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I need creative ideas...


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because im too lazy to do everything alone

I've been making noise about this occasionally but chances are unless you're one of those people who I talk to personally on the server through PMs you probably don't really know what goes into this project of mine.

Pokemon Sigil is my own attempt at a Pokemon game set in a very strange fantasy world which I have been working off and on for a bout a year now. But I'm at a point where I should like to reach out and get some ideas. I'm following in Amethysts footsteps and am moving into field effects for battles, and I need input and ideas.

I'm going to be posting some gym concepts, and I need you guys to think of good effects to throw into them. Here's one which I finished myself. If you want an example of what's good. Or if you also need help. Check out the Field Effects page for Pokemon Reborn here.

I would like effects to be defined so if it's a change to move power or effect have the (Moves), or if something that alters the properties of an ability to have the (Ability) tag, etc.



Gyarados, Sharpedo, Milotic, Politoed, Kingdra, Mega Swampert

The gym enterance is nothing more than a rocky cave inlet, there's no light coming out of it, and

there's nothing special about it. The surrounding envirounment would remind someone of a pine forest

with the air as crisp as an autumn morning after a night of rainfall. The cave desends downward

progressively, the moss eventually giving away to bare rock. But once you lose sight of the enterence,

there's an ominous blue fog which begins to fill the air. Eventually, it covers everything in the cave.

At this point it feels as if one is swimming, but there is no water. The air which lies in here is

damp, almost condensed into liquid, but not. The cave walls eventually smooth out and there's the

beginnings of aqua colored serpentine patterns which radiate with mysterious power. At this point,

challengers report feeling that they are being watched by something highly unnatural. Eventually,

the cave opens up to a massive grand cavern, filled with the same "liquid air" that fills the cave

tunnel. The aquatic patterns lead to the far side of a the cavern, where the master of the gym lies.

There's a voice that fills the chamber that sounds like waves along a rocky coast line. It echoes

across the room. On the other side of the room, lies the Leader, a massive serpentine specter,

its eyes glowing with cool intellect. It glides across the cavern with grace, and approaches the

challenger. It settles some distance away, and utters some incomprehensible words. The fog,

suddenly levels itself, creating a solid, squishy surface for stable footing. The ghost serpent

beckons the challenger to come, and it levitates six pokeballs on clouds of fog.

Field Effect: Spectral Fog

*The spectral fog envelopes the field!*

(General) pokemon can NOT be burned by any circumstance

(Move Type) the power of all SPECIAL ghost, psychic, and ALL water type moves are buffed by 1.5%;

(Move Type) fire, and ground, type moves do 50% damage;

(Ability) Pokemon with Cloud Nine and Air Lock ignore ALL effects caused by this field effect

(Ability) swift swim, hydration, activate

(Ability) pokemon with levitate gain a one stage speed raise

(Moves & Ability) Weather changing moves and abilities fail, including rain

(Moves) Defog, Whirlwind, Hurricane cancel this field effect for two turns

(Moves) Aqua Ring regains 1/8 total hitpoints per turn

(Moves) Thunder always hits, base power is reduced to 95, chance to paralyze is 50%

(Moves) Explosion, Self Destruct, Dig, Telekinesis, ALWAYS fail

(Moves) Hypnosis, Confuse Ray accuracy becomes 100

(Moves) Light Screen, Reflect, Mist last for 8 turns

(Moves) Calm Mind buffs Sp. Att and Sp. Def by 2 stages

(Moves) Moonlight and Sunny Day heal 1/4th total HP

(Moves) Freeze Dry's base power becomes 100 and has a 30% chance to freeze for one turn

(Type & Ability) Water type pokemon and pokemon with abilities dry skin, water veil, water absorb regain 1/16th

HP per turn*

*healing effect is NOT culmulitive ex. a water type with water veil does not heal 1/8th HP per turn)



Blaziken, Darmantian, Magmortar Delphox, Entei, Mega Charizard X

The famous master of fire maintains a gym on the base of an active volcano. The building seems to dig into the base of the rock. Inside the lobby challengers immediately feel the sweltering heat of the mountain. There is another door that warns of the dangers past them. The doors open to reveal a pyroclastic flow, a fire storm. Hot embers fly across the room, small rocks fly at rapid speed, hitting anything unfortunate enough to be in their path. The few junior trainers

here are a very hardy lot, and quickly demonstrate the harshness of this gym to non-fire, rock, ground, and steel types. Amid all of this raw untamed fire is an island of calm rock that seems to be untouched by the raw chaos surrounding it. There is a throne made out of obsidian, which is occupied by a man in his 40s. He walks up to the challenger, eyes showing kindness and pleasure at the prospect of a challenger. He then suddenly changes his gentle facade, and the fire storm suddenly collapses on the rock. The Leader now has a near demonic look on his face, and gestures with a pokeball, that the real test is about to begin.

