Absol-lutelty awesome! Posted July 4, 2014 Share Posted July 4, 2014 I've just begun competitive battling... It's scary, but I have a good win ratio. At the same time, some bad losses... Listen guys. I need serious help. Plz rate, and consider helping me edit, my team! Lead: t-tar Physical sweeper (nobody will give me t-tite QQ) Lead in with d dance, then jump into crunches, stone edges, and earthquakes. Just in case, I can switch into sand veil garchomp for a hone claws and psysical attack beat down, or mega evolve if I'm feeling ballsy. Support sweeper: Garchomp Perfect runner up with t-tar from my experience, I can use hone claws twice under the protection of sand veil, then beat down enemies with stone edges, earthquakes, and dragon rushes. Mega evo is for spare power. Mixed: Greninja Protean mixed speedy sweeper. I can switch with u turn into ferrothorn if things get ugly. Tank/wall/drainer: Ferrothorn Do I need to explain? Leftovers with stealth rocks, leech seed, toxic, and gyro ball. This guy takes hits liek a true mudkip and recovers too. Can switch into sweepers easy. Speedy anti fairy attacker. Technician scizor, we love him. He can mega evo, lead In with swords dance, then double hit, aerial ace, and bullet punch everything to death. Annoying murderer. Cursed body bannete. Prankster mega bannete with will o wisp, taunt, and sucker punch o' death. Or just not mega evolve and taunt and sucker punch. Please rate and help me with my team, no mean comments plz. I'm really new to this and don't have a clue what I'm doing. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gaunt Posted July 4, 2014 Share Posted July 4, 2014 Hmm your team is ok (as far as i know) but why your Garchomp has Hone Claws instead of Sword Dance? If it's only for Dragon Rush i suggest to change it to Dragon Claw also Garchomp doesn't need Stone Edge better give him a coverage move Fire Fang (for steel) or Poison Jab (for fairies). For Scizor Double Hit is not very useful (it's not supereffective against anything) so maybe change it to another move. tHe rest is pretty good imo. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Absol-lutelty awesome! Posted July 4, 2014 Author Share Posted July 4, 2014 (edited) Thnx! The reason garchomp has hone claws is cuz Lets be honest Dragon rush misses a lot more than 75 percent of the time... Huge damage, and flinch chance. But ur right, I should get rid of stone edge for coverage... Poison jab seems good, but ice types? That's an issue... That's what stone edge was meant to deal with. Scizor has double hit because Technician increases it's power drastically plus a sdance on an already strong pokemon. I left a mega blastoise. A FREAKING MEGA BLASTOISE with one hp with that, I'm sorry if it's a bad idea, but I really thought it was... Btw, would the average earthquake at +2 knock out an ice type?... Edited July 4, 2014 by Absol-lutelty awesome! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted July 4, 2014 Share Posted July 4, 2014 Overall: Items, EVs, and complete movesets are all missing; this isn't a full RMT. Too much reliance on hax and you have too many setup sweepers with limited ability to switch in safely. Large vulnerability to Will-O-Wisp walls. THREE MEGAS. Ttar: Leading with setup sweepers is generally a bad idea. Lead Tyranitar's job is Pursuit-trapping and setting up rocks. Garchomp: First off, sand veil is banned, and relying on hax is bad. Second, as mentioned, Dragon Claw+SD > Dragon Rush + HC. Chomp works better as a revenge killer with a Choice Scarf or maybe a Rocky Helmet. Ferrothorn: Ferrothorn is generally outclassed by Forretress, who possesses a slightly better movepool and isn't weak to Fighting. Otherwise, it looks alright. Greninja: Don't run it mixed. Your team desperately needs a special attacker, and Greninja's special movepool is good, albeit predictable. Scizor: Shouldn't be running a setup set, really. It's outclassed in this regard, and your moveset isn't all that great. Consider a banded set with U-turn/Pursuit/Bullet Punch/your choice of coverage or Bug Bite, or perhaps a Defog set. Bannette: Not very familiar with usage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Absol-lutelty awesome! Posted July 4, 2014 Author Share Posted July 4, 2014 (edited) Bannete is like a rich mans saybleye with better stats and move pool. I ran Greninja mixed because lets be honest, u turn needs a tiny boost for what it is. Edited July 4, 2014 by Absol-lutelty awesome! