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Never let me around bows. One thing tends to lead to another and... uh, yeah, that. At any rate, Merry Christmas?

Yes I first thought about the other bows, the ones with arrows, and I didn't really get it. Quite fitting though, since you're pretty much a christmas present to us all. Merry Christmas Rosie!

...and I forgot this is my 666th post

Edited by Odybld
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A long awaited update, both for newer people to know the face behind the man, and older people to see me now. Figured I'd post this while bored as fuck in Baltimore. Hate the lighting in this picture though, everything has a yellow tinge. @.@

Look out for Kaito Kid this spring split 2016. Bring all the silver mindgames to LCS.





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A long awaited update, both for newer people to know the face behind the man, and older people to see me now. Figured I'd post this while bored as fuck in Baltimore. Hate the lighting in this picture though, everything has a yellow tinge. @.@

Look out for Kaito Kid this spring split 2016. Bring all the silver mindgames to LCS.





it's kinda amazing that you were able to keep that face in both pictures

oh and that isn't a team liquid jacket >:[

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A long awaited update, both for newer people to know the face behind the man, and older people to see me now. Figured I'd post this while bored as fuck in Baltimore. Hate the lighting in this picture though, everything has a yellow tinge. @.@

Look out for Kaito Kid this spring split 2016. Bring all the silver mindgames to LCS.





C9 new support confirmed guize

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Oh my god??? You look really pretty???

(psst I like your headphones btw)

aHHHH thank you very much!! and yes my headphones are good ones tbh

sennheisers which i've had for like 2 years and haven't gone down in quality ever since i got them (which is a new record bc like all my other headphones broke after like 2 months)

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completely unrelated to the overall topic but

Best fucking headphones from sony. Had those since I was 8, broke a couple of years ago. I got about 8 years of hard use from those lovable bastards.

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Usually don't like to post pictures of myself at all due to my natural shyness about my dumb looks so it makes me uncomfortable...but I guess I might as well try it this once, anyway have this boring picture of me I guess. >> (excuse the dirty mirror, I can never get it fully clean~)


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