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Gym Leader Corey


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Yea... Having issues with him. I can take out his skrep and croagunk very easily and then when it comes down to skunktank... Skunktank steam rolls my whole team, and when I actually do kill skunktank, the annoying poison mist kills my pokemon with it E_E. I feel like I should catch a ground type but... I don't really know where I can find one at this point in the game. There was a point where I had 4 pokemon after skuntank died, then crobat killed everyone with venoshock doing 50HP shots.


Braxien lvl 29

Klink lvl 30

Gothita lvl 29

Pachirisu lvl 28

Spinarak lvl 24

Ekans lvl 24

This isn't the beat team... but at this point I need help lol. Just some tips or what pokemon to get and or substitute.

I realize I should either substitute or train spinarak and ekans (or something else), I'm just not sure what to get. I should probably get everyone to 31 at least, but that poison mist and the steam rolling. <.> And the fact that braxien has like only 2 attack moves doesn't help me either. >.<

(flame wheel/psybeam)


Yeah, I beat ihm by accident. :ph34r: I did grind emolga mad high though so that's a probable reason for winning. :huh: But anyway, thanks for all your help guys! ^_^

Edited by pandaemang
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I'd replace Spinarak with Emolga, then if you need to remove the mist (it's corrosive mist field right?), replace Ekans with something like Swoobat (with gust and at least a psychic move. Try to weaken Crobat's attack with Pachirisu's charm, or paralysis, or confusion with sweet kiss.

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The easiest way to remove the mist is to catch a Pidgey in Beryl that knows Gust. Send it out on the first turn, let it clear the mist away, then proceed to sweep witht he rest of your team.

Edited by Nova
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I used Razor Wind with Helioptile (a little later than I had wanted). You can also try a Growth/Giga Drain combo Roselia. Just use Helioptile to get rid of the field effect and then sack it off to get a free switch with roselia. Then no one can venom drench it so you can set up freely.

(Also a little side note for future reference, when showing us your team for help with a gym leader, put it in Team Showcase.)

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you know what time it is?

It's Phoenix Sweep Time!

this is a Strategy I call "Phoenix Sweep".

It's effective if your team is a bit underlevel, or you want to evolve something (Though, the pokemon in question should have decent defenses to survive combat) I suggest spending all your cash on medicinal items before starting though, as one of the key points of this is to lose... Repeatedly, And it would be a shame if you lost all your cash during this process because you didn't invest wisely...

Anyway, here is a basic rundown

  1. Before the major battle (I used this strategy to eventually beat Corey after three or four tries), Switch the lead of your party with the pokemon you intend to level up/evolve. (Again, should have decent defenses, as things could go bad and it may be forced to fight it's way out of the battle)
  2. Initiate the major battle
  3. After your lead is thrown in (Pokemon to be leveled) Switch it out with a stronger pokemon (Ex. For Corey, I sent in my level27 Teddiursa against his Trubish, then switched Teddiursa out immediately for Braxien)
  4. Use said stronger pokemon that has been chosen to defeat the Foe.
  5. When prompted, send out the intended leveler again, repeat steps 3-5 as nessacary, throwing in other members of the party when strategically valuable (Ex. I sent in Pidgeotto to lower his Skunktank's Attack with Feather dance, lowering it's massive attack stat and making it safer for other's to come in and finish it off. Pidgeotto fainted in the process, but it's like I said before, lossing is key)
  6. Eventually, you'll be brought to your last stand if you aren't strong enough to finish the fight in your favor. You'll lose. Don't get discouraged, You barely lost any cash because you didn't have any if you followed my advice on buyig medicine. (Note: For steps 1-6, it is vital that you lose little to none healing products, as those should be saved for the real fight.) Get back in there and rematch. Lose again, but you still come out of the fight with some levels gained if you played your cards right. Keep on persevering until you feel your strong enough to stop this charade and actually fight seriously. (By the time I finished with this technique on Corey, Braxien, Emolga, And Teddiursa had gone up by about 3-4 levels, and Teddiursa evolved into urasing. We went in there and Crushed corey in five minutes the next time we fought him.)
  7. This should work just fine against any other leader/ Boss battle, some notes though:
  • since corey specialized in poison, I made sure that my ace (The one who was getting swaped in to handle the Foe.) had a good pyschic type move (Braxien had Psybeam, and actually learned psyshock thru gaining levels in the fight) Making taking the Enemy out much easier (Type effectivness is also quite important) Seeing as how Aya also specilizes in Poison, I suggest you get something that knows Either Psychic or Ground moves (Psychic is better, seeing as how her team is rather bulky and will better withstand Physical moves, as most Ground moves are)
  • Teddiursa got a big boost in power after evolving to urasing, which was my cue to crush the enemy at last.
  • As I said before, use the rest of your party as well, don't let them sit there. sent them out when they have moves that prove useful in a certain situation. If they faint, Good then. It will free up a share of the Exp for the others battling.
  • It's called phoenix sweep because you will fail time and time again, but eventually rise up from your ashes more powerful and wiser to the opposing side than you were when you started.

