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The Luke has arrived :D


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lol I'm so bad at intros but here goes.

my name is luke or lukas or short i got by all of them. i love Pokemon with a passion and own almost every game from Pokemon pinball on the gbc to Pokemon gale of darkness and the new stuff two. I am an avid mine craft player and gamer and just graduated from high school. my favorite Pokemon is shiny mega gardivor ( its glorious just look it up). and I'm an all around out going person. if you have any questions please go ahead and ask.

I guess that is it I cant wait to meet all of you

also if someone could show me around that would be great I found reborn threw a video so i have no idea what im doing :P skype: lukeggottesman

thanks again

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Best thing for that is to go to the reborn server on pokemon online. It's our chatroom, but you can have private conversations there as well. If you don't want to download PO you can use the reborn chat link in the top left hand corner of the site to access it easily.

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Hello Luke, welcome to the forum. Just leave your sanity at the door or let me have it so I can dispose of it, it´s not needed here ;) Hopefully you´ll have a lot of fun with us fine people, and as Sheep said, you can get Pokemon Online if you wanna chat with some of us (Or let it stream to your browser if you don´t want to). Shiny mega-gardevoir look awesome, that black dress looks way better than the white one :) Either that or I think the ordinary one looks too... white? ^^ Black is nicer anyway ;)Otherwise I dunno what to say, so welcome again and have fun ^^

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Welcome to Rebirn Reborn

Normally the questions go on my direction, or Tempest's direction. Feel free to send me a PM anytime.

And you should do what Sheep said, with the PO thing and stuff. I'm pretty sure you're going to like it ^_^

See you in hell around o/

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Oh look... Fresh Blood...

Nah Jk

Welcome to Reborn. A land where insanity is the new black and sanity is sooooooo 2001.

A Mega Gardevoir and XD Gale of Darkness lover? I think we'll get along just fine here. ;)

Any questions you have can go to Vinny or Tempest.

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Sorry I'm late.

Welcome! As already mentioned, I recommend you download Pokemon Online and join us on the server. It's our chatroom and place to battle; it's the mainstay of Reborn. If you have any problems or questions don't be afraid to come to me. Don't go to Vinny. Enjoy your stay and I hope to see you on the server.

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If you have any questions about how things work around here then Tempest or Vinny would be the people to talk to.


So apparently the other Aces can't tell them how it goes.

I see how it is.


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  • 4 months later...

so two days after i posted this to the fourms my dad got in a serious accident. and around three weeks ago he passed. so sorry for the super duper long hitatus. also on a totally non morbid note where could i find a link to pokemon online and what is it. i often participate in alot of the going ons of pokemon showdown but im guessing its not the same thing.

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