Field Effect: Volcanic Core

(General) under no circumstances may ANY pokemon be frozen

(General) Pokemon that do not have fire, rock, ground or steel typing take 1\16th damage per turn

(Move Type) Fire Type moves deal 1.5 times more damage

(Move Type) Water, Ice and Grass Type moves deal half damage

Additions by Maelstrom:

(Ability)Pokemon with dry skin lose an extra 1/16 health per turn

(Move) increase the chance of burn by moves is increased by 1.5 (so lava plume and scald go up to 45% chance to burn, for ex.)

(Move) WoW increases to 100% base acc.

(Field Reaction) Every 5 fire/ground attacks stirs up the volcanic activity and lava deals 25% damage to pokemon that aren't fire, rock, steel, or ground type. Ice types take 50%. Every water, ice, and flying attack used cools and stabilizes the area. (IE, it negates a fire/ground move in regards to the volcanic activation) Explosion and Self Destruct activate this field effect after the beginning of the next turn (ie, after any fainted pokemon are swapped out).

(General) Rock type moves get a boost to accuracy and gain 15% chance to burn.

"The rocks in there are hot, after all. I feel like pokemon such as Camerupt, Magcargo, Magmortar, and maybe Torkoal should be OP in this kind of environment because of their... biology. But not sure how to boost 'em specifically."

(Move) Lava Plume's base power is increased. To at least like 100. Eruption's bp degrades with health at half the rate. Earth Power increased to 100 bp.

(Move & Items) Incinerate now renders any held item held by the target unusable for the duration of the battle.

Thank you Maelstrom!

Now then here's what the ideas which I want to have input on




Garbodor, Scolipede, Tentacruel, Nidoking, Crobat, Dragalge

The courthouse of Sigil, Letha hosts battles in the court room. It's a remarkably well kept room for the sheer amount of battles that go on inside it. The benches and podiums make for interesting battle ground as opponents can flip as many tables as they want to their own advantage, hide behind benches to reduce damage impact from incoming attacks, or even speak into the podium microphones to amplify the effects of certain moves. Rumor has it that the courthouse resets itself after every day, which would probably explain why Letha only takes one battle or trial a day. Both tend to leave the place in shambles.

Field Effect: Court Room

Go wild here. Flip tables, scream into microphones, just keep it all relevant and keep it *somewhat* balanced. Boring is lame.



Abomasnow, Glaceon, Froslass, Walrien, Aurorus, Avalugg

Ahzid does not have a gym. Rather, he has a forest that is under a howling snowstorm nearly 24/7.

Challengers entering the forest hear voices in the wind, almost taunting him/her, but it's impossible to

tell, because they speak in a mysterious language that shakes even the ground with an unnatural power.

Challengers follow a path through the tightly packed forest until something that feels like cold death

flies directly in front on the challengers face, something grazing his/her nose. Closer inspection shows

it is an arrow tipped with ice that is bone-chilling to even look at. Ahzid is watching, and will harass

his subjects until they finally realize, to find him, they must follow where the arrows come from, and

fight an increasingly bitter storm. Eventually a clearing appears and the storm stops. On the other side

of the snow swept meadow, a draconic humanoid stands with a bow up, an arrow knocked. He shifts his aim

from the challenger to the sky, and looses the arrow. Snow begins to fall, except this time it's not nearly

as unforgiving, but it's still pretty unpleasant.

"The snow storm is bitter..."

ALL the Ice abilities and moves. Freezing will be a common thing. Also, I have the word "taunting" highlighted for a reason, if you know what I mean... air based moves can also have some fun.

(General) There is a 30% chance for both sides to be affected by a Taunt status each turn.

Additions by Holy Knight with my comments in italics

(Pokemon Typing) Ice Type Pokemon regains half of his Hp the end of every turn.

Christ. And given that Hail's going to be spammed when Ahzid's half given a chance, this is a little extreme. To put it in perspective, His WALLrein will be regaining 123 HIT POINTS PER TURN! This is a weeee bit extreme and would make the battle very unfair. Worse than the infamous case of the Hax Queen Serra.Reducing to 1/16th to for now.

(Move Type) Ice Type Moves gain a boost of 30%.

30% is a little extreme, because at the rate which Ahzid's AI will be spamming blizzard, that will make it a 140 base power move. that will always hit.

Lowering to 15%

(Move Type) Fire, Rock, Steel and Fight base power moves are reduced by Half

(General) Super effective damage is reduced by half (instead of 4x, damage will be 2x and so on)

This is rather confusing, but I think I can get the meaning of it out. I'll see what I can play with.

(Moves) Blizzard Bypass substitute and will never miss.

I endorse this, as I actually put the Substitute TM early in the game and it can make the battles really easy, this will be a spit in the face to people who think spamming Substitute is funny.

