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pls feed my ego

that being said, I dyed my hair red two days ago so I figured it was time enough to update

going through this forum though.... yall are so pretty........ and cute................

I'll probably be back here with a better picture that shows how red it is, it kinda just looks purple rn


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pls feed my ego

that being said, I dyed my hair red two days ago so I figured it was time enough to update

going through this forum though.... yall are so pretty........ and cute................

I'll probably be back here with a better picture that shows how red it is, it kinda just looks purple rn


I dont see pic, but whatever >.>- NVM thing took a while to load lmao looks nice bro!


I could have posted this on Sunday but too lazy.

Soo i visited NYC on Sunday and i decided to take some pics of my disgusting copreal form that loosely resembles a human. Spoiler: im fucking ugly as all hell :C

Here at the really cool St. Patrick Cathedral!



excuse me for the crappy photos. my camera is shit.

Decided to visit Rockefeller Plaza and see the cool tree!


Also this was really cool to see!


Bonus: a photo from that one time i did a concert or something. Probably the only time i will ever be in a tux.


Merry New years or something.

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that one is from today I went to the church..looking quite..polished

and that one is me chilling with my little baby here..because y'know..I love cats <3

My goodness.... That CAT HAS NO FACE-

Oh, wait..

Never mind... x.x

(Nice cat btw)

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You know...

I was actually planning on posting my face here rn but then I look at all you beautiful people and I'm like


I'm not as good looking as you guys, unfortunately. So you won't be seeing my face here for awhile. js.

why does acne even exist

you guys keep being awesome, yeah? o/

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So, here are the pics that Edge and I took when he came to visit me! :D

He decided that he should choke me before I could kill him :c


And then we decided death is overrated and chilled for a bit


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So, here are the pics that Edge and I took when he came to visit me! :D

He decided that he should choke me before I could kill him :c

And then we decided death is overrated and chilled for a bit

Nice! Hope you had fun rose!

So I took a picture to describe my current mood while studying for exams.


Lmao. Thats how I feel about any word language class :/

It's sass o' clock


omg Ark! You look classy here!
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