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Obtainable pokemon challenge? (that sounds stupid...)

Shadow Tack

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So yeah im doing a run of Reborn very soon where all pokemon I obtain Have to be legitimately obtainable in an area nearby storywise. (AKA I can only use most starters for the 1st gym yet I can use grimer for 1 and 2.) Okay that was just a bad introduction to it BUT what I'm trying to say is helioptile is only obtainable from Flo-Bot to Corey so I can use helioptile on Corey yet not on Shelly. Make sense now? no? But anyways I'm going to allow members of the community pick 5 members of the team while I pick one. You may be as much of a saint or as large of a git as you desire. Welp recommend poke's from Opal to Peridot ward now. (you may need to tell me where some are)

Edited by blasterman4
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Have a Gothita. I'm assuming you know where to get it? In the house where Ralts was before, and you still need Pokesnax.

Your best Pokemon is likely to be your starter, assuming you pick one up... this should be interesting.

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burmy changes after every battle+I have no idea where to get sandy. I'll try though

(Headbutt in opal right?)

Yes Headbutt (Opal or Peridot) and to evolve him with Sandy Cloak try the Undergroud Railnet

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Team so far: Azery (Trubbish) level 10, Slimon (Grimer) level 11, Lost Lore (Gothita) level 12, Braveheart (Litleo) level 15, Fucklett (Ducklett) level 7, Gaunt (Burmy) Level 12.

VS Swag Jocky Fern

I lead with Azery, he leads with Lotad

I have Azery set up toxic spikes lotad uses growl,

This time it uses astonish

Now I have Azery use poison gas missed again, hit w/ another astonish

Poison gas hits this time. Fern is being an astonish spamming N00B

I start pounding him into the ground. still trying to astonish

I pound him harder, he uses tri attack

He's using growl now.

He uses a potion I hit him harder.

crit tri attack? IDGAF Fern

I switch in Gaunt for EXP

I use protect Lotad is down from poison.

I switch in Slimon to laugh at him.

I slap Snivy till it dies from toxic.

I dies now I switch in Braveheart to 2HKO w/ ember.

GG Fern you bloody noob.

No MVP team effort.

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There not much of a difference except Azery is 2 levels ahead of where he was before and that's the only real difference.

I lead with trubbish and poison stall Magby and Elekid while acid spraying Elekid.

By the time Magby manages to KO Azery after taking out Fern Elekid is down and I prep to acid spray him oh well.i the sent out Fucklett and hit magby with water gun. that did nothing....I switch out to Gaunt to get some free EXP on him. Ducklett and Gaunt level up and the match is over with me as winner.

Team MVP: Azery the Trubbish now level 14.

(How come nobody is posting?)

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Edit: Slimon is Actually a reference to Dragon Quest Monsters-Joker he's my favorite char lol.

Blaster vs Julia- the team so far http://prntscr.com/3xfzo1

I lead with Azery she leads with Helioptile I set up T-spikes while Helio uses Charge beam.

This time it uses glare on me as I set up layer 2. Now I use acid spray while it uses T-shock

Acid spray KO's and leaves me hit w/ a T-shock

She sends in a voltorb. I switch to Braveheart

I use headbutt while it uses charge beam.

Julia used a potion when I used ember

She used her other potion. I use ember again and toxic almost KO's

I switch to gaunt expecting Explosion but it uses sonic boom. Fine by me poison Ko's it

Jula sends in her second voltorb which promptly Explodes In Slimon's face I switch back to Braveheart to take care of Emolga

I use work up it uses charge beam.

It nuzzles me while I ember it,

Charge beam Ko's Braveheart.

I switch in Lost to try and confuse w/ Psybeam

It uses quick attack while I use fake tears.

It hits with acrobatics before I KO with Psybeam

She sends In Blitzle which is a minor annoyance... Triple para hax? ffs

Lost Is down. Blitzle is stalled by Grimer.

I switch Gaunt in to stall electrode.


It OHKO's with rollout which it is now trapped into

It misses Azery my last poke and I use acid spray on it.

And it KO's with charge beam. nice and close match.

I'll be back with potions next time.

Fun fact: If I somehow survived there I would've won from poison.

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I'm actually going much slower than usual for this....

Attempt 2 at julia team:http://prntscr.com/3xjfjx

Gonna follow the same strats of using Azery for T-Spikes Helio uses thunder shock.

T-spikes 2, glare....

Poison gas from me it uses charge beam and- PARA HAX

this time i hit it with poison gas and switch out to fucklett to soak a hit. it used mud slap...

OHKO on fucklett but an extra turn.

Switch into gaunt to use protect.

i try again and succeed.

3rd time fails. gaunt is down

Go braveheart clean up this scrubyoptile.

KO with ember. using work up w/ Braveheart to set up.

BOOM. godangit Julia. nearly OHKO the second voltorb

She uses potions. and faints due to toxic.

Braveheart is KO'd after doing 50% to emolga

slimon goes in to sludge. and finishes off in 2 turns

Blitzle meets lost and gets KO'd by psybeam.

Electrode gets hit by fake tears. but it then KO's Lost

Go Azery finish it to critical wounding! electrode dies to toxic.

I win this time Julia. Now recomend stuff that can be obtained anywhere from Gym 1 to gym 2 but not before gym one.

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Actually if spearow can be obtained in an area after gym one and before gym 2 I'll catch spearow at opal for simplicities sake Also yes. castform. yes.\

Edit: Spearow is legal atm.

Spearow: Headbuttable Trees (Opal Ward, probably others), Rooftop in Onyx Ward, Beryl Ward, Beryl Cemetary, Rhodochrine Jungle.

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