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted July 4, 2014 Share Posted July 4, 2014 On 7/4/2014 at 5:56 AM, Absol-lutelty awesome! said: Bannete is like a rich mans saybleye with better stats and move pool. ...and inferior bulk w/o access to lefties edit: not trying to be mean, just blunt Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Absol-lutelty awesome! Posted July 4, 2014 Author Share Posted July 4, 2014 (edited) I figured a calm well ev trained mega bannete with 471 base attack with taunt, will o wisp, sucker punch, and shadow sneak was a good plan... Edited July 4, 2014 by Absol-lutelty awesome! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Absol-lutelty awesome! Posted July 4, 2014 Author Share Posted July 4, 2014 (edited) Any sort of move pool changes for my pokemon? Those would be appreciated! Scizor I understand, I just wanted to abuse the swords dance technician. T tar Stone edge Earthquake D dance Crunch Items: rocky plate (don't have anything better atm,sorry QQ) Chomp New and improved! Dragon claw Earthquake Poison jab Sdance Item:garchompite Ferrothorn Leech seed Stealth rocks Toxic Gyro ball Scizor New and improved! U turn Bullet punch Sdance Roost Current item: scizorite Bannete Shadow sneak Sucker punch Taunt Will o wisp Current item: bannetite. Greninja Ice beam Dark pulse Hydro pump U turn Current item: life orb... I also believe my new lead should be Greninja, for huge coverage, speed, and general start off, then throw in ferris red for annoyance time with stealth rocks and leech seeds and other bullsh*t people hate. Maybe then throw off scizor for attacking?... And then into bannete for either my lead at the start or around the end to ensure they stay in submission... Possibly off to t-tar And garchomp for the ending blows... Edited July 4, 2014 by Absol-lutelty awesome! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nico Nico Nii~ Posted July 4, 2014 Share Posted July 4, 2014 Get that bannette destiny bond. With prankster it's can kill something that you may have a problem with (unless you get predicted). Also it's bad to have 3 megas in a team, since you can only use one, so maybe replace bannette with sableye unless you can't get it with prankster, then give scizor choice band/leftys (moves with choice band maybe thief/brick break) and garchomp choice scarf/rocky helmet as murdoc said. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted July 4, 2014 Share Posted July 4, 2014 anti-fairy moves generally aren't worth it on chomp, iron head/poison tail are bad coverage and are only a 10 BP improvement over STAB EQ. also four megas, please stahp Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Absol-lutelty awesome! Posted July 4, 2014 Author Share Posted July 4, 2014 (edited) I'm sorry! I don't have anything else on hand... What to have on chomp then? Fire moves? Some random ass type attack? What? Edited July 4, 2014 by Absol-lutelty awesome! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Absol-lutelty awesome! Posted July 4, 2014 Author Share Posted July 4, 2014 (edited) And what mega should I use? Probably bannete... Or t tar? But I don't have tyranitite!!! ;_; Edited July 4, 2014 by Absol-lutelty awesome! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gaunt Posted July 4, 2014 Share Posted July 4, 2014 (edited) I vote for Scizor i like him, for Chomp i don't see why choose another move (but maybe that's because i hate fairies) Edited July 4, 2014 by Gaunt Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Absol-lutelty awesome! Posted July 4, 2014 Author Share Posted July 4, 2014 (edited) Should I swap something for an imposter ditto??? I can HAZ TYRANITITE GEEZ??? WILL GARCHOMP EVER GET SOMETHING OTHER THAN POISON JAB FOR SOMETHING BETTER??? Idk, but find out in the next harsh Murdoc post. #breeding sucks today, not a single calm natured shuppet... Edited July 4, 2014 by Absol-lutelty awesome! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khayoz Posted July 4, 2014 Share Posted July 4, 2014 I used to run Iron Head on banded Garchomp because its funny to hear opponents rage at the 30% flinch. Risky play tho. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Absol-lutelty awesome! Posted July 4, 2014 Author Share Posted July 4, 2014 (edited) Yeah... I'm thinking iron head is good for him... Risky, but helps against Ice AND fairy. But then breeding... And ev training... AUGGH... Edited July 4, 2014 by Absol-lutelty awesome! