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Ep. 12 team


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Episode 12 saw the introduction of some pokemon That, while unexpected, i actually use and have a fondness for (gothitelle, im looking at you). So, im going to incorperate them into my Ep. 12 game. Totally restarting so as to experiance the game as fresh as possible. But im planning my team in advance, so i dont screw up and mess my run up.

heres what i was thinking


Atlas the Torterra

Relaxed Nature

Shell Armor Ability

- Crunch

- Earthquake

- Wood Hammer

- Curse


Talon the Braviary

Adamant Nature

Defiant Ability

- Brave Bird

- Hone Claws

- Slash

- Superpower


Luna the Gothitelle

Modest Nature

Competitive Ability

- Psychic

- Calm Mind

- Fake Tears

- Charm


Slowmo the Carracosta

Relaxed Nature

Solid Rock Ability

- Aqua Tail

- Curse

- Rock Slide -or- Ancient Power

- Crunch


Kilowatt the Magnezone

Bold Nature

Sturdy Nature

- Flash Cannon

- Discharge

- Mirror Coat

- Supersonic


Crash the Hariyama

Adamant Nature

Thick Fat Ability

- Wake-Up Slap - or- Force Palm

- Knock Off

- Smelling Salts

- Bullet Punch (bred through Hitmonchan)

Ill post reserves later, but this is what ive been thinking of so far for my team. Go ahead, weigh in and offer advice and/or suggestions

EDIT: Torterra's moveset is non-negotiable. He is my powerhouse/tank. I think he's got some great coverage in the form of Earthquake (goodbye fire-types and poison-types), Crunch (psychic? Ghost? psh, no problem). and Wood Hammer as obligatory STAB, plus it will put QUITE the hurting on water, ground, and rock types.

Edited by Ukyn1993
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I should ditch the Hariyama for a Hitmonlee, or a riolu if you are trying to get him in a ep. 9 version.

It has bad def and Sp. Def and he isn't the very fastest. Around higher lvls he would be easily kild.

Edit. But that is just my opinion though.

Edited by Yakumo
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You know what i'm going to do, right? Let's go!


Atlas the Torterra

Relaxed Nature

Shell Armor Ability

- Crunch

- Earthquake

- Wood Hammer

- Curse

love torterra 100/10 favorite grass mon

I hope that, when you said "Torterra's moveset is non-negotiable.", you meant that as in "now, with the current TM/HMs we have". Because imo, Rock Slide (In the future) would be a lot better in place of Crunch. Rock Slide gets the SE hit on bug, flying, fire/flying and ice types. Although you would never leave your Torterra in front of an ice attack, you need an option in case you have to. It's something to think about.

Ability and nature are okay :I


Talon the Braviary

Adamant Nature

Defiant Ability

- Brave Bird

- Hone Claws

- Slash

- Superpower

dat recoil tho

Anyway, i don't have much to say about Braviary. Either swap Hone Claws for "Roost" (Cuz recoil) or wait until we get the "Bulk Up" TM. You have no need for the accuracy boost thing anyway (Unless you have something personal against Double Team, Sand-Attack and stuff...)

Nothing else to add, move along.


Luna the Gothitelle

Modest Nature

Competitive Ability

- Psychic

- Calm Mind

- Fake Tears

- Charm

i <3 u Luna

I believe you should make space for more coverage when possible. You could give it Shadow Ball in place of Charm (Cuz Fake Tears is a better deal in this case), but even then you wouldn't be able to harm dark types anyway. You could try to breed and mess around with IVs to get a good Hidden Power, but... meh. Not worth it. Gothitelle lacks TMs right now to be a lot more effective. But oh well, at least we know that Psychic is going to hurt anything that doesn't resist it xD


Slowmo the Carracosta

Relaxed Nature

Solid Rock Ability

- Aqua Tail

- Curse

- Rock Slide -or- Ancient Power

- Crunch

curse everything! **********

No reason to give it Ancient Power unless you decide to swap Curse for Shell Smash (It would be worse, though). Anyway, since the plan is basically "use curse then destroy everything", y not Aqua Jet? You're going to notice the lack in power, but priority though. I know that speed isn't exactly the thing that you care about when you use a Carracosta, but priority though. You should consider it. In the end, you're just going to swap it for Waterfall anyway.

Nature is all right, but i'd go for Adamant. Power > everything. The nature part is more of a preference though. If you like a defensive ass Carracosta, then keep it.


Kilowatt the Magnezone

Bold Nature

Sturdy Ability

- Flash Cannon

- Discharge

- Mirror Coat

- Supersonic

BZZT BZZT, motherf***er

Magnezone is always good IG. It is one of the original "must have" of Reborn, after all. Anyway, i believe you should exchange Supersonic for Thunder Wave. It doesn't hit electric types anymore, but at least it isn't going to miss in crucial moments. I can't really recommend anything else cuz there's not a lot of options for Magnezone right now. But it still is a very popular pick for any team, so it going to work either way.

The Bold nature doesn't help it a lot though. It's not like EQ is not going to knock you to 1HP or something. Magnezone has good enough defences to work with, so i believe going for Modest would be better. But if you want a really defensive Magnezone, well... you can keep it as it is i guess.


Crash the Hariyama

Adamant Nature

Thick Fat Ability

- Wake-Up Slap - or- Force Palm

- Knock Off

- Smelling Salts

- Bullet Punch (bred through Hitmonchan)

created and developed by... naughty dog!

Force Palm > Wake-Up-Slap . You have nothing to put opponents to sleep and take advantage of the double power Slap thing. Also, when your opponent gets paralyzed, it's always better to leave then paralyzed. a.k.a don't use Smelling Salts. Because at the same time, you're missing on Close Combat. That's like, a "must" for any pokemon that can use it effectively. I'd suggest something in place of Bullet Punch, but i can't. So w/e.

Other suggestions:

- Get a Weavile

- Get a Xatu

- There's some stuff that i wanted to recommend, but you said you would update this with your "reserves" later, so guess i'll wait for it first.

Will edit this later.

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Based on the majority of your team you could use gothitelle to pull of a sort of trick room strategy to give the rest of your pokemon more speed in battle while saving your faster pokemon like braviary for later; but I'd still replace haryiama with a better mon like scrafty. You could just keep it in your reserves

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