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If you could wish for anything, what would it be?

Dark Desire

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Hmm... Interesting question with interesting answers xD

I guess I'd wish for everyone to be happy constantly but that would be very well impossible, things are constantly changing and loss is a part of life. A lot of the time wishes carry unintended consequences too. I think I'd save my wish for something important if anything big were to happen, like a gigantic meteorite coming towards Earth that would destroy the planet. If I were being a bit more selfish I think I'd wish for partial immortality, to live for as long as I'd like but if I wanted to, I would be able to die. xD Who knows, maybe I'd wish to be a god >:) Much fun to be had that way

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Might be pretty selfish, but my freatest wish is to love and be loved at the same time ^^" It might sound simple, but I want to love someone for who she is and be loved for what I am, not based on my appearance or my wealth. I´d hate it if those things would be the only things that keeps me and my "loved one" together.

  On 7/12/2014 at 2:11 PM, Cepheus said:

Immortality? you will get tired of it soon enough... trust me...

I played 'Lost Odessey' where immortality is a main-plot-element: 3 main characters are somewhat immortal... they age really really slowly ~1000 years is 1 year for them or something like that... (damn that game is one feel after another...)

you get to witness the death of your loved ones... your kids, grandkids, their kids... you will get tired of all the death around you it would drive you crazy and tired of life...

and if you wish for TRUE Immortality (not dying of age, injuries or any other means...) you cannot put a stop to it...

Yeah, I agree with that. Immortality can be seen as a gift, but over time it might turn out a fate worse than death. I love Lost Odyssey, its a great game and those short-stories in the dreams describe perfectly the ammount of pain the immortals go through, losing their loved ones over and over and over again.

Btw, just one thing off-topic: This game is a freaking tear-jerker ;__;

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  On 7/15/2014 at 8:40 PM, UnprofessionalAmateur said:

Might be pretty selfish, but my freatest wish is to love and be loved at the same time ^^" It might sound simple, but I want to love someone for who she is and be loved for what I am, not based on my appearance or my wealth. I´d hate it if those things would be the only things that keeps me and my "loved one" together.

That´s not selfish at all. In fact, that is one of the best wishes a human being can ask, and fight for it, that´s a wish you can grant whit the enough efffort.

The feel of having almost a dozens of gold digger whores and a Gasai-Yuno like psychopath stalking day by day is the biggest pain in the ass.

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A wish, huh? Well, I'd wish to be a god, so I can reshape the world so it isn't and will never again be a corrupted, awful, horrible, terrible, bad, horrific, (insert synonym here) world like it is right now. Although all the people who are on this forum and people I care about would be unaffected, and anyone who was still alive when I reshape the world would think that the world I created is the world that they always lived in. Keep in mind as I would be a god I could change my appearance and see if the world I created was corrupt or not, and also to feel mortal.

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Oh gosh

I could wish for so many thingys, but if it was only one then screw it all and just wish for a pony

I could go for a normal life span, my sister back, how to book for world domination with a 100% guarantee, fire powers, the ability to change the past or even a FIRE PONY OF EPICNESS

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Hrrm... Tough one, depends on my mood when you ask me Actually, I know exactly what I'd do, but these are more interesting and less sappy ... It would likely be one of the following: For every living thing on the Earth to just die. For my emotions to be annihilated, preferably in return for true genius. To rewrite my entire life with myself as biologically female. To have the power to control darkness and solidify it at my whims (preferably along with the appropriate changes in appearance) An explanation of my current, for lack of a better term, powers. Or to die a gruesome and bloody death. But without pain. I don't like ouchies (Ah, Henry, I may find you really strange, but we can agree on one thing) ... I'd be content with any of these, except the emotion one, then I couldn't feel content :P

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I've thought about this before, and I would wish for the capability to alternate reality in any way I'd like, with perfect control, and perfect knowledge on my power. (Effectively giving me infinite wishes, to both be selfish and to be kind to the world). And for all of you wondering, yes, pokémon might be starting to exist ;)

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or I'd wish for every superpower or supernatural ability of every hero, villain, or monster in every TV show, video game, anime, movie, etc..... and to have complete and total control over each individual power and the ability to use more that one power at the same time. Also none of the weaknesses that come with each individual power,if any.

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So, I gave this a lot of thought today. And I realized exactly what I'd wish for (whale, secondarily, seeing as my top wish still remains to be disclosed)

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P.S. I'd rather avoid replies in this thread, could derail it. But I suppose if you insist you can PM me...:/

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  • 2 weeks later...


You expect me?! TO WALK AROUND GIVING JOLLY HUGS!? What is wrong with people these days, i don't need my heart to grow 3 sizes, I'd just become more angry and try harder to persistently have nothing to do with *COUGH* happiness.

I wish every time I yelled gimme a wish I would get a wish.

I would then wish that I would

Step 1: have a wondrous place to lurk about to my liking that I could change on will.

(Like the environmental pokeball theory except in a real place suited to my liking)

Step 2: to have kinetic powers

Step 3: wish to have sunglasses and a glass of orange soda.

Step 4: wish to become an Azumarill. (Don't say BUT YOU HATE FAIRIES)

Step 5: have an amazing life as a psychic azumarill with a great place to hang.

Step 6: profit until the reborn community rises against me xD

Edited by Absol-lutelty awesome!
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Eliminate outward negativity from the human mind, as well as greed. As such, people would no longer antagonize each other, nobody would be violent or seek conflict. This would also help with trust issues because people tend to assume the worst of each other, which is wildly pessimistic but at the same time understandable because of the fact that some people are actually quite horrible. We would get more done though, it would be harmonious.

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