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This is gonna be tough

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forgive me if this is the wrong place to post this.

so a friend of mine challenged me to do a mono type run through reborn with either a bug or electric team, with the stipulation of no duplicates on a team...ever...even if you don't have 6...rage after very little research and racking my brain, i figured i would ask for some advice as to which would provide the most fun, yet challenging experience. both have their pros and cons as with any poke team, but here's just a couple of them that i could think of (if you want to read)

Electric Pros

  1. fun, janky combos in doubles when needed with moves that can do some damage in singles
  2. magnezone
  3. elekid early (ep 9 and if he allows me to backtrack from ep 12 to get it)
  4. can quickly fill team shortly after first gym (i think?)


  1. not many (i think only 2) before the first gym (pachi and the little green dude in the thunderstorm [sorry if that spoiled anything])
  2. flobot and dat cradily >:(
  3. shade...bane of my existence regardless of my team *raises fist at that team and curses loudly*

Bug Pros

  1. decent number of options out the gate to fill a team
  2. quiver dance
  3. heracross late game


  1. most are part flying...making julia a royal pain
  2. wurmple bugs me (sorry, couldn't help it.)
  3. the bane of my Reborn existence...a.k.a. SHADE...a.k.a. pt 2 Chandelure...no clue what i'm gonna do with that except for pray to Arceus to intervene without taking my terrible luck into account

That about wraps it up. Thanks in advance oh i nearly forgot. whichever i choose, i am NOT allowed to have anyone on my team that is not one of the chosen types, except for hm hogs, so i can't headbutt trees until i get, i think its karrablast. i want my pineco...

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No headbutt? That means you can't get Pineco or Wormadam at the start (I think)... Go electric.

Your Pachirisu has to do some work in the 2nd gym though, or you're going to fail.

Most monotypes are in Team Showcase, so i'm moving those there now... Moving~

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If you use but, then don´t only fear that one chandelure shade has. If you´re comfortable with the rest of that team, you can throw everything at that chandelure, it´s slow and will go down eventually. If not, get surskit. It can learn bubble beam and its evolution can ease the pain with water sport :D

You´d also fear Charlotte, Hardy and Ciel and most guys using anything effective until you have something to cover those weaknesses. Florianas Cradily could be a pain as well.

Bugs can be more versetaile though, as some of them can be good physically, while others have good potential of being special sweepers. You´ll also get forretress and shuckle, who´re quite bulky, and armaldo and crustle will help you cover your rock and fire weaknesses. Bug-types also have more access to status-moves, so if you can´t defeat your enemy with that pokemon you might be able to at least cripple him (poison him and then try to stall to death? Dunno if that´d work with flobot´s cradily, but it might be worth a try. If not, try to sweep through with cricketune by starting the fight powering up fury cutter. Worked for me ^^). I like bug-types, they´re underrated anyway ^^"

Electric can learn some good moves and have only one weakness, but many pokemon are kinda meh..

Jolteon will be a good choice later one, it´s an awesome pokemon anyway.

And you´re right, in the beginning your options are very limited. Only emolga and electrike, which isn´t much. I think after Julia you could get plusle and minun. They aren´t strong, but at least you can fill your team slots until anything new comes along. You´ll also get a pichu, which will be worth more than plusle and minun once you get a raichu :3

I don´t know that much about electric-types though, but I guess you´ll miss quiver dance, access to poison- and sleep-stats and that. Also less versetality on the moves you can learn and secondary types. But you´ll be able to play more defensively on the long term I think, because if the enemy doesn´t use earthquake or something like that, you won´t get super-effective attacks against you ^^

Edited by UnprofessionalAmateur
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Bug mono-type sounds like a nightmare. Julia isn't even the worst part... Florinia's Smack Downing Cradily, Shelly's Ancientpower Yanmega, Taka's hell-Chatot... there are a lot more than just those, too. Poor Bug-types can't catch a break anywhere...

I'd go Electric, unless you want to induce monitor-smashing. Pachirisu is an extremely handy early-game Pokemon, and there are plenty of options... a shame the best Ground counter (Chinchou) was removed... Still easier than the Bug mono-type.

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Bug mono-type sounds like a nightmare. Julia isn't even the worst part... Florinia's Smack Downing Cradily, Shelly's Ancientpower Yanmega, Taka's hell-Chatot... there are a lot more than just those, too. Poor Bug-types can't catch a break anywhere...

Well now i´m intrigued to do a Bug Monotype myself. Also Kricketune still wrecks Florinia.

Edited by Yazmat
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Hrrm... there are really good bug types like: Crustle REALLY late game, Heracross mid-game, Yanma early game, Pineco really early game, Pinsir Mid game, Nincada mid/early game, Anorith early game, Kricketot early game (suprisingly good against Flo and Julia), Sewaddle early game, Karrablast mid game, Joltik mid game, and Shellmet mid game. All of these can make a great team, if you combine the right pokemon together. Plus bug types easily kick Fern's not so swaggy ass.

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Thanks for the input everyone. i had actually forgotten about emolga lol.

I'd go Electric, unless you want to induce monitor-smashing. Pachirisu is an extremely handy early-game Pokemon, and there are plenty of options... a shame the best Ground counter (Chinchou) was removed... Still easier than the Bug mono-type.

was chinchou removed in ep 12?

i decided to put myself through hell for the first few gyms and went bug. i am actually doing both on separate game saves, but that's another nightmare. currently figuring out how to get past emolga without falling back on a sturdy pineco with self-destruct. i got through it a couple of times with crit hax, but the stupid zebra lol...flame charge for days.

i'll keep an update to let ya'll know how it goes (unless monitor smashing becomes a thing lol)

EDIT: ok so i nearly just smashed my monitor with what just happened. I just took a stab at julia and got past everything except for the Electrode. i took it out with a little luck, but aftermath killed my last guy. ...that should be my win lol

edit #2: just beat julia. currently, my team is butterfree, dustox, kricketune, spinarak, surskit, and beautifly (all lvl 16 except surskit [14]) i fury cuttered my way through the first dude (helioptile), and was gonna fury cutter the first voltorb that came out. it exploded, so it died and the fury cutter hit the next voltorb for a one hit KO. then comes the emolga. i switched into butterfree (i play on Set battle style), so that was a death fodder switch. spinarak came out next and used scary face to slow it down. it survived the acrobatics, so i got a night shade out of it for some damage. Kricketune came out again, and i got a crit hax fury cutter, but didn't take it out (forced a potion though). after the potion, the next fury cutter downed it. blitzle was next, but it got powned in the face by the kricket in one shot, and the electrode got KOed in one hit too by the fury cutter, albeit aftermath took the bug with it...i hate aftermath lol. now that julia has fallen, time to look forward to flobot. oh the joys that await from that cradily

Edited by WarriorofGod2700
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so i took some time off of here cuz of work, but after a few hundred thousand attempts at shelly, i have officially come to the conclusion. i'm stuck. that yanmega. i can get past the dwebble easy enough, but haven't even come close at getting past yanmega. currently, the only two that are on my team that won't get OHKO is forretress and wurmadan, but neither pack anywhere near the punch i need them to. forretress comes the closest after tanking a hit and then blowing its self up, but other than that....

does anyone have any suggestions that i may or may not have thought of to help me get past this part?

Edited by WarriorofGod2700
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