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On 25/05/2017 at 3:00 AM, Jelly said:

ok uh am i really going to have to be the one to point out how creepy the last post is

Uhm, i think it was WEIRD

On 25/05/2017 at 8:25 AM, HongaarseBeer said:

I have to agree with you

i totally agree with @Jelly as well 

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13 hours ago, Jelly said:

ok uh am i really going to have to be the one to point out how creepy the last post is


Well, that was creepy and kinda cute at the same time. I'll just take the aforementioned post as a compliment I guess  \_('.')_/

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1 hour ago, Wolfox Glace said:

let's reveal myself a second time


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I won't believe that you look like this until I see you throw a road roller at someone

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13 hours ago, Wolfox Glace said:

let's reveal myself a second time


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On 7/10/2010 at 1:20 AM, Ice said:

- All posts must be actual pictures of yourself, or responses to others' pictures. Other posts will be deemed 'Unnecessary'


We ask that you comply with the guidelines of this thread and only post pictures of yourself in order to maintain the direction of the thread. 


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2 hours ago, Kyoyoyoyoyoyoyo said:


We ask that you comply with the guidelines of this thread and only post pictures of yourself in order to maintain the direction of the thread. 



alright, I'll edit my post right now

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On 5/25/2017 at 5:50 PM, Sapphire Mahala said:

not thirst but a overdramatic joke come on get with the program 

Bruh really it's a joke like who would go that far and intentionally embarrass themselves not me i did it for a laugh and cuz i was dared to just for the sake of looking back 10 years and laughing about it so chill it was just some harmless humor and yes you do because of how seriously you took it and because of your response in thinking all of that was intentional and making judgement  so dude lighten up like for reals 

It's not weird it's called an overdramatic joke 


So for anyone who actually took that seriously i apologize and hope that you all try not to take every single weird post that you see unless someone says so otherwise seriously  ( lighten up a bit laugh and just breathe cuz if you take everything seriously i doubt you'll live a happy life alright later)

jokes are usually funny my guy


also being creepy and playing it off as a joke when people dont agree with your point of view is a mega-douche move

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3 minutes ago, Sapphire Mahala said:

ok  first i'm a girl get your facts straight and two you don't know enough about me to be saying that so how about you mind your own business and stay out of my life 


(p.s. try not to be so judgemental in the future because it really makes you look like a shitty, jumps to conclusions without thinking first person at least that's just my opinion who knows what other people think) have a nice day or night :) 

Rather than forcing the mistake of feeling discomfort onto others as a result your own actions, it is preferable that you respect the requests and opinions of one another- respect is Rule #1 in Reborn. I ask that you abide by the Community Guidelines and not derail the topic of this thread. Other users are discomforted by your replies, so as a general rule of thumb to you and everybody, please reply according to the guidelines.

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13 minutes ago, Sapphire Mahala said:

ok  first i'm a girl get your facts straight and two you don't know enough about me to be saying that so how about you mind your own business and stay out of my life 


(p.s. try not to be so judgemental in the future because it really makes you look like a shitty, jumps to conclusions without thinking first person at least that's just my opinion who knows what other people think) have a nice day or night :) 

in this case guy was being used as a gender neutral term, you'd know that if you didnt jump to conclusions


and you have me pegged there, i really am a shitty, jumps-to-conclusions-without-thinking-first person


i dont see why you keep trying to defend yourself on this one, you did something shitty, realized that didnt fly and tried to peg me with "not getting the joke". i get it, i really do, it's tough to be the bad guy but come on, at least own up to your mistakes. continuing to rely on that kind of frantic, slapdash, and altogether messy way of covering up your errors is not going to help you in the long run. it's tough to be in the wrong on the internet. hiding behind anonymity gives people the feeling that they need not be responsible over their words, thoughts, or actions but when you partake in a potentially harmful act and get caught out it becomes too real and you try to save whatever smidgen of reputation you may or may not have in this vast sea of content. now im not calling you a bad person, we all make mistakes (among other cliches), but projecting your feelings onto others makes it seem that way.


sorry for the rant.


e: also what arkhi said

Edited by Jelly
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Sorry to interrupt the conversations going on here, I just thought this would be a nice place to say goodbye to my beloved nails. People keep telling me they're too long, and I've finally decided to let the peer pressure control my actions.




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51 minutes ago, OraCLesofFire said:

Sorry to interrupt the conversations going on here, I just thought this would be a nice place to say goodbye to my beloved nails. People keep telling me they're too long, and I've finally decided to let the peer pressure control my actions.





you got nothing to apologize for- said discussion had nothing to do with this topic, and I believe it has been fully dropped now either way.


that being said, god damn I know the feel

my nails are often too long too and people are constantly on my back telling me to cut them but theyre sometimes so handy

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On 5/27/2017 at 2:42 PM, OraCLesofFire said:

Sorry to interrupt the conversations going on here, I just thought this would be a nice place to say goodbye to my beloved nails. People keep telling me they're too long, and I've finally decided to let the peer pressure control my actions.




Jesus those are some long ass nails. 


I mean, nothing against your style, but I feel as if having nails long as those would be kinda uncomfortable, like typing on a laptop, putting on gloves etc. 

but you do you bro.

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14 hours ago, Sinikuro said:

I mean, nothing against your style, but I feel as if having nails long as those would be kinda uncomfortable


I'm an all in/all out kinda guy, so I cut them down as far as I could (also to keep them equal length), and it has felt extremely debilitating. Even though they were really long, they were still just short enough that I could do normal things. E.G. When I typed on a keyboard it made this nice beautiful little clicking sound as opposed to this strange pounding sound I get now. I think people with really short nails don't quite realize just how useful a longer nail can be.


The only real issue I had was that occasionally I would hit my hand on something and one of the nails would bend backwards which is one of the greatest pains my hand has ever experienced.

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