I have used this in the past the defeat Corey and Samson (Though my victory against the latter was by accident...) try this out, see if it works for you

PS. Level up that Braxien a little, it'll learn the move Psyshock in a bit, which is much more useful against Corey.

Edited by Stratos
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Why does everyone say to scrap Ekans? Intimidate Arbok can survive at least one hit from Crobat and use Glare to paralyze it. The random Lv23 Arbok I caught next to his gym almost killed it on it's own.

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Why does everyone say to scrap Ekans? Intimidate Arbok can survive at least one hit from Crobat and use Glare to paralyze it. The random Lv23 Arbok I caught next to his gym almost killed it on it's own.

Intimidate is useless as his Crobat has only Special moves. Glare on the other hand is really usefull and with stockpile it can even tank hits.

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I'd keep Ekans for now, actually, and ditch Spinarak instead. Arbok's more useful than Ariados by a decent margin, even though you likely won't want it to stick around for too much longer, either.

But the two things you want to keep in mind are:

-Get rid of the field. It will save you much frustration. Anything with Gust or Whirlwind is a safe bet, or if you're feeling particularly destructive and don't mind sacking a Pokemon to do it, you can use Numel's Lava Plume to clear it as well. That also takes down his Skrelp, assuming you can attack before it, that is. (I could, so I'd say there's a good chance.)

-The Crobat is fast and hits hard. Paralyzing it takes away one of those and has the chance to take away the other. If you can manage that, then even if it takes down something, the rest of your team can outpace it and wear it down properly. Ekans'/Arbok's Glare is pretty much your only source of that... since Pachirisu still doesn't have Nuzzle like it's supposed to. Oh well.

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you know what time it is?

It's Phoenix Sweep Time!

this is a Strategy I call "Phoenix Sweep".

It's effective if your team is a bit underlevel, or you want to evolve something (Though, the pokemon in question should have decent defenses to survive combat) I suggest spending all your cash on medicinal items before starting though, as one of the key points of this is to lose... Repeatedly, And it would be a shame if you lost all your cash during this process because you didn't invest wisely...

Anyway, here is a basic rundown

  1. Before the major battle (I used this strategy to eventually beat Corey after three or four tries), Switch the lead of your party with the pokemon you intend to level up/evolve. (Again, should have decent defenses, as things could go bad and it may be forced to fight it's way out of the battle)
  2. Initiate the major battle
  3. After your lead is thrown in (Pokemon to be leveled) Switch it out with a stronger pokemon (Ex. For Corey, I sent in my level27 Teddiursa against his Trubish, then switched Teddiursa out immediately for Braxien)
  4. Use said stronger pokemon that has been chosen to defeat the Foe.
  5. When prompted, send out the intended leveler again, repeat steps 3-5 as nessacary, throwing in other members of the party when strategically valuable (Ex. I sent in Pidgeotto to lower his Skunktank's Attack with Feather dance, lowering it's massive attack stat and making it safer for other's to come in and finish it off. Pidgeotto fainted in the process, but it's like I said before, lossing is key)
  6. Eventually, you'll be brought to your last stand if you aren't strong enough to finish the fight in your favor. You'll lose. Don't get discouraged, You barely lost any cash because you didn't have any if you followed my advice on buyig medicine. (Note: For steps 1-6, it is vital that you lose little to none healing products, as those should be saved for the real fight.) Get back in there and rematch. Lose again, but you still come out of the fight with some levels gained if you played your cards right. Keep on persevering until you feel your strong enough to stop this charade and actually fight seriously. (By the time I finished with this technique on Corey, Braxien, Emolga, And Teddiursa had gone up by about 3-4 levels, and Teddiursa evolved into urasing. We went in there and Crushed corey in five minutes the next time we fought him.)
  7. This should work just fine against any other leader/ Boss battle, some notes though:
  • since corey specialized in poison, I made sure that my ace (The one who was getting swaped in to handle the Foe.) had a good pyschic type move (Braxien had Psybeam, and actually learned psyshock thru gaining levels in the fight) Making taking the Enemy out much easier (Type effectivness is also quite important) Seeing as how Aya also specilizes in Poison, I suggest you get something that knows Either Psychic or Ground moves (Psychic is better, seeing as how her team is rather bulky and will better withstand Physical moves, as most Ground moves are)
  • Teddiursa got a big boost in power after evolving to urasing, which was my cue to crush the enemy at last.
  • As I said before, use the rest of your party as well, don't let them sit there. sent them out when they have moves that prove useful in a certain situation. If they faint, Good then. It will free up a share of the Exp for the others battling.
  • It's called phoenix sweep because you will fail time and time again, but eventually rise up from your ashes more powerful and wiser to the opposing side than you were when you started.

