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I have Something Very Important To Say

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I have lied to all of you. Yup, I has lied.

For about 2 years.

So the story is, I am not actually who I've said I am. I am not a girl, my name is not Sofia/Sophie, and yeah. To this actually wondering, my name is Miguel. I'm a dude who got far too deep into a lie. Back in the beta server I was always confused for a girl, to the point I just stopped caring about it. People treated me like a girl, and then I moved onto PBC and made some REALLY good friends. However, I made these friends as Sophie, not myself. After becoming afraid to lose them and coming to Reborn the lie just got deeper and deeper. For a very long time I would just pray at night that someone could change me, to make the lie the truth. That, never worked. Obviously I was still myself. Then, I tried praying that I had never lied to begin with but that didn't work either. I can't take it anymore. I am confessing my lie to all of you, because I actually like you guys and feel like all of you need to know the truth. What you do with this information is your own decision. Know that I actually do care about people around here, that was never a lie.

I hope you all an amazing life, with me in it or not.

-Pyon Pyon Kyuu, Miguel Franco.

Ps: Any questions you may have, I have no problem in answering them. Just be… Mildly respectful.

Edit: Some people were wondering what to call me. I am probably going to change my name to Pyon on here and the servers, but you are free to call me Miguel, Mikey, Mike, Pyon, or just Miku if you wanna keep it as it was. Thank you everyone for being so understanding.

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the truth sets you free...

what really matters in the end (So long as no one was seriously harmed) is that you eventually found the courage to drop the charade and be upfront about things.


Good job for that

Edited by Stratos
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Normally I wouldn't have responded to this, because I don't know you this well, but I decided to because I have been in similar situations. I have respect for you to because you are able to tell the truth. That is very, very hard, especially given how long you have been in this. And I can understand that when people all treat you like a girl, you just stop trying at some moment, and just give in to it.

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I know what it's like to be in the situation that you've put yourself in, and I don't hold anything against you for it seeing as I hardly ever interacted with you. It's hard to finally let the truth out after such a long time, but it'll be more worth it than keeping it a secret.

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I've judged people harshly about this in the past, but..

I'm not going to put anyone through it again, so.

You have guts to come out and say it, which, is a trait that I admire.

So, basing everything off of the admiration I have for you, for coming out and telling the truth, it's something remarkable in itself and, I was lucky enough to have gotten to know you quite well as Sophie, I wish to do the same, except you being Miguel, this time.

Edited by Guest
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Like quite a few people on this topic, I haven't gotten to know you. However, as you can see, people are fine with it, they accept it. Why wouldn't they? On the internet no one knows your location, age, gender, race or species(according to a couple thousand memes). We may not know what you are, but we know who you are. Who you are hasn't changed one bit. If someone is shallow enough to hate someone because of things they have or had no influence on, such as their birth, it's better to have no contact with those, they're not worth it. No true friend would hate someone merely because of such things.

I actually know how things can turn out if you stop correcting the same mistake over and over and over again when it's not even your mistake. I know what it's like to have something you've been bottling up for years finally break free, to tell someone/some people who cares, to have someone listen. I also know that overwhelming sense of relief which follows getting something important off of your chest. Look at these comments. There's no judging, no hate and no reason for either. You're still the same person. Everyone's got some secrets of their own, and it sure ain't easy to share them like you have. For that you have my respect.

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Honestly, I identify you, and most others here, more by who they are on the internet and less by who they actually are in real life; so this doesn't matter to me at all. Kudos for having the courage to come out with it, however.

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I basically agree with the same sentiments as Roo- there's not really going to be a huge change in how people look at you, because you're still a pretty awesome person, gender be damned. You did what you did for a reason, I'm pretty sure anyone in your position would have done similar. Even so it's not really that big of a deal in the first place.

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"Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment." - Proverbs 12:19

Your confession has been heard, friend, as have your prayers.

Thank you for allowing yourself to let it go, because it allows us as your peers to see who you really are. That shouldn't be something you are afraid to tell from now on, because you have already righted the ship.

As Jesus said to the adulteress that was not stoned because her accusers also had sinned, "Go and sin no more."

You've got my support from now on.

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Hi ya Miku, i know you dnt know me but i've been where you are, i've rp'ed here and there but at one point or another i was a girl lol, as long as you are okay with your choices and haven't harmed anyone its all kool ^_^ just keep living you life to the best of your abilities even if that ability means portraying yourself as a girl. ~Raven~

ps i still like Rp'ing as a girl On Immortal night everynow and then...i just love pissing people off on there

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OMG plot twist!!!1!!

hahahaha, i know that feeling, when i play an MMO that doesnt allow me to have a beard i create a female character, and as such i get mistaken as one >.> not really unexpected but whatever i just wanted to say something :P

but yeah this just proves that nobody is who you think they are in the inter for as i, in fact, am a cat :3 (also i dont really think anybody cares as long as you are a nice person, wich i think you are but i can't say much as i've never met you)

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When it comes to sexuality and attraction it matters, so with that in mind, I only have to wonder at some others who... fell into your deception.

It doesn't bother me, but to others who thought they knew you better... it may be different, as you know.

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I don't know you, but doing this took incredible guts to do. For that, I respect you.

I hope that whoever's picture you used in WDYLL doesn't find out that you borrowed their looks, or that you apologized to them for doing it. Honestly, this was a brave thing to do, so no hate here.

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I respect you no less. Everyone in life lies and I'm impressed that you were able to tell the truth after a long time, and that you trust us enough when you did have other chances. If anyone does give you shit, they aren't worth it in the first place.

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