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Which abra should i use?


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Hi guys, I've breed a couple of abras in episode 12 so that i can replace my gothita (horrible hero, just horrible in my apoinion) and gott 3 nice ones but i don't know which i should choose to uppg.

1. Ralf

Bashful nature, like to run, Magic guard ability and EV/IV: hp 18, att 8, def, 23, spe att 26, spe def 8, speed 30

2. Loomy

Bashful nature, Mischievous, Inner focus ability and EV/IV hp 6, att 10, def 12, spe att 31, spe def 16, speed 20

3. Adam

Mild nature, likes to run, Inner focus ability and EV/IV hp 16, att 0, def 3, spe att 1, def 12, speed 20

I've tried to read and understand the differens between character and nature but i dont really understand the differens other then depending on which they have the stat gain will be different. nr 3 gott the better nature but nr 1 and 2 have MUCH better IV/EV... are the EV/IV stats prefereble to Nature? Nr 1 have decent spe att, powerful speed with the like to run character but Loomy +5 more spe att, is that better then the +12 hp,+10 speed that nr 1 has or the Mild nature that nr 3 has?

Sry if I sound stupid but I'm new to this, I've tried to read and find the questions myself but i just end up getting more confused... So anyone good at this that can suggest witch of these i should go for? plz?

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I would say Adam because of his nature... but with the fact that ralf's IVs are a bit better, and he has a more useful abillity, Magic Guard:


I'd say go with him over the other two

(I'm talking about the one called Ralf)

Generally Nature tend to be a little bit less important than the EVs and IVs in battle, due to the fact that the EVs and IVs have a huge direct affect on the pokemons stats... so just go with Ralf since he has a better balance and superior ability

hope I helped

Edited by Stratos
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If I wanted one, I would pick Ralf, because his or her speed is very high and the special attack is high average. Speed is important for an abra as you do not want to have a slow one since there are Gengars and Galvantulas. I reccomend Ralf fren.

Edited by sonic112233
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Adam can go rot. I suggest Ralf because of that Magic Guard. While it may not have a perfect sp.atk IV, it looks like it can take more, and it's faster than Loomy. Also you'll be able to change that nature in the future.

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Adam can go rot. I suggest Ralf because of that Magic Guard. While it may not have a perfect sp.atk IV, it looks like it can take more, and it's faster than Loomy. Also you'll be able to change that nature in the future.

a word of caution about the Nature resetting thing though;

When you get the opportunity to change it with the help of the

Pokemon Psychologist on Seventh Street, who charges a single Heart Scale for his services

The nature that you will get will be completely random: IE save before you do, so that you can just soft reset till you get the one you want

Edited by Stratos
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The nature that you will get will be completely random: IE save before you do, so that you can just soft reset till you get the one you want

This. Because Ame likes to troll us into resetting forever. ;)

She knew we would. SHE KNEW!!!!!

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