to a door... one that would not open. it is late, however. we shall return to the surface and take lodgings for the night.

14th of April, The 17th year since darkness

My doubts were founded entirely in truth. I know this for a fact now. it has been one week since I ventured into the Well of Knowledge and asked my question. what i was shown that day has played back in my mind countless times, as if some force is adamant that I remember it vividly.

what I saw was a story that is hard to retell, but I shall try on these pages...

The first vision I saw was a young man with a cape of scarlet across his shoulders, placing a blood soaked crown atop his auburn hair. on the stones before him lay a man run through with a sword of light, the man bore a strong resemblance to the younger one... almost as if he were his father.

The vision I was shown after that was of a massive battle on a barren plateau... two brothers fighting one another...well, no, one brother trying to kill the other and the other retreating from the attacks and pleading with him. the man trying to kill his own brother was the same man I saw from the first vision, the crown still atop his head.

and the last vision I saw...was off that same man from the first two standing in a darkened landscape, beings as strange as the night itself gathering around him as he tore open some type of portal... at that moment, I had gasped in shock. I recognized that landscape on the other side of the portal. I recognized the shape of the portal. and I recognized the beings around him. what I had seen...

what I saw was this man starting the Nix War. he was the reason man nearly ceased to exist. after that scene, things began to warp. the next thing I saw in the vision was him standing high in the sky, walking on air itself...

and in his hands sat the air and the clouds...and darkness and red light. and he combined these things to form a being with four wings...

he formed the Lord Azuaqyar from those materials. but the Azuaqyar I saw then was much like the one I had seen during the occurrences. but then the man reached out his hand and tendrils of red light burst forth from them, connecting with the Lords body and bringing color and life to his form...and then the vision changed again, and I watched the Lord descend from the heavens, just as I had watched the first time nearly twenty years ago.

And then the visions were done. and then a voice spoke to me, and it said...

"the man you saw was named Rossephus. he is a monster and a deciever. he thirsts for power, and will stop at nothing to obtain it. his lust for it led him to commit many atrocities in the time before time, and he ultimately triggered the end of the first Era of Existence. His brother was named Marcelos. Marcelos was entrusted with the keys to the future following his brothers crimes, he was entrusted with primal forces from which everything else owes it's existence to. and with those keys, he created a new era of existence, the one you live and breath in even now. but Rossephus was not destroyed for his actions. he was sealed... sealed within one of the keys bestowed to Marcelos; it was meant to serve as the ultimate humiliation, for Rosse loathed his younger brother and viewed him as weak, but the seal was not complete. Rosse was still able to influence the worlds his brother created. and he has done that countless times. the latest of which was when he tore the void that started the Nix War in this world."

And I asked these voices who they were and they answered

"We are the keys that were bestowed to Marcelos. we are the two primal forces of all of nature itself. we are the beginning and the end. we are...

The Alpha and the Omega."

And I asked them what the red lights I saw meant, and they answered

"Those were Rossephus assuming control of his puppet. he must rest for a certain time each day in order to maintain the hold on his marionette. that is all that Azuaqyar is; a puppet. mindless, soulless. he is simply a body Rosse created for himself to occupy... he is simply...an Avatar that he uses."

and I asked why he needed this 'Avatar' of his.

they answered

"Because of the Spheres, Rodac. the spheres protect this world, they

that was the point at which the account ended abruptly, beneath those words on the page was a rather large, long since dried blood stain, as if someone had been killed in the middle of writing the journal entry... it was easy to see why Atton said that Tactalli had been 'murdered'. out of the corner of their eyes, the three men all thought that they saw Stratos's eye's flicker and dim for a moment, temporarily losing their golden glow and revealing a vibrant green beneath. His hair shifted color from shock white to pitch black. he seemed to be weak in that moment, almost losing his balance and falling over... though he seemed to regain a hold of himself, albeit with sweat now beading on his brow. his eyes had regained their golden hue, as his hair had regained it's snow white coloration.

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"I don't really know you, but I assume we should stick together. Things are starting to look crazy out here." Sinbad said. "Anyway, you lads better not hold me back, for I am a a god among men. Lead the way sir Knight or whatever you are, but remember Sinbad Firebrand take orders from no man."

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The first thing Zolivar noticed in Sinbad was that pirate attire, he immediately despised him just for that factor.

"God among men? HA! I've seen better people in the slums of this city," He said even though he never explored the slums of this city. "Actions are what make a man not words, and so far all I've seen from you is aim a crossbow at a guy from a roof top so don't expect any kind of treatment from me pirate scum." He then followed the other knight's path.

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"So... this is how i die, battling along side with a pirate that is full of himself, a wise cracking knight and a knight that is afraid of heights." Gideon sighed feeling a bit annoyed. The Turk follows the rest of the group.

((wow, this team doesn't really get along.))

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"If it is actions we are judged upon do not judge me upon how I am dressed, very hypocritical of you. The dress does not make the man, same as words do not." Sinbad said, a sass filled look on his face as he continued walking. "And Sir Turk, it is better than dying alone no? Ah, but none of us know one another's names, it would be like watching a passerby be downed, who would care? I am Sinbad, pleasure to make your acquaintance Gentleman." He said with a curtly bow.

((Sinbad is guessing that is what Zol is basing his opinion on, as it is the only clue he would be a Pirate. So not meta-gaming you, it is actually kinda Obvious))

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