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted July 4, 2014 Support Squad Share Posted July 4, 2014 I'm thinking that you are missing a good bit of special Bulk. Ferro is your main defense in that Regard, and if it follows on from TTar it is Boosted further, but if that gets taken out, you lack a lot of sp Defense. Furthermore, as said previously, Walls like Rotom-W present a major threat with Will o Wisp. That said, consider investing in Sylveon or Gardevoir. Both can act as support, get access to good healing moves, ideally heal bell and also have a good amount of specially offensive options which would round out your Team. Personally, i'd swap Bannette for one of these 2 options,but hey, your choice, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Absol-lutelty awesome! Posted July 4, 2014 Author Share Posted July 4, 2014 (edited) I love the idea of introducing a fairy, but I'll but bluntly honest, I really just can't say no to bannete. The point of bannete was to be an annoyer and sweeper all in one with a ridiculous amount of hp bulk, and being the only current mega on my team now, I've decided to round to the more offensive baton pass set. By my calculations of battle power, Minun is the best candidate for this rather surprisingly. This beast 3rd gen pika has high speed, generally well rounded defense, and sp.attack comparable to freaking raichu. The plan is to send in minun, then substitute, nasty plot twice, then baton pass my substitute and stats to a special sweeper. Now... Some good choices include, gardevoir, Houndoom, Greninja, etc. and while they can be baton passed, they don't have to be. A choice scarfed minun can easily get off two nasty plots while the opponent sets spikes and entry hazards, while you begin wrecking with this double edged sword. Capable of efficient switches, and sweeping, while taking hits, this pokemon can easily beat whole teams. UU pokemon have some real potential! Now the question is, who should I pair with minun? I think my spec protean Greninja. This gives me two spec sweepers to fill my holes easy. Now onto walls and nuisances. Bannete and ferrothorn together is freaking status effect HELL. A prankster mega bannete capable of switching into a wall at any moment is a dangerous game, while carrying around a 471 base attack stat and huge hp, can hold its own. And if it can't, then meet my ferrothorn. Now comes this question Physical sweepers... I have scizor, but had to give up t tar and chomp. Which should I bring back? I can breed scizor to be a physical sweeper and ev train him again AUGHHH... With baton pass as an egg move, or use the speed boost blaziken with power up punches and swords dance, then baton to t tar for ultimate ownage. Now if only minus got speed boost ability and swords dance... Since sand veil is banned, I think I should bring back t tar, what do you guys think? Btw, fixed sp def issue! Maxed ferrothorns sp def. Should I grab a baton pass scizor? I'm still taking suggestions! And dobby, I like the idea, but then I'd have no physical attackers! Thnx to u I maxed ferrothorns sp def tho. Also can't get bug bite scizor QQ. Edited July 4, 2014 by Absol-lutelty awesome! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gaunt Posted July 4, 2014 Share Posted July 4, 2014 Ehm...Minun? Really? There are many (like 50 or so) Pokemon that can Baton Pass better than that thing (Smeargle is a good example) and Blaziken should be used to kill things not for baton pass imo. Ah and Sand Veil is banned only on Smogon not in the actual game (as far as i know) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted July 4, 2014 Share Posted July 4, 2014 Poison jab/iron head on Chomp just plain aren't worth it. 252 Atk Garchomp Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Sylveon: 232-274 (58.8 - 69.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery 252 Atk Garchomp Poison Jab vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Sylveon: 248-294 (62.9 - 74.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery 252 Atk Garchomp Iron Head vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Sylveon: 248-294 (62.9 - 74.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery EQ gets the exact same result vs Sylveon, the most prominent fairy-type in usage (who can OHKO back with Hyper Voice). The only benefits to be had from it are a possible OHKO on Gardevoir 252 Atk Garchomp Iron Head vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Gardevoir: 248-294 (89.2 - 105.7%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO and a guaranteed 3HKO vs. Clefable rather than EQ's 99% chance. All of these threats will OHKO or 2HKO. Garchomp is a better option overall than TTar, in my opinion. I have a rough skin Garchomp bred to perfection; I can get you one if you want. