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Choose my Azurill!!! n ur hlp again guys :)


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Alright guys, yet again i need your help to decide which of these azuzu's i should go for, i deleted the first 3 ones seeing that you can easly change the ability :/ wish i knew that before i wasted like 3 hours on this lol well here's my dilema, nr 4 is shiny and looks KICKASS but is it worth all the -Ivs? nice speed and decent att for a shiny though... then we have nr 5 & 6, nr 5 has high hp and def but 6 has both the att and speed advantag

nr 4 (SHINY!!!)

Calm, Impetuous and silly. sap sipper

hp 7 att 21 def 25 sp.a 3 sp.d 21 speed 27

nr 5

Lonely nature, Loves to eat, Sap Sipper

hp 30 att 27, def 24, sp.a 23, sp.d 20, speed 22

Nr 6

Relaxed, likes to trash about, huge power.

25, 31, 17, 8, 28, 28

well let me know what you guys think, I'm new to all of this IV, EV, Abilty, Character & Nature, last time i played was Emerald and u didnt need to worry about all this sh** :P But im learning, not really sure what the diff between IV & EV are nor Character & Nature but I'll try to read up upon it soon.

Edited by attssir
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Number 5, it's the most bulky and has the greatest overall stats, it's just that nature that bothers me. You can however get it changed later in the game.

However the shiny is durable, not as much as 5. Makes a great physical attacker.

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#5 In my opinion is the best. Solid IVs all around.. btw you're getting EVs and IVs mixed up xD. You can change the nature and ability at 7th Street like I said before.

However, if you feel as if the shiny Azurill is the best choice, go for it.

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Since I'm assuming you have access to Ability Capsules? Number 5, definitely. It's the best overall. Just make sure you get it Huge Power. And maybe swap its nature- it is +Attack, but Azumarill has good bulk, and you don't wanna lose that.

If you want to use the shiny more, though? I'd say go for it. It's actually very good, too, which is a rarity for shinies.

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Number 5, it's the most bulky and has the greatest overall stats, it's just that nature that bothers me. You can however get it changed later in the game.

However the shiny is durable, not as much as 5. Makes a great physical attacker.

the thing is how much diff in dmg are we talking about from 21 to 27? or 21 to 31? ... Yeah i actually gott a new one now the nr 6 witch i think is the best one in the bunch but the question is can i make do with the shiny one? Will it still hit hard enough for the story gaming?

#5 In my opinion is the best. Solid IVs all around.. btw you're getting EVs and IVs mixed up xD. You can change the nature and ability at 7th Street like I said before.

However, if you feel as if the shiny Azurill is the best choice, go for it.

Hehe yeah i had to google and read up after that comment, i actually tought they were the same thing XD yeah hehe ty for that btw, didnt not know about the ability but knew about the nature :P the shiny isnt the best but she is the coolest, that my dilema, wish it never showed it hehe, it has decent IV and the question is, is it worth the big -hp and -att... I dont actually need perfect but will the shiny kick ass at lvl 50+? Dont want to waste 4-5 h lvling it just for it to suck later on :/ Ludoculo, Goth etc tought me that lesson.

Since I'm assuming you have access to Ability Capsules? Number 5, definitely. It's the best overall. Just make sure you get it Huge Power. And maybe swap its nature- it is +Attack, but Azumarill has good bulk, and you don't wanna lose that.

If you want to use the shiny more, though? I'd say go for it. It's actually very good, too, which is a rarity for shinies.

Hehe okej, yeah thats the problem, ordinarely it wouldnt have been such a big problem if it's IV's sucked but this one actually has decent ones but is it worth the -IV loss :/ grrrrr

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