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They Really Arent You Know... THe EVs and Ivs Arent That Important if you Arent Like Gutten Tag our Residential Crazy Breeder

Natures are hoewever and you should make sure you get good ones.

If your new Jump on the Introduction Topic Train down in The Grand Hall! Hop On the Server on Pokemon online

And Idk about sp attack evs in the begining

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They Really Arent You Know... THe EVs and Ivs Arent That Important if you Arent Like Gutten Tag our Residential Crazy Breeder

Natures are hoewever and you should make sure you get good ones.

If your new Jump on the Introduction Topic Train down in The Grand Hall! Hop On the Server on Pokemon online

And Idk about sp attack evs in the begining

Back up, rewind and stop where you are.

IV's are important if you're planning to use Hidden Power. The amount of IV's your Pokémon has determines the type of Hidden Power it will have when it learns the move.

EV's are exceptionally important for stat gains upon leveling up. The higher your EV's are, the more of that stat you gain upon leveling up.

For a normal playthrough, you won't be paying attention to IV's and EV's, unless you specifically intend to increase these from the beginning.

Also, if you check in On The Hunt (subforum), you can find an EV training guide. n___n;

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Are you serious guys? 252EVs=63 stat points.

All 3 are important, the difference between trained and untrained pokemon can be higher than 150 stat points for a single stat.

Edited by Beefkek
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What he's asking from what I understand is whether or not ev's and iv's are so essential that without decent ones you can't get through reborn. In my opinion, iv's and natures are the most important. For lazy people like me, ev's are a luxury. Since they still are helpful, I recommend you do a little ev training here and there if it's not too inconvenient for you.

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What he's asking from what I understand is whether or not ev's and iv's are so essential that without decent ones you can't get through reborn. In my opinion, iv's and natures are the most important. For lazy people like me, ev's are a luxury. Since they still are helpful, I recommend you do a little ev training here and there if it's not too inconvenient for you.

31 IV in attack = +31 attack

252 EV in attack = +63 attack

How are IVs better lol?

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I'm not saying iv's are better but you can get good ones by simply resetting until a desired amount is reached. You have to work to get good ev's which some people find frustrating

Dat. It can be extremely annoying to train EVs (SPECIAL DEFENSE!!!!!). But it's worth it.

31 IV in attack = +31 attack

252 EV in attack = +63 attack

How are IVs better lol?

I wouldn't say IV are better, but i guess what i can say is: It takes a while, but there's a way to manipulate natures in the game, there's a way to manipulate abilities, and EV training is "easy" to do if you know what you're doing.

Since there's no way to manipulate IVs in the game (And as Ame stated, there's probably not going to be a way to manipulate IVs, ever), you should soft reset for IVs. The rest, you can do something about it in the future.

I'm going to say this though: There's no need for breeding, soft reset or EV training in Reborn. It's going to be tougher, but you can still do it. What you should really care about is grinding, i guess.

Although, iirc, there's no way to put more than 85 EVs in a single stat in opponents pokes right now. If Ame (Or Guardian) figure out a way to do so, EV training might become a bit more important. MIGHT.

EDIT: I don't remember any posts to confirm this last statement, so yeah. I could be wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if i am.

Edited by Vinny
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  • Veterans

Back up, rewind and stop where you are.

IV's are important if you're planning to use Hidden Power. The amount of IV's your Pokémon has determines the type of Hidden Power it will have when it learns the move.

EV's are exceptionally important for stat gains upon leveling up. The higher your EV's are, the more of that stat you gain upon leveling up.

For a normal playthrough, you won't be paying attention to IV's and EV's, unless you specifically intend to increase these from the beginning.

Also, if you check in On The Hunt (subforum), you can find an EV training guide. n___n;

I meant in A Normal Playthrough if i was Cheap and used ev trained pokes it wouldnt be fair now would it

Hoewever next episode i might Have A True Challenge

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I meant in A Normal Playthrough if i was Cheap and used ev trained pokes it wouldnt be fair now would it

Hoewever next episode i might Have A True Challenge

EV training is anything but cheap, it quite literally represents the traditional training that you see in the anime and shiz, and is a challenge in it's own right

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  • Veterans

EV training is anything but cheap, it quite literally represents the traditional training that you see in the anime and shiz, and is a challenge in it's own right

True But Still In A Main Playthrough : No Thanks

Still i Might Ev Train my New Save For EPisode 13

and I Meant True Challenge Because Next Episode Ame is Putting Correct Evs In Next EPisode and Better AI : GULP :unsure:

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IVs, EVs, and natures are all very important. Ignoring the damage randomizer, a minor difference in IVs or EVs could mean the difference between dealing 32% or 34% to an opposing Pokémon, which in turn is a difference between a 3HKO and a 4HKO.

I meant in A Normal Playthrough if i was Cheap and used ev trained pokes it wouldnt be fair now would it

Hoewever next episode i might Have A True Challenge

Apparently EV-training is cheap. You heard it here first, folks.

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Ok. But what IV's are considered good? I restarted with a Protean Froakie that has IV's going from 10-20 in every stat and a Hasty Nature. Is that considered decent? or plainly awfull?

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It's a little under decent. The highest IV's you can have on one stat is 31. So I normally, after getting the nature I want, check the IV's and if the most crucial ones are around 25-31 then I consider it a good pokemon. Hasty is good for your Froakie if you plan on running a mixed set. But try resetting for a modest or timid nature with IV's from around 25-31 in speed and special attack.

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Generally if it's something easily reset for (i.e. starters and gift/event pokemon) or important otherwise (like, say, Beldum or legendary Pokemon) I try to make sure the IVs are at least decent; everything else can be changed later.

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Ame told us she would never put IV stones or anything of the sort in Reborn.

...But I wanna be lazyyyyyy...! *whines like a lil' bitch*

In all seriousness, though, I already expected her to have reached that conclusion. It's already enough of a boon that we can change our Pokémon's natures, but changing IVs would make soft-resetting pointless.

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