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An issue with Gengar


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I wasn't really sure what forum to put this in so I guess this will do. This is just a message to Ame - techincally not a problem but something that I feel should be considered - but after playing a few chapters I feel you should genuinely remove the move Destiny Bond from the game. I know filtering moves out would technically detract from the game, but ever since I got that move on my Gengar any boss pokemon (Garchomp, Arceus, Pulse Formes) have been absolutely no challenge. I know one counterargument is that I should just not use that move, but if you had to choose between grinding several new pokemon to a high level with specific anti-boss movesets or just use Destiny Bond I'm pretty sure what most people would do.

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Yeah, I wouldn't really put this in the troubleshooting section, maybe the Reborn City subforum would've been a better place, however. It's completely optional to use Destiny Bond, and, I can agree with your point about ginding, but, it does bring more fulfillment to the person playing to grind. I know that's not applicable to all people, but to some, including me.

As for your conondrum, or whatever it's called, er... I don't think taking a move out of the game would necessarily fix the "issue" presented at hand.. Then again, this is more of a suggestion, so I dunno. I did things the hard way in the game.

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Meh, like you said it's a choice and i know many peple feel that it's a viable tactic in "undefeatable" boss fights. I.e Arceus and Garchomp. That said, if you fought it without D bond, you'd know there is very few wys to win these fights without UBERHAX. Besides, The game is kept as close to the main games as possible and if Dbond is in a movepool for a poke, then it should learn it. Furthermore, it's difficult to remove all Dbonders, seeing as there a a fair few ingame. Quick claw cacturne gets the same results

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Removing D-Bond really doesn't seem logical to me. Without it, the undefeatable boss fights are almost unbeatable, (minus a few tactics). Really, its just a strategic way to deal with these boss battles rather than spam super effective attacks if you can. Sure, removing it would make the game a bit more difficult, but Ame has in mind what she wants for this game, so I doubt D-Bond is going to get removed.

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Ban Destiny Bond... what is this, an online battle? Prankster and Destiny Bond OP, ban all the Mega Banettes

Anyway, nah. There's no reason to get rid of Destiny Bond. You can achieve the same result with lots of other combinations. Sturdy + Mirror Coat/Counter depending on the boss pokemon is another way to do it. The PULSE pokemon are fairly "easy" to defeat too (Compared to Arceus, Garchomp, blah blah blah...).

Also, since you're not supposed to win the two hardest battles in the game anyway, it doesn't really matter removing D-Bond.

Most "casual" players are not going to have D-Bond anyway.

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