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What do you look like?


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No I meant like, he's my brother in the faith or something cause... wololo y'know. I don't think he's a blood relative...? Unless he wants to be? But that'd mean Kyo and Dobbs would have to adopt him or something

and to stay on topic


what do you mean I'm a tease

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How are you supposed to upload an image here?

Go to "more reply options" down right.

Then use attach file. You can click the file and it will appear.

Or you can screenshot it, and send it on lightshot or gyazo.

Then right click picture and copy the link.

And the last is go to image properties.

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Okay, so I was a freshman. Three years have passed, so I'm a little different.


...You never told me you were a female.

Jk. Believe it or not, I know which one is you. Lookin' swell, my friend.

Also, I'll probably try to get a picture from my graduation up here as soon as I get my hands on one... <_<

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Let's see if this works...

This is one year back. This is my home island Symi, Greece. Now i got my braces off !!! yay post-50133-0-05276400-1432539748_thumb.jpeg

Edited by Kookies
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Does that make sheep my son if he's Zephys bro?

If you look to the previous page you'll find that we are bretheren of the faith, nothing more. I would think that you know your own children.

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If you look to the previous page you'll find that we are bretheren of the faith, nothing more. I would think that you know your own children.

I am your God, ergo you are still my son faith-wise. Another reason why I was confused. Gods can be confused.

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Omo. Dad is gorgeous too.

shit from who did my looks come from am confuse

See, if you uploaded an actual pic one might tell you. Not that your parents don't know already.

Also, lookin' good as ever Kyoyoyoyo <3

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Ever since I saw Insurgent, I've been in love with Uriah. I've also been in love with his haircut. So, being forced to get one, I played it by my rules and got a similar one. I do not regret this decision.




I can't get enough of your hair. It's awesome.

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