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Team help?

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Hi, um, I'm hoping I'm putting this in the right place but I'm needing help developing a team that can defeat Shade. So far, nothing I've used has really worked. Here is my current team so far, and any suggestion/comments/advice will be helpful.

Swampert- Damp- level 38
Take Down Mud Bomb
Mud Shot Muddy Water

Emolga- Static- level 37
Acrobatics Nuzzle
Shock Wave Electro ball

Vulpix- Flash Fire- level 33
Flame Burst Feint Attack
Will O Wisp Hex

Kricketune- Swarm- level 37
Rock Smash Sing
Slash X-Scissor

Gothorita- Shadow Tag- level 32
Psychock Feint Attack
Safeguard Embargo

Glameow- Limber- level 32
Fake Out Cut

Feint Attack Hypnosis



Swoobat- Klutz- level 30
Heart Stamp Attract
Air Cutter Calm Mind

If there is any moves I can edit, change, or any Pokemon I can add or remove. Thanks for the help! :)

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Well, first off, I would do some grinding, if I were you. Get all of your team around level 37, rather than just half of them.

Otherwise, let me see:

Swampert: There's not much you can give it that doesn't come from breeding, and pretty much everything it learns is horrendously inaccurate. Since I doubt you feel up to breeding and you can't get Waterfall yet anyway, I can't offer much by way of advice. It'll have to do as-is. I would replace Mud Bomb for Hammer Arm, but that's not a necessity, really.

Emolga: Looks good. Make sure it's not holding anything so you get double damage from Acrobatics.

Vulpix: Look into evolving this- you can get Fire Stones from mining. It gets Flamethrower and Nasty Plot from the move relearner as a Ninetales, and those are a scary combo.

Aside from that, I would do away with Feint Attack for something else. If you wait until level 39 before evolving it you can replace it with Extrasensory, otherwise, swap it for the aforementioned Nasty Plot.

Kricketune: Rock Smash is a little weird... If it's the Defense drop you're wanting, than Screech will do better. If it's because you need a Fighting move, well, that's fine, but not really the best choice.

Gothorita: Again, Feint Attack isn't a good option here. Since you're using Psyshock, you'll want to pair it with Tickle. If it's another offensive move you want... well, there's Charge Beam, but that's about it. Another Psychic attack, like Psybeam, is okay too. It also learns Psychic at level 39, if you want that. But that should be paired with Fake Tears instead of Tickle.

Glameow: I'd work on evolving this, too- it evolves at level 38. Yours has Limber so it'll get Thick Fat too, which is handy for Shade's Chandelure spamming Flame Burst. Cut should be switched with Slash once it learns that. I don't really like Hypnosis' accuracy, but there's not much better for the spot, unless you want Charm for Attack dropping or something.

And, because it's there:

Swoobat: Heart Stamp isn't a good option- Confusion will work better. Otherwise, good. (Okay Klutz as an ability isn't my idea of good, but, whatever.)

Otherwise, as Tacos ninja'd me to say because I take too long typing things said, Zoroark gets Night Daze from the move relearner and is very, very fast. That basically means it's Shade's worst nightmare. A lot of other Dark-types will really help you here, too, but it's probably your best bet.

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It learns U-Turn too through evolution-remembering. Try to remember which of his Pokemon have Energy Ball so that Swampert can eat the others. I don't remember or know his actual Pokemon, but I remember using X Stats items to be faster.

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What I would recommend is looking for a Zorua. It gets access to Night Daze by Heart Scale as soon as it evolves which is extremely powerful.


Also try to use your Pokemon as counters against his (like Swampert for Rotom, Vulpix for Chandelure) and i think it would be better to get rid of Glameow it's useless (against Shade and in general).

Edited by Gaunt
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Okay, thank you! I have been on the look out for Zorua. I ran into him once and he fled, so I'll keep looking for him. I'll add Charge Beam on Gothorita and try to find some stones to smash so I can evolve Vulpix into Ninetales. I also tempted evolving Gothorita into Gothitelle then using Common Candy to bring it back to obedience level. My team issue is speed. Everything I have (with the exception of Emolga) goes last.

I also ended up doing the Shiftry event in the Rhindocrine forest and snatched up those Nuzleaf. I'll train one of those up and try to mine a Leaf Stone. I also bought a Zoom lense for Swampert and a Choice Specs for Vulpix or Gothorita. I also have a Link Stone so I could train up my Pumpkaboo and evolve it? I'm just not sure how good Gourgeist is. ^^;; Any other Pokemon I should switch out (Aside from getting Zorua) besides Glameow?

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It depends if you like them or not, there are better Pokemon in Reborn but the ones you have are ok for now, later Emolga and Kricketune will have to go (i think), Gourgeist is not very good imo but if you like him that's up to you, remember though that the Link Stones are limited (for now) i found only 6 of them to this point.

Edited by Gaunt
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Yeah, I planned on using Kricketune as a HM Slave when he could no longer serve his purpose, and I'll eventually switch out Emolga for either Pichu or Electrike(when I get the correct weather to capture him). I actually have not used Gourgeist before, and only really considered it because it offered something different against Shade.

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You could switch out with raticate, it learns crunch early, hits hard and you can use scary face to slow down the chandelure so that your swapert can take it out with muddy water. Have you thought about getting a litleo? it if you dont evolve it until lvl 40 it also learns crunch and flamethrower and is immune to ghoust type moves. its easy to lvl ty to the exp boost it gives being a trade pokemon.

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