I have used this in the past the defeat Corey and Samson (Though my victory against the latter was by accident...) try this out, see if it works for you

PS. Level up that Braxien a little, it'll learn the move Psyshock in a bit, which is much more useful against Corey.

I'll keep this in mind. I think I'll try this out honestly.

You can catch a bunnelby in the grass outside of his gym, just make sure it has the Huge Power ability

Is their a specfic time/weather that needs to be in effect for bunnelby to appear? I was running through that grass on a windy morning and all I found were Ekans, Meowth, an Arbok (killeditbyaccident) and looooots of hoothoot's.

I used Razor Wind with Helioptile (a little later than I had wanted). You can also try a Growth/Giga Drain combo Roselia. Just use Helioptile to get rid of the field effect and then sack it off to get a free switch with roselia. Then no one can venom drench it so you can set up freely.

(Also a little side note for future reference, when showing us your team for help with a gym leader, put it in Team Showcase.)

I've been looking for a heliolisk/helioptile, where would I be able to find one? And Team Showcase next time, got it.

I'd replace Spinarak with Emolga, then if you need to remove the mist (it's corrosive mist field right?), replace Ekans with something like Swoobat (with gust and at least a psychic move. Try to weaken Crobat's attack with Pachirisu's charm, or paralysis, or confusion with sweet kiss.

Where do I catch emolga? I read it appears on the jasper ward streets on a windy day. Although, I assume that might be outdated since I never saw one.

Not to be rude, but your last 3 pokemon seem almost useless IMO. At least grind them up to 30 or so.

Well pachirisu actually survives a lot of crap evenwithoutnuzzlesmh As for ekans and spinarak, yeah... They are useless atm.

I'd keep Ekans for now, actually, and ditch Spinarak instead. Arbok's more useful than Ariados by a decent margin, even though you likely won't want it to stick around for too much longer, either.

But the two things you want to keep in mind are:

-Get rid of the field. It will save you much frustration. Anything with Gust or Whirlwind is a safe bet, or if you're feeling particularly destructive and don't mind sacking a Pokemon to do it, you can use Numel's Lava Plume to clear it as well. That also takes down his Skrelp, assuming you can attack before it, that is. (I could, so I'd say there's a good chance.)

-The Crobat is fast and hits hard. Paralyzing it takes away one of those and has the chance to take away the other. If you can manage that, then even if it takes down something, the rest of your team can outpace it and wear it down properly. Ekans'/Arbok's Glare is pretty much your only source of that... since Pachirisu still doesn't have Nuzzle like it's supposed to. Oh well.

I keep that in mind. I think I caught a drifloon with gust earlier. But I do recall seeing a level 20 woobat in a nearby cave that has infinite spawn rate.

Edited by pandaemang
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Make sure it's a sunny day and go atop the apartment building in Beryl and the Helioptile will be there. Any other pokemon you are looking for should have their locations here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=6802

Ok thanks, I found heliolisk. Do you know how to get Emolga? I found it jumping from building to building on a windy day in the morning trolling my ass by being unable to grab it.

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Ok thanks, I found heliolisk. Do you know how to get Emolga? I found it jumping from building to building on a windy day in the morning trolling my ass by being unable to grab it.

Try going back to that area during a clear day.

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Well I won. o_O I tanked the poison and just mass murdered the team unintentionally... All my money that I blew on potions just now. ._.;...

Braxien 30

Klink 30

Emolga 29

Pachirisu 30

Helioptile 21

Gothita 29

Three of my pokemon died in the process of raping him though. ._.;... Pachirisu took out four of his pokemon. GG.

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