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Thanks for the chance Cowtao, but I'll be staying out of Reborn for studies from tomorrow to the 17th of this month so you can give my place to another battler. I'll try to go into the server later today, so I can try to help people practice.

Good luck everyone!

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Welp scrublets, it's that time again. This time I wanna participate in this one. :P

You guys know the drill. Vex be in charge and he'll evaluate all of you to see who comes and who goes. This is going to be in OU style and our opponent is another 1-1 club, Mythic. Let's kick some tail out there and show 'em what Volcanic Nation is about!

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Ill also get a list together for what pokemon we can use for what color so ask if you want it.

EDIT: done the list with all our best options and all Mystics best options and i'm feeling really good about this, I probably missed some but if you want the list feel free to ask

Edited by Sir_Bagel
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I think ill quit the team sorry guys. Too much focus on our best players so our other members wont get a chance (I'm still getting opportunities its not personal) but i just find its unfair for some of our newer members. well good luck with your battles!

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hold on there, Bagel, I think you're being a bit hasty in that decision. honestly, there really isn't a favoristism on the "Best players" Everyone has the equal chance to prove their stuff on the server before each weeks roster is assembled. so yeah, at first it may seem that the best are the ones favored, but that's just because it's easier to establish and hold a win streak early on then it would be starting and maintaining it later in the competition. Over time, Everyone will really have equal chances to make the roster, so long as they so potential and the ability to learn from their mistakes.

So basically,it's true that the best are the one's doing a considerable amount of the fighting in challenges, but that's only because we need time to build up the skills of everyone else on the nation, (and also have to cover our asses every time we head off to war)

that... and Kyo is kinda monitoring to make sure that every member of every nation gets at least one shot in a roster. the folks running this won't really allow for "Secret Weapon" spamming by putting the same player in a roster week after week.

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Well cow did kinda just make the roster using all the same people that have been battling....again. i just find it sucks for the people who aren't even getting a chance to prove themselves. I think we should at least have one person in the roster who hasn't gone yet per week.

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Hello members of the Volcanic Nation. I'm here to tell you I've been working on a strategy page for our upcoming opponents in the Mythic Nation. For all those picked in the roster this week and would like to take a quick look for some pointers, message me on either the forums or the server for a link to the pirate pad page. Cheers!

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  On 8/11/2014 at 2:59 AM, Sir_Bagel said:

Well cow did kinda just make the roster using all the same people that have been battling....again. i just find it sucks for the people who aren't even getting a chance to prove themselves. I think we should at least have one person in the roster who hasn't gone yet per week.

not trying to be mean or anything here but that is exactly what we are fucking doing

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Here were cows words jelly, he will start adding new players when he gets at least a 2 win streak. now considering each match is a week long and we cant win them all new players might only get a chance in what a month then lose and have to wait that long again and that's only for one new guy so if your unlucky and get picked later how long will you need to wait 2 months? 3 months? maybe more if unlucky. I just find this cross the line between fun and trying way too hard to win, its not like its an actual war.

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If you're seriously going to be this much of a butthurt bitch after not being selected for this weeks roster, even when you got to sub in for Ikaru last week, after begging to replace him the whole time and then just losing anyway.. I don't think we'll miss you much. Also, when we contacted you about the trials you didn't even show up? That's hardly our fault. This is a competition that we're in to win and that means we're going to play our best hand. Of course we're letting the other members have a chance, that's the whole reason we test people out to see how good they are. Look at it like a football game, as a manager you're not going to play your entire reserve squad in a big cup match are you? Seriously, nobody likes a whiner. Get a grip.

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Last comment and we are killing this conversation.

Look, Bagel. You were givin' a fair chance just like everybody else did. I evaluate every bodies skill and the highest get to stay and the lowest plummet unless I can see a spark of potential in them. You didn't pass these qualifications. You didn't show up for trials, you complained about never being on the roster despite being on the reserve TWICE, and you lost your first match after proclaiming your desire to be in the roster and Jelly was going to go up first. It may seem unfair but as a leader I have to have the natural instinct in hoping my nation wins and kicks ass. That means doing things that others will think questionable about. I am an understanding person and I try my best to fit different people in every week and try my best to spice up roster selection, but I can't do that when people complain about not being on the roster. Also consider we have 15-18 weeks of doing this. We even still train people that aren't on the main roster!

This is how I choose to run things. Some leaders may do things differently but this is how I choose to maintain this nation. Like it. Love it. Makeup your mind about it. If I can get us to win and give everybody a chance to show their stuff without being too repetitive then i'll do it. So please, stop.

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Alright. Real spit.

We have gotten screwed these two weeks. That is a fault on us for not being prepared and not being ready for it. We need to get back into the rhythm of things we did for Week 1. We gotta train! So I built a schedule for us. We need to break even and give everybody a chance. We need these victories. WE NEED TO WIN!!! C'mon guys. Let's get spirits up. Brush this lose off because in a few days we are about to become dangerous.

If you need the schedule ping me if you need it.

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