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So after getting the new update and everything I was still surprized how i had a clean sweep with my crobat acrobatics for the win but I was surprized. Looking as the game has come so far and collecting all the pokemon. Maybe i should train them more my crobat since lagging behind in levels which was surprizing. A trainer had a lv 70 + pokemon.

What team should i make for the next episode so confused and I want to train up my team.

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Well, what exactly is your team, that way we know what edits need to be made. Also, make sure not to train them past around 68-69 considering the level cap is still 70 and there is no guarantee as to when the next gym battle is.

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There's a number of gym leaders that could be next. However, the next leaders would likely be the ones in the Agate Ace Triumvirate, meaning Terra or Ciel, Hardy, if we explore Agate, Amaria, if the level cap is increased, or even Titania.

Like Tacps said, don't level above that range. You can hit the level cap, 70, but once you hit 71, your Pokes won't listen (some of the time). I've got a level 100 Phanpy that usually listens.

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none of them are at lv 70 yet which is funny but my team currently is:

metagross, crobat,Escavalier, Excadrill, swampert, gardevoir / blaziken i keep swaping party members all are around 65+

Edited by Shadowfoxhound
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