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Absol-lutelty awesome! Posted July 5, 2014 Author Share Posted July 5, 2014 Sounds good, but what if... You know... Mega evo... Sand force... Nuu ttar... OH NOOOO!!! And minun? Bad!? You've got! To be kidding. He's the recommended special sweep baton passer XD Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted July 5, 2014 Share Posted July 5, 2014 Next time EVs would help significantly on an RMT. However the team looks structurally somewhat solid for your very first RMT. Kudos. However: Quote Overall: Items, EVs, and complete movesets are all missing; this isn't a full RMT. Too much reliance on hax and you have too many setup sweepers with limited ability to switch in safely. Large vulnerability to Will-O-Wisp walls. THREE MEGAS. Ttar: Leading with setup sweepers is generally a bad idea. Lead Tyranitar's job is Pursuit-trapping and setting up rocks. Garchomp: First off, sand veil is banned, and relying on hax is bad. Second, as mentioned, Dragon Claw+SD > Dragon Rush + HC. Chomp works better as a revenge killer with a Choice Scarf or maybe a Rocky Helmet. Ferrothorn: Ferrothorn is generally outclassed by Forretress, who possesses a slightly better movepool and isn't weak to Fighting. Otherwise, it looks alright. Greninja: Don't run it mixed. Your team desperately needs a special attacker, and Greninja's special movepool is good, albeit predictable. Scizor: Shouldn't be running a setup set, really. It's outclassed in this regard, and your moveset isn't all that great. Consider a banded set with U-turn/Pursuit/Bullet Punch/your choice of coverage or Bug Bite, or perhaps a Defog set. Bannette: Not very familiar with usage. Everything's covered here. Lead TTar with Rocks would be good on your team, and I'd probably put a Smooth Rock or Assault Vest, either one works but Smooth Rock tends to lengthen the duration of Sandstorm to 7 turns which is vital, if undisturbed, of course. You can run Rocky Helmet on Garchomp, mine's Mega Evolved but if you have a Banette that requires Mega Evolution then there's no point imo, SD and Claw works better than Hone Claws and Rush. Just remember that. I like Ferrothorn because of it's ability. Don't use mixed Greninja. Your team lacks special capabilities, and therefore Greninja is vital for your team. It's moveset is usually very predictable, but it still makes it a very powerful asset to have in your team. Scizor is too slow to set up unless you're absolutely certain (or it's a mega), Choice Band variant would be better here. Standard U-Turn/Bullet Punch/Pursuit/Bug Bite, some people like to run Superpower but I'm not a massive fan. And like above, I know little about Banette, but you should throw Destiny Bond on it. I'd help you with EVs but I don't want to do them for you. So if you're able to come up with basic EVs for each and bring them back here using PO's export feature, we'd be happy to help you out with those as well. Good luck. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Absol-lutelty awesome! Posted July 5, 2014 Author Share Posted July 5, 2014 (edited) Thnx, btw, Greninja is now about 3xs as useful now thanks to minun. The issue is I still have to get that rough skin chomp. I may be new to comptetives, but I know EV training. I ran Greninja slightly mixed because of its u turn power, but ok, I can make him full special if that's important. Plus, I have no clue what to lose for destiny bond. It's meant to be an annoyer.... Should I lose will o wisp or what? Btw scizor now has pursuit, and ferrothorn will make a fine lead now with stealth rocks, status capabilities, and that evil gyro ball. So the idea of my team is to deal damage on ALL the enemies pokemon while they're switching around. Pursuit, stealth rocks, will o wisp, toxic, lots of damaging moves. plus I can almost instantly set up minun, then throw in Greninja with minun's substitute with baton pass, then start the slaughter with his special set. Then I have scizor with a band for huge damage towards the middle of the battle. After that, garchomp can sd attack... Bannete has WRECKING power guys, I'm surprised none of you have ever used him... Mines level 43 and has an attack stat of 141... Then the mega gives his attack a ridiculous boost. He's my physical attacker, and my annoyer all in one! His set, Will o wisp(annoyance) Taunt(setup) Shadow sneak(for knocking out setup enemies quickly) Sucker punch (works awesome with taunt) 4 defense EVS 4 sp def EVS 4 spd EVS All other EVS go into HP and maxed out attack. What to replace with destiny bond? Current team Ferrothorn Minun Greninja Scizor Bannete Garchomp (murdoc said he's gonna Try and grab me one with rough skin) Edited July 5, 2014 by Absol-lutelty awesome! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Absol-lutelty awesome! Posted July 5, 2014 Author Share Posted July 5, 2014 For everyone who ever underestimated you Minun and Plusle!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lil' Baby Rupe Posted July 20, 2014 Share Posted July 20, 2014 holy fucking bollocks, where is the layout? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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