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Obtainable pokemon challenge? (that sounds stupid...)

Shadow Tack

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Hmm, a fire type would be nice against Flobot, right?

But do we have any between these two gyms? oh right, how about a Vulpix?

Vulpix isn't really a Usable choice at that point due to level 45 klingklang fight

Edited by blasterman4
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alright then ANYWAYS my pick will be Swirlix for this because otherwise I'll never beat the scraggys XD

Team plan-

Koffing - Simon


Castform - Amorphous

Lotad - Miror J. (5000 brownie points to whoever gets the reference)

Makuhita - Dazz

Swirlix - Cotton Taco

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So yeah I'm typing this whilst I have no internet But i'll put it up as soon as I can this fight will probably give me hell But I have to do it to get Makuhita. (sorry this took so long)

Team- Cotton Taco level 15 Yazmat level 15

I lead off with Yazmat on Victoria, She leads with Ralts while I immediately use Fury Attack to hit 3 times.Confusion does about the same damage I just did to me Percentage-wise.

I use fury attack again for the KO. She sends in Makuhita while I switch to Cotton Taco.

I use fake tears but get stopped by fake out which is annoying .

Speaking of annoying Makuhita is spamming sand attack so I cant hit it wenI hit it it goes down instantly

.She sends in pignite. I switch to get rid of the accuracy debuff that is -4.

I immediadtly witch back to start some play nices.

Used flame charge twice and I hit w/ play nice at 1 HP

It used arm thrust? okay then victoria

It KO'd Cotton Taco at -3

and it OHKO'd Yazmat.... damnit.

Welp back to grinding on noibats and woobats for extra EV's as well as good EXP

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Alright Victoria time for round 2

We both have the same leads except yazmat is 3 levels higher than before

I use fury attack she uses double team

I use aerial ace for the KO.

hit maku w/ fury attack than KO with AA

Swap to CT to use Play nice pignite is using arm thrust? dafuq?

It uses AT again...

now it crits with flame charge making it a good time to heal Yazmat

OH WAIT because of not having pots i use round.

pignite finally KO's cotton taco dafuq i lost again? why does that thing KILL 2 weaknesses twice? i got completely shit on by that pignite.

I'm contemplating cheating to beat it...


so the forums logged me out while i was editing in my 3rd Victoria I won that time too

Im at scraggy gang now leading w/ cotton taco and Dazz

pretty much swept with Taco no need to point out specific uses of fairy wind.

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fighting Cain now led w/ Dazz for Fake Out

he then KO's w/ sludge and i send out Yazmat to finish it OHKO'd everything else not much to say Fearow=OP

Mega growth taken down by a fearow feels good

just spammed AA hoping to kill TBH

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So I beat Florinia and forgot to to write down what happened but I never Found Lotad due to rain but I KO'd maractus w/ hail powder snow castforn then sent in Fearow to OHKO Breloom

Sent Dazz into cradily which did horrible against it Then I sent out simon who Poisoned it allowing Cotton Taco to poison stall it and after it fainteI sent out Fearow to sweep the rest.

Say some poke's eh?

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