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What do you look like?


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I'm kind of really self conscious about how I look.

But here's my three favourite pictures of me over this year. ;v;




yay when new things finally come



Sometimes I wonder this thread should exist. There are probably several lurkers having heart attacks right now from the past few pages of pictures

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This thread is supposed to be serious in a sense and not a constant ram of jokes. From this point on lets post actual pictures of ourselves. I'll be removing any joke ones anyways and if it becomes a recurring issue I'll hand out warnings for unnecessary posting.

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I'm kind of really self conscious about how I look.

Why? I think you look good o.o

Anyway guys, remember when I said that, in the biggest city near my hometown, they have an event twice per year in which EVERYONE dresses up in medieval clothes, with the main attraction being, I kid you not, a joust? I should really make a topic about that at some point but in the meantime, I was surfing the web looking at photos of past editions, and I found one in which I appear!


You see the guy in the background with the blue uniform and what looks like the Batman symbol (it's actually an imperial eagle)? Well, the guy in the green and white attire right next to him (the one who is tilting forward to see better) would be me!

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Aww I expected you to be the one on the horse, shame on you! :P

lol well, you wouldn't believe how hard it is to adjust your aim and generally maneuver a jousting lance while riding a horse... Also because those things are damn heavy, and if you keep into account the crowd cheering (which makes the horse nervous), you see this joust is not easy, by any stretch of immagination... So yeah, the riders are actually trained professionals, they spend the entire year preparing for those two days of jousting: the city is split into four faction for the competition, and the leaders of each faction actually pay their riders some big money. It's nothing a skinny, untrained guy like me could get into for sh*t and giggles, I tell you. A buddy of mine is a professional rider and well, you wouldn't believe the amount of training he has to go through: he actually handed me his lance once and I could barely lift it up with both hands, AND HE MANEUVERS IT WITH ONE HAND WHEN JOUSTING, because with the other he has to hold the reins of the horse...

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The reason I take pictures where i can see what i look like during the picture taking process is because i have no idea how to hold my face when im doing so so whenever i don't know what i look like I just default to "deer in the headlights"

surprise i look no different why do i keep posting

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