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A forgotten devil with a new Team


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It has been a long while since I'd last played this game, more on less come on forums due to IRL events that I need to settle. But now I've returned with required help on a new team.

Before I begin, let's just say that I've been playing quite some Nuzlocke Runs already, and use the same starter as my last showcase due to Greninja and Blaziken easily sweeping things that made the game less of challenge. I'm aware of the accessibility of the Grass starters mid-to-late game, the other Fire starters not suiting my forte, and Swampert/Feraligatr also fared decently.

Note that I do not want to run a Nuzlocke for this and instead now prefer to make a team as competitively based as possible. For now, I've just begun my journey with two Pokemon, and require help particularly for the Team Meteor factory quest -- specifically, what other Pokemon are accessible that can aid me throughout this time round. I intend to make my Pokemon EV Trained, too, although that's not something that's really capable of being done strictly early game.


Well, as always, this guy's my starter. He's currently level 17 with 29/24/23/25/28/27 IVs, Naive Nature and Iron Fist, with Taunt/Ember/Fury Swipes/Mach Punch. Hit fast, hit hard, like always.


Amidst my disappointment of the Ralts replacement, I've found her really good thus far. At level 13, she surprised me with whopping 20/15/31/31/26/28 IVs despite a Docile Nature, and Competitive as an ability (although from what I've experienced, doesn't work thus far.) She has currently Pound/Tickle/Confusion/Fake Tears, and may level her up for Psybeam to face Julia later..

Looking at a few past pages, I've heard there's Onix from here thus far, but I'm unsure of where to get it. Headbutt may also add to the variety of what's accessible, but again, I don't know if it's accessible at the moment (after the update anyways.) Recommendations would be nice. Thanks in advance, and will be updated as time passes.

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I'mma jump in here and tell you to get a Combee. You can catch them by headbutting trees outside the grand hall. If it has hustle it can be surprisingly useful, and Vespiquen is possibly the best non-starter pokemon available for the early game. If that's not your thing then I can personally recommend technician Meowth, Teddiursa, Budew, Hoothoot, and surprisingly Grimer as excellent pokemon available before the first gym.

Edited by Sheep93
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