(Moves) Ice Beam will always freeze the target.

e-e; Reducing to 30% chance to freeze for ONE turn.

(General) Status move will always fail.

Nope. Ain't having that.

(Pokemon Type) At the end of each turn, Pokemon who´s type is not Ice will lost 1/4 of hp at the end of turn.

Ahzid might be the very representation of a bitter storm, but this pretty much means the player is fucked by Ahzids Avalugg and Walrein when it receives a defensesive baton pass buff from Glaceon. Also assuming no healing moves/items are used, there is a minimum of 24 turns before all of the players pokemon faint- granted gym battles like these tend to last even shorter than 24 turns,

Reducing to 1/10th per turn.

(Pokemon Type) Ground, Grass, Dragon and Flying will lost 25% of their HP at the end of every turn.

However this is reasonable

Air Slash, Hurricane, Aeroblast will have a boost of 30% and will gain the Ice Type.

Yes! Yes!

(Pokemon Type) Ice and Water types will have their defense and special defense raised by 50%

I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain't having this. This would make his Walrein nearly invincible.

I'll update this when I can, and when I feel like I've had enough for one section, I'll close it and post another setting when I make one.

Edited by Noivy
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Hmm... guess I'll focus on one field at a time. First up.

Field Effect: Volcanic Core

(General) under no circumstances may ANY pokemon be frozen

(General) Pokemon that do not have fire, rock, ground or steel typing take 1\16th damage per turn

(Move Type) Fire Type moves deal 1.5 times more damage

(Move Type) Water, Ice and Grass Type moves deal half damage

(Ability)Pokemon with dry skin lose an extra 1/16 health per turn

(Move) increase the chance of burn by moves is increased by 1.5 (so lava plume and scald go up to 45% chance to burn, for ex.)

(Move) WoW increases to 100% base acc.

(Field Reaction) Every 5 fire/ground attacks stirs up the volcanic activity and lava deals 25% damage to pokemon that aren't fire, rock, steel, or ground type. Ice types take 50%. Every water, ice, and flying attack used cools and stabilizes the area. (IE, it negates a fire/ground move in regards to the volcanic activation) Explosion and Self Destruct activate this field effect after the beginning of the next turn (ie, after any fainted pokemon are swapped out).

(General) Rock type moves get a boost to accuracy and gain 15% chance to burn. The rocks in there are hot, after all.

I feel like pokemon such as Camerupt, Magcargo, Magmortar, and maybe Torkoal should be OP in this kind of environment because of their... biology. But not sure how to boost 'em specifically.

(Move) Lava Plume's base power is increased. To at least like 100. Eruption's bp degrades with health at half the rate. Earth Power increased to 100 bp.

Incinerate now renders any held item held by the target unusable for the duration of the battle.

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Abomasnow, Glaceon, Froslass, Walrien, Aurorus, Avalugg

Ahzid does not have a gym. Rather, he has a forest that is under a howling snowstorm nearly 24/7.

Challengers entering the forest hear voices in the wind, almost taunting him/her, but it's impossible to

tell, because they speak in a mysterious language that shakes even the ground with an unnatural power.

Challengers follow a path through the tightly packed forest until something that feels like cold death

flies directly in front on the challengers face, something grazing his/her nose. Closer inspection shows

it is an arrow tipped with ice that is bone-chilling to even look at. Ahzid is watching, and will harass

his subjects until they finally realize, to find him, they must follow where the arrows come from, and

fight an increasingly bitter storm. Eventually a clearing appears and the storm stops. On the other side

of the snow swept meadow, a draconic humanoid stands with a bow up, an arrow knocked. He shifts his aim

from the challenger to the sky, and looses the arrow. Snow begins to fall, except this time it's not nearly

as unforgiving, but it's still pretty unpleasant.

"The snow storm is bitter..."

ALL the Ice abilities and moves. Freezing will be a common thing. Also, I have the word "taunting" highlighted for a reason, if you know what I mean... air based moves can also have some fun.

How about this?

Ice Type Pokemon regains half of his Hp the end of every turn.

Ice Pokemon are inmune to the damage (obviously)

Fire, Rock, Steel and Fight base power moves are reduced by Half

Super effective damage is reduced by half (instead of 4x, damage will be 2x and so on)

Blizzard Bypass substitute and will never miss.

Ice Beam will always freeze the target.

Ice Type gain a boost of 30%.

Status move will always fail.

At the end of each turn, Pokemon who´s type is not Ice wil lost 1/4 of hp at the end of turn.

Ground, Grass, Dragon and Flying will lost 25% of their HP at the end of every turn.

Air Slash, Hurricane, Aeroblast will have a boost of 30% and will gain the Ice Type.

Ice and Water types will have their defense and special defense raised by 50%

Heat Wave terminate the field.

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